{"version":3,"file":"sp.js","sources":["../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/tslib@2.8.1/node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs","../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/uuid@10.0.0/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js","../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/uuid@10.0.0/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js","../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/uuid@10.0.0/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js","../../../libraries/tracker-core/dist/index.module.js","../../../libraries/browser-tracker-core/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-ga-cookies/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-link-click-tracking/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-form-tracking/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-error-tracking/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-ad-tracking/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-site-tracking/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-snowplow-ecommerce/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-enhanced-consent/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-button-click-tracking/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-performance-navigation-timing/dist/index.module.js","../../../plugins/browser-plugin-web-vitals/dist/index.module.js","../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/uuid@10.0.0/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/native.js","../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/crypt@0.0.2/node_modules/crypt/crypt.js","../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/charenc@0.0.2/node_modules/charenc/charenc.js","../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/sha1@1.1.1/node_modules/sha1/sha1.js","../../browser-tracker/dist/index.module.js","../src/index.ts","../src/in_queue.ts","../src/features.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/******************************************************************************\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n\nPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\npurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH\nREGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\nAND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\n***************************************************************************** */\n/* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol, Iterator */\n\nvar extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\n function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n};\n\nexport function __extends(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== \"function\" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() { this.constructor = d; }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n}\n\nexport var __assign = function() {\n __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {\n for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\n s = arguments[i];\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\n }\n return t;\n }\n return __assign.apply(this, arguments);\n}\n\nexport function __rest(s, e) {\n var t = {};\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\n t[p] = s[p];\n if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\n for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\n if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))\n t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\n }\n return t;\n}\n\nexport function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\n else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\n return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\n}\n\nexport function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {\n return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\n}\n\nexport function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) {\n function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== \"function\") throw new TypeError(\"Function expected\"); return f; }\n var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === \"getter\" ? \"get\" : kind === \"setter\" ? \"set\" : \"value\";\n var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn[\"static\"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null;\n var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, contextIn.name) : {});\n var _, done = false;\n for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var context = {};\n for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === \"access\" ? {} : contextIn[p];\n for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p];\n context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed\"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); };\n var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === \"accessor\" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context);\n if (kind === \"accessor\") {\n if (result === void 0) continue;\n if (result === null || typeof result !== \"object\") throw new TypeError(\"Object expected\");\n if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _;\n if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _;\n if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_);\n }\n else if (_ = accept(result)) {\n if (kind === \"field\") initializers.unshift(_);\n else descriptor[key] = _;\n }\n }\n if (target) Object.defineProperty(target, contextIn.name, descriptor);\n done = true;\n};\n\nexport function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) {\n var useValue = arguments.length > 2;\n for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {\n value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg);\n }\n return useValue ? value : void 0;\n};\n\nexport function __propKey(x) {\n return typeof x === \"symbol\" ? x : \"\".concat(x);\n};\n\nexport function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) {\n if (typeof name === \"symbol\") name = name.description ? \"[\".concat(name.description, \"]\") : \"\";\n return Object.defineProperty(f, \"name\", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? \"\".concat(prefix, \" \", name) : name });\n};\n\nexport function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\n}\n\nexport function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\n });\n}\n\nexport function __generator(thisArg, body) {\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g = Object.create((typeof Iterator === \"function\" ? Iterator : Object).prototype);\n return g.next = verb(0), g[\"throw\"] = verb(1), g[\"return\"] = verb(2), typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\n function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\n function step(op) {\n if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\n while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {\n if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\n if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\n switch (op[0]) {\n case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\n case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\n case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\n case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\n default:\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\n if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\n _.trys.pop(); continue;\n }\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\n } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\n if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\n }\n}\n\nexport var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\n var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);\n if (!desc || (\"get\" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {\n desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };\n }\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\n o[k2] = m[k];\n});\n\nexport function __exportStar(m, o) {\n for (var p in m) if (p !== \"default\" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);\n}\n\nexport function __values(o) {\n var s = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;\n if (m) return m.call(o);\n if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") return {\n next: function () {\n if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\n return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\n }\n };\n throw new TypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\n}\n\nexport function __read(o, n) {\n var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!m) return o;\n var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\n try {\n while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\n }\n catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\n finally {\n try {\n if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\n }\n finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\n }\n return ar;\n}\n\n/** @deprecated */\nexport function __spread() {\n for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\n ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\n return ar;\n}\n\n/** @deprecated */\nexport function __spreadArrays() {\n for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;\n for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)\n for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)\n r[k] = a[j];\n return r;\n}\n\nexport function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {\n if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {\n if (ar || !(i in from)) {\n if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);\n ar[i] = from[i];\n }\n }\n return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));\n}\n\nexport function __await(v) {\n return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\n}\n\nexport function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\n var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\n return i = Object.create((typeof AsyncIterator === \"function\" ? AsyncIterator : Object).prototype), verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\", awaitReturn), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\n function awaitReturn(f) { return function (v) { return Promise.resolve(v).then(f, reject); }; }\n function verb(n, f) { if (g[n]) { i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; if (f) i[n] = f(i[n]); } }\n function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\n function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }\n function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\n function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\n function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\n}\n\nexport function __asyncDelegator(o) {\n var i, p;\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\n function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\n}\n\nexport function __asyncValues(o) {\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\n var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\n return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\n function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\n function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\n}\n\nexport function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {\n if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\n return cooked;\n};\n\nvar __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\n}) : function(o, v) {\n o[\"default\"] = v;\n};\n\nvar ownKeys = function(o) {\n ownKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (o) {\n var ar = [];\n for (var k in o) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k)) ar[ar.length] = k;\n return ar;\n };\n return ownKeys(o);\n};\n\nexport function __importStar(mod) {\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\n var result = {};\n if (mod != null) for (var k = ownKeys(mod), i = 0; i < k.length; i++) if (k[i] !== \"default\") __createBinding(result, mod, k[i]);\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\n return result;\n}\n\nexport function __importDefault(mod) {\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };\n}\n\nexport function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a getter\");\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it\");\n return kind === \"m\" ? f : kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);\n}\n\nexport function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {\n if (kind === \"m\") throw new TypeError(\"Private method is not writable\");\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a setter\");\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it\");\n return (kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;\n}\n\nexport function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) {\n if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== \"object\" && typeof receiver !== \"function\")) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object\");\n return typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver);\n}\n\nexport function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) {\n if (value !== null && value !== void 0) {\n if (typeof value !== \"object\" && typeof value !== \"function\") throw new TypeError(\"Object expected.\");\n var dispose, inner;\n if (async) {\n if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined.\");\n dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose];\n }\n if (dispose === void 0) {\n if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.dispose is not defined.\");\n dispose = value[Symbol.dispose];\n if (async) inner = dispose;\n }\n if (typeof dispose !== \"function\") throw new TypeError(\"Object not disposable.\");\n if (inner) dispose = function() { try { inner.call(this); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } };\n env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async });\n }\n else if (async) {\n env.stack.push({ async: true });\n }\n return value;\n}\n\nvar _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === \"function\" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) {\n var e = new Error(message);\n return e.name = \"SuppressedError\", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e;\n};\n\nexport function __disposeResources(env) {\n function fail(e) {\n env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, \"An error was suppressed during disposal.\") : e;\n env.hasError = true;\n }\n var r, s = 0;\n function next() {\n while (r = env.stack.pop()) {\n try {\n if (!r.async && s === 1) return s = 0, env.stack.push(r), Promise.resolve().then(next);\n if (r.dispose) {\n var result = r.dispose.call(r.value);\n if (r.async) return s |= 2, Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); });\n }\n else s |= 1;\n }\n catch (e) {\n fail(e);\n }\n }\n if (s === 1) return env.hasError ? Promise.reject(env.error) : Promise.resolve();\n if (env.hasError) throw env.error;\n }\n return next();\n}\n\nexport function __rewriteRelativeImportExtension(path, preserveJsx) {\n if (typeof path === \"string\" && /^\\.\\.?\\//.test(path)) {\n return path.replace(/\\.(tsx)$|((?:\\.d)?)((?:\\.[^./]+?)?)\\.([cm]?)ts$/i, function (m, tsx, d, ext, cm) {\n return tsx ? preserveJsx ? \".jsx\" : \".js\" : d && (!ext || !cm) ? m : (d + ext + \".\" + cm.toLowerCase() + \"js\");\n });\n }\n return path;\n}\n\nexport default {\n __extends,\n __assign,\n __rest,\n __decorate,\n __param,\n __esDecorate,\n __runInitializers,\n __propKey,\n __setFunctionName,\n __metadata,\n __awaiter,\n __generator,\n __createBinding,\n __exportStar,\n __values,\n __read,\n __spread,\n __spreadArrays,\n __spreadArray,\n __await,\n __asyncGenerator,\n __asyncDelegator,\n __asyncValues,\n __makeTemplateObject,\n __importStar,\n __importDefault,\n __classPrivateFieldGet,\n __classPrivateFieldSet,\n __classPrivateFieldIn,\n __addDisposableResource,\n __disposeResources,\n __rewriteRelativeImportExtension,\n};\n","// Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore\n// require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number\n// generators (like Math.random()).\n\nvar getRandomValues;\nvar rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16);\nexport default function rng() {\n // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so\n if (!getRandomValues) {\n // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where \"this\" is a Crypto implementation.\n getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);\n if (!getRandomValues) {\n throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported');\n }\n }\n return getRandomValues(rnds8);\n}","import native from './native.js';\nimport rng from './rng.js';\nimport { unsafeStringify } from './stringify.js';\nfunction v4(options, buf, offset) {\n if (native.randomUUID && !buf && !options) {\n return native.randomUUID();\n }\n options = options || {};\n var rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)();\n\n // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`\n rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40;\n rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80;\n\n // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided\n if (buf) {\n offset = offset || 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {\n buf[offset + i] = rnds[i];\n }\n return buf;\n }\n return unsafeStringify(rnds);\n}\nexport default v4;","import validate from './validate.js';\n\n/**\n * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:\n * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX\n */\nvar byteToHex = [];\nfor (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {\n byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).slice(1));\n}\nexport function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) {\n // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance\n // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434\n //\n // Note to future-self: No, you can't remove the `toLowerCase()` call.\n // REF: https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/677#issuecomment-1757351351\n return (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase();\n}\nfunction stringify(arr, offset = 0) {\n var uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset);\n // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one\n // of the following:\n // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to\n // \"undefined\" in the uuid)\n // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields\n if (!validate(uuid)) {\n throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid');\n }\n return uuid;\n}\nexport default stringify;","/*!\n * Core functionality for Snowplow JavaScript trackers v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { __spreadArray, __assign, __awaiter, __generator } from 'tslib';\nimport { v4 } from 'uuid';\n\nvar version$1 = \"4.3.1\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2013 Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kvz.io)\n * and Contributors (http://phpjs.org/authors)\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of\n * this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in\n * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to\n * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies\n * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do\n * so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\n * copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n * SOFTWARE.\n */\n/**\n * Decodes a url safe Base 64 encoded string\n * @remarks See: {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#page-7}\n * @param data - String to decode\n * @returns The decoded string\n */\nfunction base64urldecode(data) {\n if (!data) {\n return data;\n }\n var padding = 4 - (data.length % 4);\n switch (padding) {\n case 2:\n data += '==';\n break;\n case 3:\n data += '=';\n break;\n }\n var b64Data = data.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');\n return base64decode(b64Data);\n}\n/**\n * Encodes a string into a url safe Base 64 encoded string\n * @remarks See: {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#page-7}\n * @param data - String to encode\n * @returns The url safe Base 64 string\n */\nfunction base64urlencode(data) {\n if (!data) {\n return data;\n }\n var enc = base64encode(data);\n return enc.replace(/=/g, '').replace(/\\+/g, '-').replace(/\\//g, '_');\n}\nvar b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';\n/**\n * Encode string as base64.\n * Any type can be passed, but will be stringified\n *\n * @param data - string to encode\n * @returns base64-encoded string\n */\nfunction base64encode(data) {\n // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/base64_encode/\n // original by: Tyler Akins (http://rumkin.com)\n // improved by: Bayron Guevara\n // improved by: Thunder.m\n // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)\n // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)\n // improved by: Rafał Kukawski (http://kukawski.pl)\n // bugfixed by: Pellentesque Malesuada\n // example 1: base64_encode('Kevin van Zonneveld');\n // returns 1: 'S2V2aW4gdmFuIFpvbm5ldmVsZA=='\n // example 2: base64_encode('a');\n // returns 2: 'YQ=='\n // example 3: base64_encode('✓ à la mode');\n // returns 3: '4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU='\n var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, ac = 0;\n var tmp_arr = [];\n if (!data) {\n return data;\n }\n data = unescape(encodeURIComponent(data));\n do {\n // pack three octets into four hexets\n o1 = data.charCodeAt(i++);\n o2 = data.charCodeAt(i++);\n o3 = data.charCodeAt(i++);\n bits = (o1 << 16) | (o2 << 8) | o3;\n h1 = (bits >> 18) & 0x3f;\n h2 = (bits >> 12) & 0x3f;\n h3 = (bits >> 6) & 0x3f;\n h4 = bits & 0x3f;\n // use hexets to index into b64, and append result to encoded string\n tmp_arr[ac++] = b64.charAt(h1) + b64.charAt(h2) + b64.charAt(h3) + b64.charAt(h4);\n } while (i < data.length);\n var enc = tmp_arr.join('');\n var r = data.length % 3;\n return (r ? enc.slice(0, r - 3) : enc) + '==='.slice(r || 3);\n}\n/**\n * Decode base64 to string\n *\n * @param data - base64 to string\n * @returns decoded string\n */\nfunction base64decode(encodedData) {\n // discuss at: http://locutus.io/php/base64_decode/\n // original by: Tyler Akins (http://rumkin.com)\n // improved by: Thunder.m\n // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kvz.io)\n // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kvz.io)\n // input by: Aman Gupta\n // input by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me)\n // bugfixed by: Onno Marsman (https://twitter.com/onnomarsman)\n // bugfixed by: Pellentesque Malesuada\n // bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kvz.io)\n // improved by: Indigo744\n // example 1: base64_decode('S2V2aW4gdmFuIFpvbm5ldmVsZA==')\n // returns 1: 'Kevin van Zonneveld'\n // example 2: base64_decode('YQ==')\n // returns 2: 'a'\n // example 3: base64_decode('4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU=')\n // returns 3: '✓ à la mode'\n // decodeUTF8string()\n // Internal function to decode properly UTF8 string\n // Adapted from Solution #1 at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding\n var decodeUTF8string = function (str) {\n // Going backwards: from bytestream, to percent-encoding, to original string.\n return decodeURIComponent(str\n .split('')\n .map(function (c) {\n return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);\n })\n .join(''));\n };\n var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, ac = 0, dec = '';\n var tmpArr = [];\n if (!encodedData) {\n return encodedData;\n }\n encodedData += '';\n do {\n // unpack four hexets into three octets using index points in b64\n h1 = b64.indexOf(encodedData.charAt(i++));\n h2 = b64.indexOf(encodedData.charAt(i++));\n h3 = b64.indexOf(encodedData.charAt(i++));\n h4 = b64.indexOf(encodedData.charAt(i++));\n bits = (h1 << 18) | (h2 << 12) | (h3 << 6) | h4;\n o1 = (bits >> 16) & 0xff;\n o2 = (bits >> 8) & 0xff;\n o3 = bits & 0xff;\n if (h3 === 64) {\n tmpArr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1);\n }\n else if (h4 === 64) {\n tmpArr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2);\n }\n else {\n tmpArr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3);\n }\n } while (i < encodedData.length);\n dec = tmpArr.join('');\n return decodeUTF8string(dec.replace(/\\0+$/, ''));\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nfunction payloadBuilder() {\n var dict = {}, allJson = [], jsonForProcessing = [], contextEntitiesForProcessing = [];\n var processor;\n var add = function (key, value) {\n if (value != null && value !== '') {\n // null also checks undefined\n dict[key] = value;\n }\n };\n var addDict = function (dict) {\n for (var key in dict) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(dict, key)) {\n add(key, dict[key]);\n }\n }\n };\n var addJson = function (keyIfEncoded, keyIfNotEncoded, json) {\n if (json && isNonEmptyJson(json)) {\n var jsonWithKeys = { keyIfEncoded: keyIfEncoded, keyIfNotEncoded: keyIfNotEncoded, json: json };\n jsonForProcessing.push(jsonWithKeys);\n allJson.push(jsonWithKeys);\n }\n };\n var addContextEntity = function (entity) {\n contextEntitiesForProcessing.push(entity);\n };\n return {\n add: add,\n addDict: addDict,\n addJson: addJson,\n addContextEntity: addContextEntity,\n getPayload: function () { return dict; },\n getJson: function () { return allJson; },\n withJsonProcessor: function (jsonProcessor) {\n processor = jsonProcessor;\n },\n build: function () {\n processor === null || processor === void 0 ? void 0 : processor(this, jsonForProcessing, contextEntitiesForProcessing);\n return dict;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * A helper to build a Snowplow request from a set of name-value pairs, provided using the add methods.\n * Will base64 encode JSON, if desired, on build\n *\n * @returns The request builder, with add and build methods\n */\nfunction payloadJsonProcessor(encodeBase64) {\n return function (payloadBuilder, jsonForProcessing, contextEntitiesForProcessing) {\n var add = function (json, keyIfEncoded, keyIfNotEncoded) {\n var str = JSON.stringify(json);\n if (encodeBase64) {\n payloadBuilder.add(keyIfEncoded, base64urlencode(str));\n }\n else {\n payloadBuilder.add(keyIfNotEncoded, str);\n }\n };\n var getContextFromPayload = function () {\n var payload = payloadBuilder.getPayload();\n if (encodeBase64 ? payload.cx : payload.co) {\n return JSON.parse(encodeBase64 ? base64urldecode(payload.cx) : payload.co);\n }\n return undefined;\n };\n var combineContexts = function (originalContext, newContext) {\n var context = originalContext || getContextFromPayload();\n if (context) {\n context.data = context.data.concat(newContext.data);\n }\n else {\n context = newContext;\n }\n return context;\n };\n var context = undefined;\n for (var _i = 0, jsonForProcessing_1 = jsonForProcessing; _i < jsonForProcessing_1.length; _i++) {\n var json = jsonForProcessing_1[_i];\n if (json.keyIfEncoded === 'cx') {\n context = combineContexts(context, json.json);\n }\n else {\n add(json.json, json.keyIfEncoded, json.keyIfNotEncoded);\n }\n }\n jsonForProcessing.length = 0;\n if (contextEntitiesForProcessing.length) {\n var newContext = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/contexts/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: __spreadArray([], contextEntitiesForProcessing, true),\n };\n context = combineContexts(context, newContext);\n contextEntitiesForProcessing.length = 0;\n }\n if (context) {\n add(context, 'cx', 'co');\n }\n };\n}\n/**\n * Is property a non-empty JSON?\n * @param property - Checks if object is non-empty json\n */\nfunction isNonEmptyJson(property) {\n if (!isJson(property)) {\n return false;\n }\n for (var key in property) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(property, key)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Is property a JSON?\n * @param property - Checks if object is json\n */\nfunction isJson(property) {\n return (typeof property !== 'undefined' &&\n property !== null &&\n (property.constructor === {}.constructor || property.constructor === [].constructor));\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nvar label = 'Snowplow: ';\nvar LOG_LEVEL;\n(function (LOG_LEVEL) {\n LOG_LEVEL[LOG_LEVEL[\"none\"] = 0] = \"none\";\n LOG_LEVEL[LOG_LEVEL[\"error\"] = 1] = \"error\";\n LOG_LEVEL[LOG_LEVEL[\"warn\"] = 2] = \"warn\";\n LOG_LEVEL[LOG_LEVEL[\"debug\"] = 3] = \"debug\";\n LOG_LEVEL[LOG_LEVEL[\"info\"] = 4] = \"info\";\n})(LOG_LEVEL || (LOG_LEVEL = {}));\nvar LOG = logger();\nfunction logger(logLevel) {\n if (logLevel === void 0) { logLevel = LOG_LEVEL.warn; }\n function setLogLevel(level) {\n if (LOG_LEVEL[level]) {\n logLevel = level;\n }\n else {\n logLevel = LOG_LEVEL.warn;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Log errors, with or without error object\n */\n function error(message, error) {\n var extraParams = [];\n for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n extraParams[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];\n }\n if (logLevel >= LOG_LEVEL.error && typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n var logMsg = label + message + '\\n';\n if (error) {\n console.error.apply(console, __spreadArray([logMsg + '\\n', error], extraParams, false));\n }\n else {\n console.error.apply(console, __spreadArray([logMsg], extraParams, false));\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * Log warnings, with or without error object\n */\n function warn(message, error) {\n var extraParams = [];\n for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n extraParams[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];\n }\n if (logLevel >= LOG_LEVEL.warn && typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n var logMsg = label + message;\n if (error) {\n console.warn.apply(console, __spreadArray([logMsg + '\\n', error], extraParams, false));\n }\n else {\n console.warn.apply(console, __spreadArray([logMsg], extraParams, false));\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * Log debug messages\n */\n function debug(message) {\n var extraParams = [];\n for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n extraParams[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];\n }\n if (logLevel >= LOG_LEVEL.debug && typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n console.debug.apply(console, __spreadArray([label + message], extraParams, false));\n }\n }\n /**\n * Log info messages\n */\n function info(message) {\n var extraParams = [];\n for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n extraParams[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];\n }\n if (logLevel >= LOG_LEVEL.info && typeof console !== 'undefined') {\n console.info.apply(console, __spreadArray([label + message], extraParams, false));\n }\n }\n return { setLogLevel: setLogLevel, warn: warn, error: error, debug: debug, info: info };\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/**\n * Contains helper functions to aid in the addition and removal of Global Contexts\n */\nfunction globalContexts() {\n var globalPrimitives = [];\n var conditionalProviders = [];\n var namedPrimitives = {};\n var namedConditionalProviders = {};\n /**\n * Returns all applicable global contexts for a specified event\n * @param event - The event to check for applicable global contexts for\n * @returns An array of contexts\n */\n var assembleAllContexts = function (event) {\n var eventSchema = getUsefulSchema(event);\n var eventType = getEventType(event);\n var contexts = [];\n var generatedPrimitives = generatePrimitives(globalPrimitives.concat(Object.values(namedPrimitives)), event, eventType, eventSchema);\n contexts.push.apply(contexts, generatedPrimitives);\n var generatedConditionals = generateConditionals(conditionalProviders.concat(Object.values(namedConditionalProviders)), event, eventType, eventSchema);\n contexts.push.apply(contexts, generatedConditionals);\n return contexts;\n };\n return {\n getGlobalPrimitives: function () {\n return globalPrimitives.concat(Object.values(namedPrimitives));\n },\n getConditionalProviders: function () {\n return conditionalProviders.concat(Object.values(namedConditionalProviders));\n },\n addGlobalContexts: function (contexts) {\n if (Array.isArray(contexts)) {\n var acceptedConditionalContexts = [];\n var acceptedContextPrimitives = [];\n for (var _i = 0, contexts_1 = contexts; _i < contexts_1.length; _i++) {\n var context = contexts_1[_i];\n if (isConditionalContextProvider(context)) {\n acceptedConditionalContexts.push(context);\n }\n else if (isContextPrimitive(context)) {\n acceptedContextPrimitives.push(context);\n }\n }\n globalPrimitives = globalPrimitives.concat(acceptedContextPrimitives);\n conditionalProviders = conditionalProviders.concat(acceptedConditionalContexts);\n }\n else {\n for (var _a = 0, _b = Object.entries(contexts); _a < _b.length; _a++) {\n var _c = _b[_a], name_1 = _c[0], context = _c[1];\n if (isConditionalContextProvider(context)) {\n namedConditionalProviders[name_1] = context;\n }\n else if (isContextPrimitive(context)) {\n namedPrimitives[name_1] = context;\n }\n }\n }\n },\n clearGlobalContexts: function () {\n conditionalProviders = [];\n globalPrimitives = [];\n namedConditionalProviders = {};\n namedPrimitives = {};\n },\n removeGlobalContexts: function (contexts) {\n var _loop_1 = function (context) {\n if (typeof context === 'string') {\n delete namedConditionalProviders[context];\n delete namedPrimitives[context];\n }\n else if (isConditionalContextProvider(context)) {\n conditionalProviders = conditionalProviders.filter(function (item) { return !compareProvider(context, item); });\n }\n else if (isContextPrimitive(context)) {\n globalPrimitives = globalPrimitives.filter(function (item) { return !compareProvider(context, item); });\n }\n };\n for (var _i = 0, contexts_2 = contexts; _i < contexts_2.length; _i++) {\n var context = contexts_2[_i];\n _loop_1(context);\n }\n },\n getApplicableContexts: function (event) {\n return assembleAllContexts(event);\n },\n };\n}\nfunction pluginContexts(plugins) {\n /**\n * Add common contexts to every event\n *\n * @param array - additionalContexts List of user-defined contexts\n * @returns userContexts combined with commonContexts\n */\n return {\n addPluginContexts: function (additionalContexts) {\n var combinedContexts = additionalContexts\n ? __spreadArray([], additionalContexts, true) : [];\n plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {\n try {\n if (plugin.contexts) {\n combinedContexts.push.apply(combinedContexts, plugin.contexts());\n }\n }\n catch (ex) {\n LOG.error('Error adding plugin contexts', ex);\n }\n });\n return combinedContexts;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Find dynamic context generating functions and return their results to be merged into the static contexts\n * Combine an array of unchanging contexts with the result of a context-creating function\n *\n * @param dynamicOrStaticContexts - Array of custom context Objects or custom context generating functions\n * @param Parameters - to pass to dynamic context callbacks\n * @returns An array of Self Describing JSON context\n */\nfunction resolveDynamicContext(dynamicOrStaticContexts) {\n var _a;\n var extraParams = [];\n for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n extraParams[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];\n }\n return ((_a = dynamicOrStaticContexts === null || dynamicOrStaticContexts === void 0 ? void 0 : dynamicOrStaticContexts.map(function (context) {\n if (typeof context === 'function') {\n try {\n return context.apply(void 0, extraParams);\n }\n catch (e) {\n //TODO: provide warning\n return undefined;\n }\n }\n else {\n return context;\n }\n }).filter(Boolean)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []);\n}\n/**\n * Slices a schema into its composite parts. Useful for ruleset filtering.\n * @param input - A schema string\n * @returns The vendor, schema name, major, minor and patch information of a schema string\n */\nfunction getSchemaParts(input) {\n var re = new RegExp('^iglu:([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/jsonschema/([1-9][0-9]*)-(0|[1-9][0-9]*)-(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$');\n var matches = re.exec(input);\n if (matches !== null)\n return matches.slice(1, 6);\n return undefined;\n}\n/**\n * Validates the vendor section of a schema string contains allowed wildcard values\n * @param parts - Array of parts from a schema string\n * @returns Whether the vendor validation parts are a valid combination\n */\nfunction validateVendorParts(parts) {\n if (parts[0] === '*' || parts[1] === '*') {\n return false; // no wildcard in first or second part\n }\n if (parts.slice(2).length > 0) {\n var asterisk = false;\n for (var _i = 0, _a = parts.slice(2); _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var part = _a[_i];\n if (part === '*')\n // mark when we've found a wildcard\n asterisk = true;\n else if (asterisk)\n // invalid if alpha parts come after wildcard\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n else if (parts.length == 2)\n return true;\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Validates the vendor part of a schema string is valid for a rule set\n * @param input - Vendor part of a schema string\n * @returns Whether the vendor validation string is valid\n */\nfunction validateVendor(input) {\n var parts = input.split('.');\n if (parts && parts.length > 1)\n return validateVendorParts(parts);\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Checks for validity of input and returns all the sections of a schema string that are used to match rules in a ruleset\n * @param input - A Schema string\n * @returns The sections of a schema string that are used to match rules in a ruleset\n */\nfunction getRuleParts(input) {\n var re = new RegExp('^iglu:((?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+|\\\\*).)+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+|\\\\*))/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+|\\\\*)/jsonschema/([1-9][0-9]*|\\\\*)-(0|[1-9][0-9]*|\\\\*)-(0|[1-9][0-9]*|\\\\*)$');\n var matches = re.exec(input);\n if (matches !== null && validateVendor(matches[1]))\n return matches.slice(1, 6);\n return undefined;\n}\n/**\n * Ensures the rules specified in a schema string of a ruleset are valid\n * @param input - A Schema string\n * @returns if there rule is valid\n */\nfunction isValidRule(input) {\n var ruleParts = getRuleParts(input);\n if (ruleParts) {\n var vendor = ruleParts[0];\n return ruleParts.length === 5 && validateVendor(vendor);\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Check if a variable is an Array containing only strings\n * @param input - The variable to validate\n * @returns True if the input is an array containing only strings\n */\nfunction isStringArray(input) {\n return (Array.isArray(input) &&\n input.every(function (x) {\n return typeof x === 'string';\n }));\n}\n/**\n * Validates whether a rule set is an array of valid ruleset strings\n * @param input - The Array of rule set arguments\n * @returns True is the input is an array of valid rules\n */\nfunction isValidRuleSetArg(input) {\n if (isStringArray(input))\n return input.every(function (x) {\n return isValidRule(x);\n });\n else if (typeof input === 'string')\n return isValidRule(input);\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Check if a variable is a valid, non-empty Self Describing JSON\n * @param input - The variable to validate\n * @returns True if a valid Self Describing JSON\n */\nfunction isSelfDescribingJson(input) {\n var sdj = input;\n if (isNonEmptyJson(sdj))\n if ('schema' in sdj && 'data' in sdj)\n return typeof sdj.schema === 'string' && typeof sdj.data === 'object';\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Validates if the input object contains the expected properties of a ruleset\n * @param input - The object containing a rule set\n * @returns True if a valid rule set\n */\nfunction isRuleSet(input) {\n var ruleSet = input;\n var ruleCount = 0;\n if (input != null && typeof input === 'object' && !Array.isArray(input)) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ruleSet, 'accept')) {\n if (isValidRuleSetArg(ruleSet['accept'])) {\n ruleCount += 1;\n }\n else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ruleSet, 'reject')) {\n if (isValidRuleSetArg(ruleSet['reject'])) {\n ruleCount += 1;\n }\n else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n // if either 'reject' or 'accept' or both exists,\n // we have a valid ruleset\n return ruleCount > 0 && ruleCount <= 2;\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Validates if the function can be a valid context generator function\n * @param input - The function to be validated\n */\nfunction isContextCallbackFunction(input) {\n return typeof input === 'function' && input.length <= 1;\n}\n/**\n * Validates if the function can be a valid context primitive function or self describing json\n * @param input - The function or orbject to be validated\n * @returns True if either a Context Generator or Self Describing JSON\n */\nfunction isContextPrimitive(input) {\n return isContextCallbackFunction(input) || isSelfDescribingJson(input);\n}\n/**\n * Validates if an array is a valid shape to be a Filter Provider\n * @param input - The Array of Context filter callbacks\n */\nfunction isFilterProvider(input) {\n if (Array.isArray(input)) {\n if (input.length === 2) {\n if (Array.isArray(input[1])) {\n return isContextCallbackFunction(input[0]) && input[1].every(isContextPrimitive);\n }\n return isContextCallbackFunction(input[0]) && isContextPrimitive(input[1]);\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Validates if an array is a valid shape to be an array of rule sets\n * @param input - The Array of Rule Sets\n */\nfunction isRuleSetProvider(input) {\n if (Array.isArray(input) && input.length === 2) {\n if (!isRuleSet(input[0]))\n return false;\n if (Array.isArray(input[1]))\n return input[1].every(isContextPrimitive);\n return isContextPrimitive(input[1]);\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Checks if an input array is either a filter provider or a rule set provider\n * @param input - An array of filter providers or rule set providers\n * @returns Whether the array is a valid {@link ConditionalContextProvider}\n */\nfunction isConditionalContextProvider(input) {\n return isFilterProvider(input) || isRuleSetProvider(input);\n}\n/**\n * Checks if a given schema matches any rules within the provided rule set\n * @param ruleSet - The rule set containing rules to match schema against\n * @param schema - The schema to be matched against the rule set\n */\nfunction matchSchemaAgainstRuleSet(ruleSet, schema) {\n var rejectCount = 0;\n var acceptCount = 0;\n var acceptRules = ruleSet['accept'];\n if (Array.isArray(acceptRules)) {\n if (ruleSet.accept.some(function (rule) { return matchSchemaAgainstRule(rule, schema); })) {\n acceptCount++;\n }\n }\n else if (typeof acceptRules === 'string') {\n if (matchSchemaAgainstRule(acceptRules, schema)) {\n acceptCount++;\n }\n }\n var rejectRules = ruleSet['reject'];\n if (Array.isArray(rejectRules)) {\n if (ruleSet.reject.some(function (rule) { return matchSchemaAgainstRule(rule, schema); })) {\n rejectCount++;\n }\n }\n else if (typeof rejectRules === 'string') {\n if (matchSchemaAgainstRule(rejectRules, schema)) {\n rejectCount++;\n }\n }\n if (acceptCount > 0 && rejectCount === 0) {\n return true;\n }\n else if (acceptCount === 0 && rejectCount > 0) {\n return false;\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Checks if a given schema matches a specific rule from a rule set\n * @param rule - The rule to match schema against\n * @param schema - The schema to be matched against the rule\n */\nfunction matchSchemaAgainstRule(rule, schema) {\n if (!isValidRule(rule))\n return false;\n var ruleParts = getRuleParts(rule);\n var schemaParts = getSchemaParts(schema);\n if (ruleParts && schemaParts) {\n if (!matchVendor(ruleParts[0], schemaParts[0]))\n return false;\n for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {\n if (!matchPart(ruleParts[i], schemaParts[i]))\n return false;\n }\n return true; // if it hasn't failed, it passes\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction matchVendor(rule, vendor) {\n // rule and vendor must have same number of elements\n var vendorParts = vendor.split('.');\n var ruleParts = rule.split('.');\n if (vendorParts && ruleParts) {\n if (vendorParts.length !== ruleParts.length)\n return false;\n for (var i = 0; i < ruleParts.length; i++) {\n if (!matchPart(vendorParts[i], ruleParts[i]))\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction matchPart(rule, schema) {\n // parts should be the string nested between slashes in the URI: /example/\n return (rule && schema && rule === '*') || rule === schema;\n}\n// Returns the \"useful\" schema, i.e. what would someone want to use to identify events.\n// For some events this is the 'e' property but for unstructured events, this is the\n// 'schema' from the 'ue_px' field.\nfunction getUsefulSchema(sb) {\n var eventJson = sb.getJson();\n for (var _i = 0, eventJson_1 = eventJson; _i < eventJson_1.length; _i++) {\n var json = eventJson_1[_i];\n if (json.keyIfEncoded === 'ue_px' && typeof json.json['data'] === 'object') {\n var schema = json.json['data']['schema'];\n if (typeof schema == 'string') {\n return schema;\n }\n }\n }\n return '';\n}\nfunction getEventType(payloadBuilder) {\n var eventType = payloadBuilder.getPayload()['e'];\n return typeof eventType === 'string' ? eventType : '';\n}\nfunction buildGenerator(generator, event, eventType, eventSchema) {\n var contextGeneratorResult = undefined;\n try {\n // try to evaluate context generator\n var args = {\n event: event.getPayload(),\n eventType: eventType,\n eventSchema: eventSchema,\n };\n contextGeneratorResult = generator(args);\n // determine if the produced result is a valid SDJ\n if (Array.isArray(contextGeneratorResult) && contextGeneratorResult.every(isSelfDescribingJson)) {\n return contextGeneratorResult;\n }\n else if (isSelfDescribingJson(contextGeneratorResult)) {\n return contextGeneratorResult;\n }\n else {\n return undefined;\n }\n }\n catch (error) {\n contextGeneratorResult = undefined;\n }\n return contextGeneratorResult;\n}\nfunction normalizeToArray(input) {\n if (Array.isArray(input)) {\n return input;\n }\n return Array.of(input);\n}\nfunction generatePrimitives(contextPrimitives, event, eventType, eventSchema) {\n var _a;\n var normalizedInputs = normalizeToArray(contextPrimitives);\n var partialEvaluate = function (primitive) {\n var result = evaluatePrimitive(primitive, event, eventType, eventSchema);\n if (result && result.length !== 0) {\n return result;\n }\n return undefined;\n };\n var generatedContexts = normalizedInputs.map(partialEvaluate);\n return (_a = []).concat.apply(_a, generatedContexts.filter(function (c) { return c != null && c.filter(Boolean); }));\n}\nfunction evaluatePrimitive(contextPrimitive, event, eventType, eventSchema) {\n if (isSelfDescribingJson(contextPrimitive)) {\n return [contextPrimitive];\n }\n else if (isContextCallbackFunction(contextPrimitive)) {\n var generatorOutput = buildGenerator(contextPrimitive, event, eventType, eventSchema);\n if (isSelfDescribingJson(generatorOutput)) {\n return [generatorOutput];\n }\n else if (Array.isArray(generatorOutput)) {\n return generatorOutput;\n }\n }\n return undefined;\n}\nfunction evaluateProvider(provider, event, eventType, eventSchema) {\n if (isFilterProvider(provider)) {\n var filter = provider[0];\n var filterResult = false;\n try {\n var args = {\n event: event.getPayload(),\n eventType: eventType,\n eventSchema: eventSchema,\n };\n filterResult = filter(args);\n }\n catch (error) {\n filterResult = false;\n }\n if (filterResult === true) {\n return generatePrimitives(provider[1], event, eventType, eventSchema);\n }\n }\n else if (isRuleSetProvider(provider)) {\n if (matchSchemaAgainstRuleSet(provider[0], eventSchema)) {\n return generatePrimitives(provider[1], event, eventType, eventSchema);\n }\n }\n return [];\n}\nfunction compareProviderPart(a, b) {\n if (typeof a === 'function')\n return a === b;\n return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b);\n}\nfunction compareProvider(a, b) {\n if (isConditionalContextProvider(a)) {\n if (!isConditionalContextProvider(b))\n return false;\n var ruleA = a[0], primitivesA = a[1];\n var ruleB = b[0], primitivesB_1 = b[1];\n if (!compareProviderPart(ruleA, ruleB))\n return false;\n if (Array.isArray(primitivesA)) {\n if (!Array.isArray(primitivesB_1))\n return false;\n if (primitivesA.length !== primitivesB_1.length)\n return false;\n return primitivesA.reduce(function (matches, a, i) { return matches && compareProviderPart(a, primitivesB_1[i]); }, true);\n }\n else {\n if (Array.isArray(primitivesB_1))\n return false;\n return compareProviderPart(primitivesA, primitivesB_1);\n }\n }\n else if (isContextPrimitive(a)) {\n if (!isContextPrimitive(b))\n return false;\n return compareProviderPart(a, b);\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction generateConditionals(providers, event, eventType, eventSchema) {\n var _a;\n var normalizedInput = normalizeToArray(providers);\n var partialEvaluate = function (provider) {\n var result = evaluateProvider(provider, event, eventType, eventSchema);\n if (result && result.length !== 0) {\n return result;\n }\n return undefined;\n };\n var generatedContexts = normalizedInput.map(partialEvaluate);\n return (_a = []).concat.apply(_a, generatedContexts.filter(function (c) { return c != null && c.filter(Boolean); }));\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a new EventStorePayload\n */\nfunction newEventStorePayload(_a) {\n var payload = _a.payload, _b = _a.svrAnon, svrAnon = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;\n return {\n payload: payload,\n svrAnon: svrAnon,\n };\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/**\n * Transform optional/old-behavior number timestamp into`Timestamp` ADT\n *\n * @param timestamp - optional number or timestamp object\n * @returns correct timestamp object\n */\nfunction getTimestamp(timestamp) {\n if (timestamp == null) {\n return { type: 'dtm', value: new Date().getTime() };\n }\n else if (typeof timestamp === 'number') {\n return { type: 'dtm', value: timestamp };\n }\n else if (timestamp.type === 'ttm') {\n // We can return timestamp here, but this is safer fallback\n return { type: 'ttm', value: timestamp.value };\n }\n else {\n return { type: 'dtm', value: timestamp.value || new Date().getTime() };\n }\n}\n/**\n * Create a tracker core object\n *\n * @param base64 - Whether to base 64 encode contexts and self describing event JSONs\n * @param corePlugins - The core plugins to be processed with each event\n * @param callback - Function applied to every payload dictionary object\n * @returns Tracker core\n */\nfunction trackerCore(configuration) {\n if (configuration === void 0) { configuration = {}; }\n function newCore(base64, corePlugins, callback) {\n var pluginContextsHelper = pluginContexts(corePlugins), globalContextsHelper = globalContexts();\n var encodeBase64 = base64, payloadPairs = {}; // Dictionary of key-value pairs which get added to every payload, e.g. tracker version\n /**\n * Wraps an array of custom contexts in a self-describing JSON\n *\n * @param contexts - Array of custom context self-describing JSONs\n * @returns Outer JSON\n */\n function completeContexts(contexts) {\n if (contexts && contexts.length) {\n return {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/contexts/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: contexts,\n };\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n /**\n * Adds all global contexts to a contexts array\n *\n * @param pb - PayloadData\n * @param contexts - Custom contexts relating to the event\n */\n function attachGlobalContexts(pb, contexts) {\n var applicableContexts = globalContextsHelper.getApplicableContexts(pb);\n var returnedContexts = [];\n if (contexts && contexts.length) {\n returnedContexts.push.apply(returnedContexts, contexts);\n }\n if (applicableContexts && applicableContexts.length) {\n returnedContexts.push.apply(returnedContexts, applicableContexts);\n }\n return returnedContexts;\n }\n /**\n * Gets called by every trackXXX method\n * Adds context and payloadPairs name-value pairs to the payload\n * Applies the callback to the built payload\n *\n * @param pb - Payload\n * @param context - Custom contexts relating to the event\n * @param timestamp - Timestamp of the event\n * @returns Payload after the callback is applied or undefined if the event is skipped\n */\n function track(pb, context, timestamp) {\n if (!active) {\n LOG.error('Track called on deactivated tracker');\n return undefined;\n }\n pb.withJsonProcessor(payloadJsonProcessor(encodeBase64));\n pb.add('eid', v4());\n pb.addDict(payloadPairs);\n var tstamp = getTimestamp(timestamp);\n pb.add(tstamp.type, tstamp.value.toString());\n var allContexts = attachGlobalContexts(pb, pluginContextsHelper.addPluginContexts(context));\n var wrappedContexts = completeContexts(allContexts);\n if (wrappedContexts !== undefined) {\n pb.addJson('cx', 'co', wrappedContexts);\n }\n corePlugins.forEach(function (plugin) {\n try {\n if (plugin.beforeTrack) {\n plugin.beforeTrack(pb);\n }\n }\n catch (ex) {\n LOG.error('Plugin beforeTrack', ex);\n }\n });\n // Call the filter on plugins to determine if the event should be tracked\n var skip = corePlugins.find(function (plugin) {\n try {\n return plugin.filter && plugin.filter(pb.build()) === false;\n }\n catch (ex) {\n LOG.error('Plugin filter', ex);\n return false;\n }\n });\n if (skip) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n callback(pb);\n }\n var finalPayload = pb.build();\n corePlugins.forEach(function (plugin) {\n try {\n if (plugin.afterTrack) {\n plugin.afterTrack(finalPayload);\n }\n }\n catch (ex) {\n LOG.error('Plugin afterTrack', ex);\n }\n });\n return finalPayload;\n }\n /**\n * Set a persistent key-value pair to be added to every payload\n *\n * @param key - Field name\n * @param value - Field value\n */\n function addPayloadPair(key, value) {\n payloadPairs[key] = value;\n }\n var core = {\n track: track,\n addPayloadPair: addPayloadPair,\n getBase64Encoding: function () {\n return encodeBase64;\n },\n setBase64Encoding: function (encode) {\n encodeBase64 = encode;\n },\n addPayloadDict: function (dict) {\n for (var key in dict) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(dict, key)) {\n payloadPairs[key] = dict[key];\n }\n }\n },\n resetPayloadPairs: function (dict) {\n payloadPairs = isJson(dict) ? dict : {};\n },\n setTrackerVersion: function (version) {\n addPayloadPair('tv', version);\n },\n setTrackerNamespace: function (name) {\n addPayloadPair('tna', name);\n },\n setAppId: function (appId) {\n addPayloadPair('aid', appId);\n },\n setPlatform: function (value) {\n addPayloadPair('p', value);\n },\n setUserId: function (userId) {\n addPayloadPair('uid', userId);\n },\n setScreenResolution: function (width, height) {\n addPayloadPair('res', width + 'x' + height);\n },\n setViewport: function (width, height) {\n addPayloadPair('vp', width + 'x' + height);\n },\n setColorDepth: function (depth) {\n addPayloadPair('cd', depth);\n },\n setTimezone: function (timezone) {\n addPayloadPair('tz', timezone);\n },\n setLang: function (lang) {\n addPayloadPair('lang', lang);\n },\n setIpAddress: function (ip) {\n addPayloadPair('ip', ip);\n },\n setUseragent: function (useragent) {\n addPayloadPair('ua', useragent);\n },\n addGlobalContexts: function (contexts) {\n globalContextsHelper.addGlobalContexts(contexts);\n },\n clearGlobalContexts: function () {\n globalContextsHelper.clearGlobalContexts();\n },\n removeGlobalContexts: function (contexts) {\n globalContextsHelper.removeGlobalContexts(contexts);\n },\n };\n return core;\n }\n var active = true;\n var base64 = configuration.base64, corePlugins = configuration.corePlugins, callback = configuration.callback, plugins = corePlugins !== null && corePlugins !== void 0 ? corePlugins : [], partialCore = newCore(base64 !== null && base64 !== void 0 ? base64 : true, plugins, callback), core = __assign(__assign({}, partialCore), { addPlugin: function (configuration) {\n var _a, _b;\n var plugin = configuration.plugin;\n plugins.push(plugin);\n (_a = plugin.logger) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(plugin, LOG);\n (_b = plugin.activateCorePlugin) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(plugin, core);\n }, deactivate: function () {\n plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {\n var _a;\n (_a = plugin.deactivatePlugin) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(plugin, core);\n });\n plugins.length = 0;\n active = false;\n } });\n plugins === null || plugins === void 0 ? void 0 : plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {\n var _a, _b;\n (_a = plugin.logger) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(plugin, LOG);\n (_b = plugin.activateCorePlugin) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(plugin, core);\n });\n return core;\n}\n/**\n * Build a self-describing event\n * A custom event type, allowing for an event to be tracked using your own custom schema\n * and a data object which conforms to the supplied schema\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties and schema location for the event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildSelfDescribingEvent(event) {\n var _a = event.event, schema = _a.schema, data = _a.data, pb = payloadBuilder();\n var ueJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/unstruct_event/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: { schema: schema, data: data },\n };\n pb.add('e', 'ue');\n pb.addJson('ue_px', 'ue_pr', ueJson);\n return pb;\n}\n/**\n * Build a Page View Event\n * Represents a Page View, which is typically fired as soon as possible when a web page\n * is loaded within the users browser. Often also fired on \"virtual page views\" within\n * Single Page Applications (SPA).\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Page View event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildPageView(event) {\n var pageUrl = event.pageUrl, pageTitle = event.pageTitle, referrer = event.referrer, pb = payloadBuilder();\n pb.add('e', 'pv'); // 'pv' for Page View\n pb.add('url', pageUrl);\n pb.add('page', pageTitle);\n pb.add('refr', referrer);\n return pb;\n}\n/**\n * Build a Page Ping Event\n * Fires when activity tracking is enabled in the browser.\n * Tracks same information as the last tracked Page View and includes scroll\n * information from the current page view\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Page Ping event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildPagePing(event) {\n var pageUrl = event.pageUrl, pageTitle = event.pageTitle, referrer = event.referrer, minXOffset = event.minXOffset, maxXOffset = event.maxXOffset, minYOffset = event.minYOffset, maxYOffset = event.maxYOffset, pb = payloadBuilder();\n pb.add('e', 'pp'); // 'pp' for Page Ping\n pb.add('url', pageUrl);\n pb.add('page', pageTitle);\n pb.add('refr', referrer);\n if (minXOffset && !isNaN(Number(minXOffset)))\n pb.add('pp_mix', minXOffset.toString());\n if (maxXOffset && !isNaN(Number(maxXOffset)))\n pb.add('pp_max', maxXOffset.toString());\n if (minYOffset && !isNaN(Number(minYOffset)))\n pb.add('pp_miy', minYOffset.toString());\n if (maxYOffset && !isNaN(Number(maxYOffset)))\n pb.add('pp_may', maxYOffset.toString());\n return pb;\n}\n/**\n * Build a Structured Event\n * A classic style of event tracking, allows for easier movement between analytics\n * systems. A loosely typed event, creating a Self Describing event is preferred, but\n * useful for interoperability.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Structured event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildStructEvent(event) {\n var category = event.category, action = event.action, label = event.label, property = event.property, value = event.value, pb = payloadBuilder();\n pb.add('e', 'se'); // 'se' for Structured Event\n pb.add('se_ca', category);\n pb.add('se_ac', action);\n pb.add('se_la', label);\n pb.add('se_pr', property);\n pb.add('se_va', value == null ? undefined : value.toString());\n return pb;\n}\n/**\n * Build an Ecommerce Transaction Event\n * Allows for tracking common ecommerce events, this event is usually used when\n * a consumer completes a transaction.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Ecommerce Transactoion event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildEcommerceTransaction(event) {\n var orderId = event.orderId, total = event.total, affiliation = event.affiliation, tax = event.tax, shipping = event.shipping, city = event.city, state = event.state, country = event.country, currency = event.currency, pb = payloadBuilder();\n pb.add('e', 'tr'); // 'tr' for Transaction\n pb.add('tr_id', orderId);\n pb.add('tr_af', affiliation);\n pb.add('tr_tt', total);\n pb.add('tr_tx', tax);\n pb.add('tr_sh', shipping);\n pb.add('tr_ci', city);\n pb.add('tr_st', state);\n pb.add('tr_co', country);\n pb.add('tr_cu', currency);\n return pb;\n}\n/**\n * Build an Ecommerce Transaction Item Event\n * Related to the {@link buildEcommerceTransaction}\n * Each Ecommerce Transaction may contain one or more EcommerceTransactionItem events\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Ecommerce Transaction Item event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildEcommerceTransactionItem(event) {\n var orderId = event.orderId, sku = event.sku, price = event.price, name = event.name, category = event.category, quantity = event.quantity, currency = event.currency, pb = payloadBuilder();\n pb.add('e', 'ti'); // 'tr' for Transaction Item\n pb.add('ti_id', orderId);\n pb.add('ti_sk', sku);\n pb.add('ti_nm', name);\n pb.add('ti_ca', category);\n pb.add('ti_pr', price);\n pb.add('ti_qu', quantity);\n pb.add('ti_cu', currency);\n return pb;\n}\n/**\n * Build a Scren View Event\n * Similar to a Page View but less focused on typical web properties\n * Often used for mobile applications as the user is presented with\n * new views as they performance navigation events\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Screen View event. One or more properties must be included.\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildScreenView(event) {\n var name = event.name, id = event.id;\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/screen_view/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({ name: name, id: id }),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Link Click Event\n * Used when a user clicks on a link on a webpage, typically an anchor tag ``\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Link Click event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildLinkClick(event) {\n var targetUrl = event.targetUrl, elementId = event.elementId, elementClasses = event.elementClasses, elementTarget = event.elementTarget, elementContent = event.elementContent;\n var eventJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/link_click/jsonschema/1-0-1',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({ targetUrl: targetUrl, elementId: elementId, elementClasses: elementClasses, elementTarget: elementTarget, elementContent: elementContent }),\n };\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({ event: eventJson });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Ad Impression Event\n * Used to track an advertisement impression\n *\n * @remarks\n * If you provide the cost field, you must also provide one of 'cpa', 'cpc', and 'cpm' for the costModel field.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Ad Impression event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildAdImpression(event) {\n var impressionId = event.impressionId, costModel = event.costModel, cost = event.cost, targetUrl = event.targetUrl, bannerId = event.bannerId, zoneId = event.zoneId, advertiserId = event.advertiserId, campaignId = event.campaignId;\n var eventJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ad_impression/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({\n impressionId: impressionId,\n costModel: costModel,\n cost: cost,\n targetUrl: targetUrl,\n bannerId: bannerId,\n zoneId: zoneId,\n advertiserId: advertiserId,\n campaignId: campaignId,\n }),\n };\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({ event: eventJson });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Ad Click Event\n * Used to track an advertisement click\n *\n * @remarks\n * If you provide the cost field, you must also provide one of 'cpa', 'cpc', and 'cpm' for the costModel field.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Ad Click event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildAdClick(event) {\n var targetUrl = event.targetUrl, clickId = event.clickId, costModel = event.costModel, cost = event.cost, bannerId = event.bannerId, zoneId = event.zoneId, impressionId = event.impressionId, advertiserId = event.advertiserId, campaignId = event.campaignId;\n var eventJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ad_click/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({\n targetUrl: targetUrl,\n clickId: clickId,\n costModel: costModel,\n cost: cost,\n bannerId: bannerId,\n zoneId: zoneId,\n impressionId: impressionId,\n advertiserId: advertiserId,\n campaignId: campaignId,\n }),\n };\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({ event: eventJson });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Ad Conversion Event\n * Used to track an advertisement click\n *\n * @remarks\n * If you provide the cost field, you must also provide one of 'cpa', 'cpc', and 'cpm' for the costModel field.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Ad Conversion event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildAdConversion(event) {\n var conversionId = event.conversionId, costModel = event.costModel, cost = event.cost, category = event.category, action = event.action, property = event.property, initialValue = event.initialValue, advertiserId = event.advertiserId, campaignId = event.campaignId;\n var eventJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ad_conversion/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({\n conversionId: conversionId,\n costModel: costModel,\n cost: cost,\n category: category,\n action: action,\n property: property,\n initialValue: initialValue,\n advertiserId: advertiserId,\n campaignId: campaignId,\n }),\n };\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({ event: eventJson });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Social Interaction Event\n * Social tracking will be used to track the way users interact\n * with Facebook, Twitter and Google + widgets\n * e.g. to capture “like this” or “tweet this” events.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Social Interaction event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildSocialInteraction(event) {\n var action = event.action, network = event.network, target = event.target;\n var eventJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/social_interaction/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({ action: action, network: network, target: target }),\n };\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({ event: eventJson });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Add To Cart Event\n * For tracking users adding items from a cart\n * on an ecommerce site.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Add To Cart event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildAddToCart(event) {\n var sku = event.sku, quantity = event.quantity, name = event.name, category = event.category, unitPrice = event.unitPrice, currency = event.currency;\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/add_to_cart/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({\n sku: sku,\n quantity: quantity,\n name: name,\n category: category,\n unitPrice: unitPrice,\n currency: currency,\n }),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Remove From Cart Event\n * For tracking users removing items from a cart\n * on an ecommerce site.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Remove From Cart event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildRemoveFromCart(event) {\n var sku = event.sku, quantity = event.quantity, name = event.name, category = event.category, unitPrice = event.unitPrice, currency = event.currency;\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/remove_from_cart/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({\n sku: sku,\n quantity: quantity,\n name: name,\n category: category,\n unitPrice: unitPrice,\n currency: currency,\n }),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Form Focus or Change Form Event based on schema property\n * When a user focuses on a form element or when a user makes a\n * change to a form element.\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Form Focus or Change Form event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildFormFocusOrChange(event) {\n var event_schema = '';\n var schema = event.schema, formId = event.formId, elementId = event.elementId, nodeName = event.nodeName, elementClasses = event.elementClasses, value = event.value, type = event.type;\n var event_data = { formId: formId, elementId: elementId, nodeName: nodeName, elementClasses: elementClasses, value: value };\n if (schema === 'change_form') {\n event_schema = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/change_form/jsonschema/1-0-0';\n event_data.type = type;\n }\n else if (schema === 'focus_form') {\n event_schema = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/focus_form/jsonschema/1-0-0';\n event_data.elementType = type;\n }\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: event_schema,\n data: removeEmptyProperties(event_data, { value: true }),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Form Submission Event\n * Used to track when a user submits a form\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Form Submission event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildFormSubmission(event) {\n var formId = event.formId, formClasses = event.formClasses, elements = event.elements;\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/submit_form/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({ formId: formId, formClasses: formClasses, elements: elements }),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Site Search Event\n * Used when a user performs a search action on a page\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Site Search event\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildSiteSearch(event) {\n var terms = event.terms, filters = event.filters, totalResults = event.totalResults, pageResults = event.pageResults;\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/site_search/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({ terms: terms, filters: filters, totalResults: totalResults, pageResults: pageResults }),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Build a Consent Withdrawn Event\n * Used for tracking when a user withdraws their consent\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Consent Withdrawn event\n * @returns An object containing the PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track} and a 'consent_document' context\n */\nfunction buildConsentWithdrawn(event) {\n var all = event.all, id = event.id, version = event.version, name = event.name, description = event.description;\n var documentJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_document/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({ id: id, version: version, name: name, description: description }),\n };\n return {\n event: buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_withdrawn/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({\n all: all,\n }),\n },\n }),\n context: [documentJson],\n };\n}\n/**\n * Build a Consent Granted Event\n * Used for tracking when a user grants their consent\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for the Consent Granted event\n * @returns An object containing the PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track} and a 'consent_document' context\n */\nfunction buildConsentGranted(event) {\n var expiry = event.expiry, id = event.id, version = event.version, name = event.name, description = event.description;\n var documentJson = {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_document/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({ id: id, version: version, name: name, description: description }),\n };\n return {\n event: buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_granted/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: removeEmptyProperties({\n expiry: expiry,\n }),\n },\n }),\n context: [documentJson],\n };\n}\n/**\n * Returns a copy of a JSON with undefined and null properties removed\n *\n * @param event - JSON object to clean\n * @param exemptFields - Set of fields which should not be removed even if empty\n * @returns A cleaned copy of eventJson\n */\nfunction removeEmptyProperties(event, exemptFields) {\n if (exemptFields === void 0) { exemptFields = {}; }\n var ret = {};\n for (var k in event) {\n if (exemptFields[k] || (event[k] !== null && typeof event[k] !== 'undefined')) {\n ret[k] = event[k];\n }\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction newInMemoryEventStore(_a) {\n var _b = _a.maxSize, maxSize = _b === void 0 ? 1000 : _b, _c = _a.events, events = _c === void 0 ? [] : _c;\n var store = __spreadArray([], events, true);\n var count = function () { return Promise.resolve(store.length); };\n return {\n count: count,\n add: function (payload) {\n store.push(payload);\n while (store.length > maxSize) {\n store.shift();\n }\n return count();\n },\n removeHead: function (count) {\n for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n store.shift();\n }\n return Promise.resolve();\n },\n iterator: function () {\n var index = 0;\n // copy the store to prevent mutation\n var events = __spreadArray([], store, true);\n return {\n next: function () {\n if (index < events.length) {\n return Promise.resolve({ value: events[index++], done: false });\n }\n return Promise.resolve({ value: undefined, done: true });\n },\n };\n },\n getAll: function () { return Promise.resolve(__spreadArray([], store, true)); },\n getAllPayloads: function () { return Promise.resolve(store.map(function (e) { return e.payload; })); },\n };\n}\n\nvar PAYLOAD_DATA_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/payload_data/jsonschema/1-0-4';\n\n/**\n * Enclose an array of events in a self-describing payload_data JSON string\n *\n * @param array - events Batch of events\n * @returns string payload_data self-describing JSON\n */\nfunction encloseInPayloadDataEnvelope(events) {\n return JSON.stringify({\n schema: PAYLOAD_DATA_SCHEMA,\n data: events,\n });\n}\n/**\n * Attaches the STM field to outbound POST events.\n *\n * @param events - the events to attach the STM to\n */\nfunction attachStmToEvent(events) {\n var stm = new Date().getTime().toString();\n for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\n events[i]['stm'] = stm;\n }\n return events;\n}\nfunction newEmitterRequest(_a) {\n var endpoint = _a.endpoint, _b = _a.protocol, protocol = _b === void 0 ? 'https' : _b, port = _a.port, _c = _a.eventMethod, eventMethod = _c === void 0 ? 'post' : _c, customHeaders = _a.customHeaders, connectionTimeout = _a.connectionTimeout, _d = _a.keepalive, keepalive = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, _e = _a.postPath, postPath = _e === void 0 ? '/com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/tp2' : _e, _f = _a.useStm, useStm = _f === void 0 ? true : _f, _g = _a.maxPostBytes, maxPostBytes = _g === void 0 ? 40000 : _g, _h = _a.credentials, credentials = _h === void 0 ? 'include' : _h;\n var events = [];\n var usePost = eventMethod.toLowerCase() === 'post';\n var timer;\n var abortController;\n function countBytes() {\n var count = events.reduce(function (acc, event) { return acc + (usePost ? event.getPOSTRequestBytesCount() : event.getGETRequestBytesCount()); }, 0);\n if (usePost) {\n count += 88; // 88 bytes for the payload_data envelope\n }\n return count;\n }\n function countEvents() {\n return events.length;\n }\n function getServerAnonymizationOfExistingEvents() {\n return events.length > 0 ? events[0].getServerAnonymization() : undefined;\n }\n function addEvent(event) {\n if (events.length > 0 && getServerAnonymizationOfExistingEvents() !== event.getServerAnonymization()) {\n return false;\n }\n else {\n events.push(event);\n return true;\n }\n }\n function getEvents() {\n return events;\n }\n function isFull() {\n if (usePost) {\n return countBytes() >= maxPostBytes;\n }\n else {\n return events.length >= 1;\n }\n }\n function createHeaders() {\n var headers = new Headers();\n if (usePost) {\n headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');\n }\n if (customHeaders) {\n Object.keys(customHeaders).forEach(function (key) {\n headers.append(key, customHeaders[key]);\n });\n }\n if (getServerAnonymizationOfExistingEvents()) {\n headers.append('SP-Anonymous', '*');\n }\n return headers;\n }\n function getFullCollectorUrl() {\n var collectorUrl = endpoint;\n if (!endpoint.includes('://')) {\n collectorUrl = \"\".concat(protocol, \"://\").concat(endpoint);\n }\n if (port) {\n collectorUrl = \"\".concat(collectorUrl, \":\").concat(port);\n }\n var path = usePost ? postPath : '/i';\n return collectorUrl + path;\n }\n function makeRequest(url, options) {\n closeRequest(false);\n abortController = new AbortController();\n timer = setTimeout(function () {\n var reason = 'Request timed out';\n console.error(reason);\n timer = undefined;\n closeRequest(false, reason);\n }, connectionTimeout !== null && connectionTimeout !== void 0 ? connectionTimeout : 5000);\n var requestOptions = __assign({ headers: createHeaders(), signal: abortController.signal, keepalive: keepalive, credentials: credentials }, options);\n var request = new Request(url, requestOptions);\n return request;\n }\n function makePostRequest() {\n var batch = attachStmToEvent(events.map(function (event) { return event.getPOSTRequestBody(); }));\n return makeRequest(getFullCollectorUrl(), {\n method: 'POST',\n body: encloseInPayloadDataEnvelope(batch),\n });\n }\n function makeGetRequest() {\n if (events.length !== 1) {\n throw new Error('Only one event can be sent in a GET request');\n }\n var event = events[0];\n var url = event.getGETRequestURL(getFullCollectorUrl(), useStm);\n return makeRequest(url, {\n method: 'GET',\n });\n }\n function toRequest() {\n if (events.length === 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (usePost) {\n return makePostRequest();\n }\n else {\n return makeGetRequest();\n }\n }\n function closeRequest(successful, reason) {\n if (timer !== undefined) {\n clearTimeout(timer);\n timer = undefined;\n }\n if (abortController !== undefined) {\n var controller = abortController;\n abortController = undefined;\n if (!successful) {\n controller.abort(reason);\n }\n }\n }\n return {\n addEvent: addEvent,\n getEvents: getEvents,\n toRequest: toRequest,\n countBytes: countBytes,\n countEvents: countEvents,\n isFull: isFull,\n closeRequest: closeRequest,\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Count the number of bytes a string will occupy when UTF-8 encoded\n * Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2848462/count-bytes-in-textarea-using-javascript/\n *\n * @param s - The string\n * @returns number Length of s in bytes when UTF-8 encoded\n */\nfunction getUTF8Length(s) {\n var len = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {\n var code = s.charCodeAt(i);\n if (code <= 0x7f) {\n len += 1;\n }\n else if (code <= 0x7ff) {\n len += 2;\n }\n else if (code >= 0xd800 && code <= 0xdfff) {\n // Surrogate pair: These take 4 bytes in UTF-8 and 2 chars in UCS-2\n // (Assume next char is the other [valid] half and just skip it)\n len += 4;\n i++;\n }\n else if (code < 0xffff) {\n len += 3;\n }\n else {\n len += 4;\n }\n }\n return len;\n}\n/*\n * Convert a dictionary to a querystring\n * The context field is the last in the querystring\n */\nfunction getQuerystring(request) {\n var lowPriorityKeys = { co: true, cx: true };\n var args = [];\n for (var key in request) {\n if (request.hasOwnProperty(key) && !lowPriorityKeys[key]) {\n args.push(key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(request[key]));\n }\n }\n for (var contextKey in lowPriorityKeys) {\n if (request.hasOwnProperty(contextKey) && lowPriorityKeys[contextKey]) {\n args.push(contextKey + '=' + encodeURIComponent(request[contextKey]));\n }\n }\n return '?' + args.join('&');\n}\n/*\n * Convert numeric fields to strings to match payload_data schema\n */\nfunction preparePostBody(request) {\n var cleanedRequest = Object.keys(request)\n .map(function (k) { return [k, request[k]]; })\n .reduce(function (acc, _a) {\n var key = _a[0], value = _a[1];\n acc[key] = value.toString();\n return acc;\n }, {});\n return cleanedRequest;\n}\nfunction newEmitterEvent(eventStorePayload) {\n var querystring = null;\n var postBody = null;\n var byteCountGET = null;\n var byteCountPOST = null;\n function getPayload() {\n return eventStorePayload.payload;\n }\n function getServerAnonymization() {\n var _a;\n return (_a = eventStorePayload.svrAnon) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;\n }\n function getCachedQuerystring(payload) {\n if (querystring === null) {\n querystring = getQuerystring(payload);\n }\n return querystring;\n }\n function getGETRequestURL(collectorUrl, useStm) {\n var querystring = getCachedQuerystring(getPayload());\n if (useStm) {\n return collectorUrl + querystring.replace('?', '?stm=' + new Date().getTime() + '&');\n }\n return collectorUrl + querystring;\n }\n function getGETRequestBytesCount() {\n if (byteCountGET === null) {\n var querystring_1 = getCachedQuerystring(getPayload());\n byteCountGET = getUTF8Length(querystring_1);\n }\n return byteCountGET;\n }\n function getPOSTRequestBody() {\n if (postBody === null) {\n postBody = preparePostBody(getPayload());\n }\n return postBody;\n }\n function getPOSTRequestBytesCount() {\n if (byteCountPOST === null) {\n byteCountPOST = getUTF8Length(JSON.stringify(getPOSTRequestBody()));\n }\n return byteCountPOST;\n }\n return {\n getPayload: getPayload,\n getServerAnonymization: getServerAnonymization,\n getGETRequestURL: getGETRequestURL,\n getGETRequestBytesCount: getGETRequestBytesCount,\n getPOSTRequestBody: getPOSTRequestBody,\n getPOSTRequestBytesCount: getPOSTRequestBytesCount,\n };\n}\n\nfunction newEmitter(_a) {\n var endpoint = _a.endpoint, _b = _a.eventMethod, eventMethod = _b === void 0 ? 'post' : _b, postPath = _a.postPath, protocol = _a.protocol, port = _a.port, _c = _a.maxPostBytes, maxPostBytes = _c === void 0 ? 40000 : _c, maxGetBytes = _a.maxGetBytes, _d = _a.bufferSize, bufferSize = _d === void 0 ? 1 : _d, customHeaders = _a.customHeaders, serverAnonymization = _a.serverAnonymization, connectionTimeout = _a.connectionTimeout, keepalive = _a.keepalive, idService = _a.idService, _e = _a.dontRetryStatusCodes, dontRetryStatusCodes = _e === void 0 ? [] : _e, _f = _a.retryStatusCodes, retryStatusCodes = _f === void 0 ? [] : _f, _g = _a.retryFailedRequests, retryFailedRequests = _g === void 0 ? true : _g, onRequestFailure = _a.onRequestFailure, onRequestSuccess = _a.onRequestSuccess, _h = _a.customFetch, customFetch = _h === void 0 ? fetch : _h, useStm = _a.useStm, _j = _a.eventStore, eventStore = _j === void 0 ? newInMemoryEventStore({}) : _j, credentials = _a.credentials;\n var idServiceCalled = false;\n var flushInProgress = false;\n var usePost = eventMethod.toLowerCase() === 'post';\n dontRetryStatusCodes = dontRetryStatusCodes.concat([400, 401, 403, 410, 422]);\n function shouldRetryForStatusCode(statusCode) {\n // success, don't retry\n if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!retryFailedRequests) {\n return false;\n }\n // retry if status code among custom user-supplied retry codes\n if (retryStatusCodes.includes(statusCode)) {\n return true;\n }\n // retry if status code *not* among the don't retry codes\n return !dontRetryStatusCodes.includes(statusCode);\n }\n function callOnRequestSuccess(payloads, response) {\n if (onRequestSuccess !== undefined) {\n setTimeout(function () {\n try {\n onRequestSuccess === null || onRequestSuccess === void 0 ? void 0 : onRequestSuccess(payloads, response);\n }\n catch (e) {\n LOG.error('Error in onRequestSuccess', e);\n }\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n function callOnRequestFailure(failure, response) {\n if (onRequestFailure !== undefined) {\n setTimeout(function () {\n try {\n onRequestFailure === null || onRequestFailure === void 0 ? void 0 : onRequestFailure(failure, response);\n }\n catch (e) {\n LOG.error('Error in onRequestFailure', e);\n }\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n function executeRequest(request) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\n var fetchRequest, payloads, response, willRetry, e_1, message;\n return __generator(this, function (_a) {\n switch (_a.label) {\n case 0:\n fetchRequest = request.toRequest();\n if (fetchRequest === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Empty batch');\n }\n payloads = request.getEvents().map(function (event) { return event.getPayload(); });\n _a.label = 1;\n case 1:\n _a.trys.push([1, 4, , 5]);\n return [4 /*yield*/, customFetch(fetchRequest)];\n case 2:\n response = _a.sent();\n return [4 /*yield*/, response.text()];\n case 3:\n _a.sent(); // wait for the response to be fully read\n request.closeRequest(true);\n if (response.ok) {\n callOnRequestSuccess(payloads, response);\n return [2 /*return*/, { success: true, retry: false, status: response.status }];\n }\n else {\n willRetry = shouldRetryForStatusCode(response.status);\n callOnRequestFailure({\n events: payloads,\n status: response.status,\n message: response.statusText,\n willRetry: willRetry,\n }, response);\n return [2 /*return*/, { success: false, retry: willRetry, status: response.status }];\n }\n case 4:\n e_1 = _a.sent();\n request.closeRequest(false);\n message = typeof e_1 === 'string' ? e_1 : e_1 ? e_1.message : 'Unknown error';\n callOnRequestFailure({\n events: payloads,\n message: message,\n willRetry: true,\n });\n return [2 /*return*/, { success: false, retry: true }];\n case 5: return [2 /*return*/];\n }\n });\n });\n }\n function newEmitterRequestWithConfig() {\n return newEmitterRequest({\n endpoint: endpoint,\n protocol: protocol,\n port: port,\n eventMethod: eventMethod,\n customHeaders: customHeaders,\n connectionTimeout: connectionTimeout,\n keepalive: keepalive,\n maxPostBytes: maxPostBytes,\n useStm: useStm,\n credentials: credentials,\n postPath: postPath,\n });\n }\n function shouldSkipEventStore(emitterEvent) {\n var eventTooBigWarning = function (bytes, maxBytes) {\n return LOG.warn('Event (' + bytes + 'B) too big, max is ' + maxBytes);\n };\n if (usePost) {\n var bytes = emitterEvent.getPOSTRequestBytesCount() + 88; // 88 bytes for the payload_data envelope\n var tooBig = bytes > maxPostBytes;\n if (tooBig) {\n eventTooBigWarning(bytes, maxPostBytes);\n }\n return tooBig;\n }\n else {\n if (maxGetBytes === undefined) {\n return false;\n }\n var bytes = emitterEvent.getGETRequestBytesCount();\n var tooBig = bytes > maxGetBytes;\n if (tooBig) {\n eventTooBigWarning(bytes, maxGetBytes);\n }\n return tooBig;\n }\n }\n function callIdService() {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\n var request;\n return __generator(this, function (_a) {\n switch (_a.label) {\n case 0:\n if (!(idService && !idServiceCalled)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];\n idServiceCalled = true;\n request = new Request(idService, { method: 'GET' });\n return [4 /*yield*/, customFetch(request)];\n case 1:\n _a.sent();\n _a.label = 2;\n case 2: return [2 /*return*/];\n }\n });\n });\n }\n function flush() {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\n var e_2;\n return __generator(this, function (_a) {\n switch (_a.label) {\n case 0:\n if (!!flushInProgress) return [3 /*break*/, 5];\n flushInProgress = true;\n _a.label = 1;\n case 1:\n _a.trys.push([1, 3, 4, 5]);\n return [4 /*yield*/, continueFlush()];\n case 2:\n _a.sent();\n return [3 /*break*/, 5];\n case 3:\n e_2 = _a.sent();\n LOG.error('Error sending events', e_2);\n return [3 /*break*/, 5];\n case 4:\n flushInProgress = false;\n return [7 /*endfinally*/];\n case 5: return [2 /*return*/];\n }\n });\n });\n }\n function continueFlush() {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\n var request, eventStoreIterator, _a, value, done, event_1, _b, success, retry, status;\n return __generator(this, function (_c) {\n switch (_c.label) {\n case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, callIdService()];\n case 1:\n _c.sent();\n request = newEmitterRequestWithConfig();\n eventStoreIterator = eventStore.iterator();\n _c.label = 2;\n case 2:\n if (request.isFull()) {\n return [3 /*break*/, 4];\n }\n return [4 /*yield*/, eventStoreIterator.next()];\n case 3:\n _a = _c.sent(), value = _a.value, done = _a.done;\n if (done || value === undefined) {\n return [3 /*break*/, 4];\n }\n event_1 = newEmitterEvent(value);\n if (!request.addEvent(event_1)) {\n return [3 /*break*/, 4];\n }\n return [3 /*break*/, 2];\n case 4:\n if (request.countEvents() === 0) {\n return [2 /*return*/];\n }\n return [4 /*yield*/, executeRequest(request)];\n case 5:\n _b = _c.sent(), success = _b.success, retry = _b.retry, status = _b.status;\n if (!(success || !retry)) return [3 /*break*/, 7];\n if (!success) {\n LOG.error(\"Status \".concat(status, \", will not retry.\"));\n }\n return [4 /*yield*/, eventStore.removeHead(request.countEvents())];\n case 6:\n _c.sent();\n _c.label = 7;\n case 7:\n if (!success) return [3 /*break*/, 9];\n return [4 /*yield*/, continueFlush()];\n case 8:\n _c.sent();\n _c.label = 9;\n case 9: return [2 /*return*/];\n }\n });\n });\n }\n function input(payload) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\n var eventStorePayload, event, request, count;\n return __generator(this, function (_a) {\n switch (_a.label) {\n case 0:\n eventStorePayload = newEventStorePayload({ payload: payload, svrAnon: serverAnonymization });\n event = newEmitterEvent(eventStorePayload);\n if (!shouldSkipEventStore(event)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];\n request = newEmitterRequestWithConfig();\n request.addEvent(event);\n return [4 /*yield*/, executeRequest(request)];\n case 1:\n _a.sent();\n return [3 /*break*/, 5];\n case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, eventStore.add(eventStorePayload)];\n case 3:\n count = _a.sent();\n if (!(count >= bufferSize)) return [3 /*break*/, 5];\n return [4 /*yield*/, flush()];\n case 4:\n _a.sent();\n _a.label = 5;\n case 5: return [2 /*return*/];\n }\n });\n });\n }\n function setCollectorUrl(url) {\n endpoint = url;\n }\n function setAnonymousTracking(at) {\n serverAnonymization = at;\n }\n function setBufferSize(bs) {\n bufferSize = bs;\n }\n return {\n flush: flush,\n input: input,\n setCollectorUrl: setCollectorUrl,\n setAnonymousTracking: setAnonymousTracking,\n setBufferSize: setBufferSize,\n };\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nvar version = version$1;\n\nexport { LOG, LOG_LEVEL, buildAdClick, buildAdConversion, buildAdImpression, buildAddToCart, buildConsentGranted, buildConsentWithdrawn, buildEcommerceTransaction, buildEcommerceTransactionItem, buildFormFocusOrChange, buildFormSubmission, buildLinkClick, buildPagePing, buildPageView, buildRemoveFromCart, buildScreenView, buildSelfDescribingEvent, buildSiteSearch, buildSocialInteraction, buildStructEvent, getRuleParts, getSchemaParts, globalContexts, isConditionalContextProvider, isContextCallbackFunction, isContextPrimitive, isFilterProvider, isJson, isNonEmptyJson, isRuleSet, isRuleSetProvider, isSelfDescribingJson, isStringArray, isValidRule, isValidRuleSetArg, matchSchemaAgainstRule, matchSchemaAgainstRuleSet, newEmitter, newEventStorePayload, newInMemoryEventStore, payloadBuilder, payloadJsonProcessor, pluginContexts, removeEmptyProperties, resolveDynamicContext, trackerCore, validateVendor, validateVendorParts, version };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Core functionality for Snowplow Browser trackers v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { newInMemoryEventStore, newEmitter, trackerCore, buildPageView, LOG, buildPagePing } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\nimport { __assign, __spreadArray } from 'tslib';\nimport hash from 'sha1';\nimport { v4 } from 'uuid';\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/**\n * Attempt to get a value from localStorage\n *\n * @param string - key\n * @returns string The value obtained from localStorage, or\n * undefined if localStorage is inaccessible\n */\nfunction attemptGetLocalStorage(key) {\n try {\n var localStorageAlias = window.localStorage, exp = localStorageAlias.getItem(key + '.expires');\n if (exp === null || +exp > Date.now()) {\n return localStorageAlias.getItem(key);\n }\n else {\n localStorageAlias.removeItem(key);\n localStorageAlias.removeItem(key + '.expires');\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n catch (e) {\n return undefined;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Attempt to write a value to localStorage\n *\n * @param string - key\n * @param string - value\n * @param number - ttl Time to live in seconds, defaults to 2 years from Date.now()\n * @returns boolean Whether the operation succeeded\n */\nfunction attemptWriteLocalStorage(key, value, ttl) {\n if (ttl === void 0) { ttl = 63072000; }\n try {\n var localStorageAlias = window.localStorage, t = Date.now() + ttl * 1000;\n localStorageAlias.setItem(\"\".concat(key, \".expires\"), t.toString());\n localStorageAlias.setItem(key, value);\n return true;\n }\n catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Attempt to delete a value from localStorage\n *\n * @param string - key\n * @returns boolean Whether the operation succeeded\n */\nfunction attemptDeleteLocalStorage(key) {\n try {\n var localStorageAlias = window.localStorage;\n localStorageAlias.removeItem(key);\n localStorageAlias.removeItem(key + '.expires');\n return true;\n }\n catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Attempt to get a value from sessionStorage\n *\n * @param string - key\n * @returns string The value obtained from sessionStorage, or\n * undefined if sessionStorage is inaccessible\n */\nfunction attemptGetSessionStorage(key) {\n try {\n return window.sessionStorage.getItem(key);\n }\n catch (e) {\n return undefined;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Attempt to write a value to sessionStorage\n *\n * @param string - key\n * @param string - value\n * @returns boolean Whether the operation succeeded\n */\nfunction attemptWriteSessionStorage(key, value) {\n try {\n window.sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);\n return true;\n }\n catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nvar DEFAULT_CROSS_DOMAIN_LINKER_PARAMS = {\n sessionId: true,\n sourceId: true,\n sourcePlatform: false,\n userId: false,\n reason: false,\n};\nfunction createCrossDomainParameterValue(isExtendedFormat, attributeConfiguration, attributeValues) {\n var _a;\n var crossDomainParameterValue;\n var timestamp = new Date().getTime();\n var config = __assign(__assign({}, DEFAULT_CROSS_DOMAIN_LINKER_PARAMS), attributeConfiguration);\n var domainUserId = attributeValues.domainUserId, userId = attributeValues.userId, sessionId = attributeValues.sessionId, sourceId = attributeValues.sourceId, sourcePlatform = attributeValues.sourcePlatform, event = attributeValues.event;\n var eventTarget = event.currentTarget;\n var reason = typeof config.reason === 'function' ? config.reason(event) : (_a = eventTarget === null || eventTarget === void 0 ? void 0 : eventTarget.textContent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.trim();\n if (isExtendedFormat) {\n /* Index is used by Enrich, so it should not be changed. */\n crossDomainParameterValue = [\n domainUserId,\n timestamp,\n config.sessionId && sessionId,\n config.userId && urlSafeBase64Encode(userId || ''),\n config.sourceId && urlSafeBase64Encode(sourceId || ''),\n config.sourcePlatform && sourcePlatform,\n config.reason && urlSafeBase64Encode(reason || ''),\n ]\n .map(function (attribute) { return attribute || ''; })\n .join('.')\n // Remove trailing dots\n .replace(/([.]*$)/, '');\n }\n else {\n crossDomainParameterValue = attributeValues.domainUserId + '.' + timestamp;\n }\n return crossDomainParameterValue;\n}\n/**\n *\n * The url-safe variation emits - and _ instead of + and / characters. Also removes = sign padding.\n * @param {string} str The string to encode in a URL safe manner\n * @return {string}\n */\nfunction urlSafeBase64Encode(str) {\n return btoa(str).replace(/\\+/g, '-').replace(/\\//g, '_').replace(/\\=+$/, '');\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/**\n * Checks if an object is a string\n * @param str - The object to check\n */\nfunction isString(str) {\n if (str && typeof str.valueOf() === 'string') {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Checks if an object is an integer\n * @param int - The object to check\n */\nfunction isInteger(int) {\n return ((Number.isInteger && Number.isInteger(int)) || (typeof int === 'number' && isFinite(int) && Math.floor(int) === int));\n}\n/**\n * Checks if the input parameter is a function\n * @param func - The object to check\n */\nfunction isFunction(func) {\n if (func && typeof func === 'function') {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Lightweight configured runtime timezone detection\n * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/resolvedOptions#getting_the_users_time_zone_and_locale_preferences\n * @returns IANA timezone name of current runtime preference\n */\nfunction getTimeZone() {\n if (typeof Intl === 'object' && typeof Intl.DateTimeFormat === 'function') {\n var systemPreferences = new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions();\n return systemPreferences.timeZone;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Cleans up the page title\n */\nfunction fixupTitle(title) {\n if (!isString(title)) {\n title = title.text || '';\n var tmp = document.getElementsByTagName('title');\n if (tmp && tmp[0] != null) {\n title = tmp[0].text;\n }\n }\n return title;\n}\n/**\n * Extract hostname from URL\n */\nfunction getHostName(url) {\n // scheme : // [username [: password] @] hostname [: port] [/ [path] [? query] [# fragment]]\n var e = new RegExp('^(?:(?:https?|ftp):)/*(?:[^@]+@)?([^:/#]+)'), matches = e.exec(url);\n return matches ? matches[1] : url;\n}\n/**\n * Fix-up domain\n */\nfunction fixupDomain(domain) {\n var dl = domain.length;\n // remove trailing '.'\n if (domain.charAt(--dl) === '.') {\n domain = domain.slice(0, dl);\n }\n // remove leading '*'\n if (domain.slice(0, 2) === '*.') {\n domain = domain.slice(1);\n }\n return domain;\n}\n/**\n * Get page referrer. In the case of a single-page app,\n * if the URL changes without the page reloading, pass\n * in the old URL. It will be returned unless overriden\n * by a \"refer(r)er\" parameter in the querystring.\n *\n * @param string - oldLocation Optional.\n * @returns string The referrer\n */\nfunction getReferrer(oldLocation) {\n var windowAlias = window, fromQs = fromQuerystring('referrer', windowAlias.location.href) || fromQuerystring('referer', windowAlias.location.href);\n // Short-circuit\n if (fromQs) {\n return fromQs;\n }\n // In the case of a single-page app, return the old URL\n if (oldLocation) {\n return oldLocation;\n }\n try {\n if (windowAlias.top) {\n return windowAlias.top.document.referrer;\n }\n else if (windowAlias.parent) {\n return windowAlias.parent.document.referrer;\n }\n }\n catch (_a) { }\n return document.referrer;\n}\n/**\n * Cross-browser helper function to add event handler\n */\nfunction addEventListener(element, eventType, eventHandler, options) {\n if (element.addEventListener) {\n element.addEventListener(eventType, eventHandler, options);\n return true;\n }\n // IE Support\n if (element.attachEvent) {\n return element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, eventHandler);\n }\n element['on' + eventType] = eventHandler;\n}\n/**\n * Return value from name-value pair in querystring\n */\nfunction fromQuerystring(field, url) {\n var match = new RegExp('^[^#]*[?&]' + field + '=([^&#]*)').exec(url);\n if (!match) {\n return null;\n }\n return decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\\+/g, ' '));\n}\n/**\n * Add a name-value pair to the querystring of a URL\n *\n * @param string - url URL to decorate\n * @param string - name Name of the querystring pair\n * @param string - value Value of the querystring pair\n */\nfunction decorateQuerystring(url, name, value) {\n var initialQsParams = name + '=' + value;\n var hashSplit = url.split('#');\n var qsSplit = hashSplit[0].split('?');\n var beforeQuerystring = qsSplit.shift();\n // Necessary because a querystring may contain multiple question marks\n var querystring = qsSplit.join('?');\n if (!querystring) {\n querystring = initialQsParams;\n }\n else {\n // Whether this is the first time the link has been decorated\n var initialDecoration = true;\n var qsFields = querystring.split('&');\n for (var i = 0; i < qsFields.length; i++) {\n if (qsFields[i].substr(0, name.length + 1) === name + '=') {\n initialDecoration = false;\n qsFields[i] = initialQsParams;\n querystring = qsFields.join('&');\n break;\n }\n }\n if (initialDecoration) {\n querystring = initialQsParams + '&' + querystring;\n }\n }\n hashSplit[0] = beforeQuerystring + '?' + querystring;\n return hashSplit.join('#');\n}\n/**\n * Finds the root domain\n */\nfunction findRootDomain(sameSite, secure) {\n var windowLocationHostnameAlias = window.location.hostname, cookiePrefix = '_sp_root_domain_test_', cookieName = cookiePrefix + new Date().getTime(), cookieValue = '_test_value_' + new Date().getTime();\n var locationParts = windowLocationHostnameAlias.split('.');\n for (var idx = locationParts.length - 2; idx >= 0; idx--) {\n var currentDomain = locationParts.slice(idx).join('.');\n cookie(cookieName, cookieValue, 0, '/', currentDomain, sameSite, secure);\n if (cookie(cookieName) === cookieValue) {\n // Clean up created cookie(s)\n deleteCookie(cookieName, '/', currentDomain, sameSite, secure);\n var cookieNames = getCookiesWithPrefix(cookiePrefix);\n for (var i = 0; i < cookieNames.length; i++) {\n deleteCookie(cookieNames[i], '/', currentDomain, sameSite, secure);\n }\n return currentDomain;\n }\n }\n // Cookies cannot be read\n return windowLocationHostnameAlias;\n}\n/**\n * Checks whether a value is present within an array\n *\n * @param val - The value to check for\n * @param array - The array to check within\n * @returns boolean Whether it exists\n */\nfunction isValueInArray(val, array) {\n for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {\n if (array[i] === val) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Deletes an arbitrary cookie by setting the expiration date to the past\n *\n * @param cookieName - The name of the cookie to delete\n * @param domainName - The domain the cookie is in\n */\nfunction deleteCookie(cookieName, path, domainName, sameSite, secure) {\n cookie(cookieName, '', -1, path, domainName, sameSite, secure);\n}\n/**\n * Fetches the name of all cookies beginning with a certain prefix\n *\n * @param cookiePrefix - The prefix to check for\n * @returns array The cookies that begin with the prefix\n */\nfunction getCookiesWithPrefix(cookiePrefix) {\n var cookies = document.cookie.split('; ');\n var cookieNames = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {\n if (cookies[i].substring(0, cookiePrefix.length) === cookiePrefix) {\n cookieNames.push(cookies[i]);\n }\n }\n return cookieNames;\n}\n/**\n * Get and set the cookies associated with the current document in browser\n * This implementation always returns a string, returns the cookie value if only name is specified\n *\n * @param name - The cookie name (required)\n * @param value - The cookie value\n * @param ttl - The cookie Time To Live (seconds)\n * @param path - The cookies path\n * @param domain - The cookies domain\n * @param samesite - The cookies samesite attribute\n * @param secure - Boolean to specify if cookie should be secure\n * @returns string The cookies value\n */\nfunction cookie(name, value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure) {\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n return (document.cookie =\n name +\n '=' +\n encodeURIComponent(value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : '') +\n (ttl ? '; Expires=' + new Date(+new Date() + ttl * 1000).toUTCString() : '') +\n (path ? '; Path=' + path : '') +\n (domain ? '; Domain=' + domain : '') +\n (samesite ? '; SameSite=' + samesite : '') +\n (secure ? '; Secure' : ''));\n }\n return decodeURIComponent((('; ' + document.cookie).split('; ' + name + '=')[1] || '').split(';')[0]);\n}\n/**\n * Parses an object and returns either the\n * integer or undefined.\n *\n * @param obj - The object to parse\n * @returns the result of the parse operation\n */\nfunction parseAndValidateInt(obj) {\n var result = parseInt(obj);\n return isNaN(result) ? undefined : result;\n}\n/**\n * Parses an object and returns either the\n * number or undefined.\n *\n * @param obj - The object to parse\n * @returns the result of the parse operation\n */\nfunction parseAndValidateFloat(obj) {\n var result = parseFloat(obj);\n return isNaN(result) ? undefined : result;\n}\n/**\n * Convert a criterion object to a filter function\n *\n * @param object - criterion Either {allowlist: [array of allowable strings]}\n * or {denylist: [array of allowable strings]}\n * or {filter: function (elt) {return whether to track the element}\n * @param boolean - byClass Whether to allowlist/denylist based on an element's classes (for forms)\n * or name attribute (for fields)\n */\nfunction getFilterByClass(criterion) {\n // If the criterion argument is not an object, add listeners to all elements\n if (criterion == null || typeof criterion !== 'object' || Array.isArray(criterion)) {\n return function () {\n return true;\n };\n }\n var inclusive = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(criterion, 'allowlist');\n var specifiedClassesSet = getSpecifiedClassesSet(criterion);\n return getFilter(criterion, function (elt) {\n return checkClass(elt, specifiedClassesSet) === inclusive;\n });\n}\n/**\n * Convert a criterion object to a filter function\n *\n * @param object - criterion Either {allowlist: [array of allowable strings]}\n * or {denylist: [array of allowable strings]}\n * or {filter: function (elt) {return whether to track the element}\n */\nfunction getFilterByName(criterion) {\n // If the criterion argument is not an object, add listeners to all elements\n if (criterion == null || typeof criterion !== 'object' || Array.isArray(criterion)) {\n return function () {\n return true;\n };\n }\n var inclusive = criterion.hasOwnProperty('allowlist');\n var specifiedClassesSet = getSpecifiedClassesSet(criterion);\n return getFilter(criterion, function (elt) {\n return elt.name in specifiedClassesSet === inclusive;\n });\n}\n/**\n * List the classes of a DOM element without using elt.classList (for compatibility with IE 9)\n */\nfunction getCssClasses(elt) {\n return elt.className.match(/\\S+/g) || [];\n}\n/**\n * Check whether an element has at least one class from a given list\n */\nfunction checkClass(elt, classList) {\n var classes = getCssClasses(elt);\n for (var _i = 0, classes_1 = classes; _i < classes_1.length; _i++) {\n var className = classes_1[_i];\n if (classList[className]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction getFilter(criterion, fallbackFilter) {\n if (criterion.hasOwnProperty('filter') && criterion.filter) {\n return criterion.filter;\n }\n return fallbackFilter;\n}\nfunction getSpecifiedClassesSet(criterion) {\n // Convert the array of classes to an object of the form {class1: true, class2: true, ...}\n var specifiedClassesSet = {};\n var specifiedClasses = criterion.allowlist || criterion.denylist;\n if (specifiedClasses) {\n if (!Array.isArray(specifiedClasses)) {\n specifiedClasses = [specifiedClasses];\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < specifiedClasses.length; i++) {\n specifiedClassesSet[specifiedClasses[i]] = true;\n }\n }\n return specifiedClassesSet;\n}\n\nfunction newLocalStorageEventStore(_a) {\n var trackerId = _a.trackerId, _b = _a.maxLocalStorageQueueSize, maxLocalStorageQueueSize = _b === void 0 ? 1000 : _b, _c = _a.useLocalStorage, useLocalStorage = _c === void 0 ? true : _c;\n var queueName = \"snowplowOutQueue_\".concat(trackerId);\n function newInMemoryEventStoreFromLocalStorage() {\n if (useLocalStorage) {\n var localStorageQueue = window.localStorage.getItem(queueName);\n var events = localStorageQueue ? JSON.parse(localStorageQueue) : [];\n return newInMemoryEventStore({ maxSize: maxLocalStorageQueueSize, events: events });\n }\n else {\n return newInMemoryEventStore({ maxSize: maxLocalStorageQueueSize });\n }\n }\n var _d = newInMemoryEventStoreFromLocalStorage(), getAll = _d.getAll, getAllPayloads = _d.getAllPayloads, add = _d.add, count = _d.count, iterator = _d.iterator, removeHead = _d.removeHead;\n function sync() {\n if (useLocalStorage) {\n return getAll().then(function (events) {\n window.localStorage.setItem(queueName, JSON.stringify(events));\n });\n }\n else {\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n }\n return {\n count: count,\n add: function (payload) {\n add(payload);\n return sync().then(count);\n },\n removeHead: function (count) {\n removeHead(count);\n return sync();\n },\n iterator: iterator,\n getAll: getAll,\n getAllPayloads: getAllPayloads,\n setUseLocalStorage: function (use) {\n useLocalStorage = use;\n },\n };\n}\n\nfunction newOutQueue(configuration, sharedState) {\n var _a;\n var eventStore = (_a = configuration.eventStore) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : newLocalStorageEventStore(configuration);\n configuration.eventStore = eventStore;\n var emitter = newEmitter(configuration);\n sharedState.bufferFlushers.push(emitter.flush);\n return {\n enqueueRequest: emitter.input,\n executeQueue: emitter.flush,\n setAnonymousTracking: emitter.setAnonymousTracking,\n setCollectorUrl: emitter.setCollectorUrl,\n setBufferSize: emitter.setBufferSize,\n setUseLocalStorage: function (localStorage) {\n if (eventStore.hasOwnProperty('setUseLocalStorage')) {\n var localStorageStore = eventStore;\n localStorageStore.setUseLocalStorage(localStorage);\n }\n },\n };\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/*\n * Extract parameter from URL\n */\nfunction getParameter(url, name) {\n // scheme : // [username [: password] @] hostname [: port] [/ [path] [? query] [# fragment]]\n var e = new RegExp('^(?:https?|ftp)(?::/*(?:[^?]+))([?][^#]+)'), matches = e.exec(url);\n if (matches && (matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches.length) > 1) {\n return fromQuerystring(name, matches[1]);\n }\n return null;\n}\n/*\n * Fix-up URL when page rendered from search engine cache or translated page.\n */\nfunction fixupUrl(hostName, href, referrer) {\n var _a;\n if (hostName === 'translate.googleusercontent.com') {\n // Google\n if (referrer === '') {\n referrer = href;\n }\n href = (_a = getParameter(href, 'u')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';\n hostName = getHostName(href);\n }\n else if (hostName === 'cc.bingj.com' || // Bing & Yahoo\n hostName === 'webcache.googleusercontent.com' // Google\n ) {\n href = document.links[0].href;\n hostName = getHostName(href);\n }\n return [hostName, href, referrer];\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/**\n * Indices of cookie values\n */\nvar cookieDisabledIndex = 0, domainUserIdIndex = 1, createTsIndex = 2, visitCountIndex = 3, nowTsIndex = 4, lastVisitTsIndex = 5, sessionIdIndex = 6, previousSessionIdIndex = 7, firstEventIdIndex = 8, firstEventTsInMsIndex = 9, eventIndexIndex = 10;\nfunction emptyIdCookie() {\n var idCookie = ['1', '', 0, 0, 0, undefined, '', '', '', undefined, 0];\n return idCookie;\n}\n/**\n * Parses the cookie values from its string representation.\n *\n * @param id Cookie value as string\n * @param domainUserId Domain user ID to be used in case of empty cookie string\n * @returns Parsed ID cookie tuple\n */\nfunction parseIdCookie(id, domainUserId, memorizedSessionId, memorizedVisitCount) {\n var now = new Date(), nowTs = Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000), tmpContainer;\n if (id) {\n tmpContainer = id.split('.');\n // cookies enabled\n tmpContainer.unshift('0');\n }\n else {\n tmpContainer = [\n // cookies disabled\n '1',\n // Domain user ID\n domainUserId,\n // Creation timestamp - seconds since Unix epoch\n nowTs,\n // visitCount - 0 = no previous visit\n memorizedVisitCount,\n // Current visit timestamp\n nowTs,\n // Last visit timestamp - blank meaning no previous visit\n '',\n // Session ID\n memorizedSessionId,\n ];\n }\n if (!tmpContainer[sessionIdIndex] || tmpContainer[sessionIdIndex] === 'undefined') {\n // session id\n tmpContainer[sessionIdIndex] = v4();\n }\n if (!tmpContainer[previousSessionIdIndex] || tmpContainer[previousSessionIdIndex] === 'undefined') {\n // previous session id\n tmpContainer[previousSessionIdIndex] = '';\n }\n if (!tmpContainer[firstEventIdIndex] || tmpContainer[firstEventIdIndex] === 'undefined') {\n // firstEventId - blank meaning no previous event\n tmpContainer[firstEventIdIndex] = '';\n }\n if (!tmpContainer[firstEventTsInMsIndex] || tmpContainer[firstEventTsInMsIndex] === 'undefined') {\n // firstEventTs - blank meaning no previous event\n tmpContainer[firstEventTsInMsIndex] = '';\n }\n if (!tmpContainer[eventIndexIndex] || tmpContainer[eventIndexIndex] === 'undefined') {\n // eventIndex – 0 = no previous event\n tmpContainer[eventIndexIndex] = 0;\n }\n var parseIntOr = function (value, defaultValue) {\n var parsed = parseInt(value);\n return isNaN(parsed) ? defaultValue : parsed;\n };\n var parseIntOrUndefined = function (value) { return (value ? parseIntOr(value, undefined) : undefined); };\n var parsed = [\n tmpContainer[cookieDisabledIndex],\n tmpContainer[domainUserIdIndex],\n parseIntOr(tmpContainer[createTsIndex], nowTs),\n parseIntOr(tmpContainer[visitCountIndex], memorizedVisitCount),\n parseIntOr(tmpContainer[nowTsIndex], nowTs),\n parseIntOrUndefined(tmpContainer[lastVisitTsIndex]),\n tmpContainer[sessionIdIndex],\n tmpContainer[previousSessionIdIndex],\n tmpContainer[firstEventIdIndex],\n parseIntOrUndefined(tmpContainer[firstEventTsInMsIndex]),\n parseIntOr(tmpContainer[eventIndexIndex], 0),\n ];\n return parsed;\n}\n/**\n * Initializes the domain user ID if not already present in the cookie. Sets an empty string if anonymous tracking.\n *\n * @param idCookie Parsed cookie\n * @param configAnonymousTracking Whether anonymous tracking is enabled\n * @returns Domain user ID\n */\nfunction initializeDomainUserId(idCookie, configAnonymousTracking) {\n var domainUserId;\n if (idCookie[domainUserIdIndex]) {\n domainUserId = idCookie[domainUserIdIndex];\n }\n else if (!configAnonymousTracking) {\n domainUserId = v4();\n idCookie[domainUserIdIndex] = domainUserId;\n }\n else {\n domainUserId = '';\n idCookie[domainUserIdIndex] = domainUserId;\n }\n return domainUserId;\n}\n/**\n * Starts a new session with a new ID.\n * Sets the previous session, last visit timestamp, and increments visit count if cookies enabled.\n * First event references are reset and will be updated in `updateFirstEventInIdCookie`.\n *\n * @param idCookie Parsed cookie\n * @param options.configStateStorageStrategy Cookie storage strategy\n * @param options.configAnonymousTracking If anonymous tracking is enabled\n * @param options.memorizedVisitCount Visit count to be used if cookies not enabled\n * @param options.onSessionUpdateCallback Session callback triggered on every session update\n * @returns New session ID\n */\nfunction startNewIdCookieSession(idCookie, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = { memorizedVisitCount: 1 }; }\n var memorizedVisitCount = options.memorizedVisitCount;\n // If cookies are enabled, base visit count and session ID on the cookies\n if (cookiesEnabledInIdCookie(idCookie)) {\n // Store the previous session ID\n idCookie[previousSessionIdIndex] = idCookie[sessionIdIndex];\n // Set lastVisitTs to currentVisitTs\n idCookie[lastVisitTsIndex] = idCookie[nowTsIndex];\n // Increment the session ID\n idCookie[visitCountIndex]++;\n }\n else {\n idCookie[visitCountIndex] = memorizedVisitCount;\n }\n // Create a new sessionId\n var sessionId = v4();\n idCookie[sessionIdIndex] = sessionId;\n // Reset event index and first event references\n idCookie[eventIndexIndex] = 0;\n idCookie[firstEventIdIndex] = '';\n idCookie[firstEventTsInMsIndex] = undefined;\n return sessionId;\n}\n/**\n * Update now timestamp in cookie.\n *\n * @param idCookie Parsed cookie\n */\nfunction updateNowTsInIdCookie(idCookie) {\n idCookie[nowTsIndex] = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);\n}\n/**\n * Updates the first event references according to the event payload if first event in session.\n *\n * @param idCookie - Parsed cookie\n * @param payloadBuilder - Event payload builder\n */\nfunction updateFirstEventInIdCookie(idCookie, payloadBuilder) {\n // Update first event references if new session or not present\n if (idCookie[eventIndexIndex] === 0) {\n var payload = payloadBuilder.build();\n idCookie[firstEventIdIndex] = payload['eid'];\n var ts = (payload['dtm'] || payload['ttm']);\n idCookie[firstEventTsInMsIndex] = ts ? parseInt(ts) : undefined;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Increments event index counter.\n *\n * @param idCookie Parsed cookie\n */\nfunction incrementEventIndexInIdCookie(idCookie) {\n idCookie[eventIndexIndex] += 1;\n}\n/**\n * Serializes parsed cookie to string representation.\n *\n * @param idCookie Parsed cookie\n * @returns String cookie value\n */\nfunction serializeIdCookie(idCookie, configAnonymousTracking) {\n var anonymizedIdCookie = __spreadArray([], idCookie, true);\n if (configAnonymousTracking) {\n anonymizedIdCookie[domainUserIdIndex] = '';\n anonymizedIdCookie[previousSessionIdIndex] = '';\n }\n anonymizedIdCookie.shift();\n return anonymizedIdCookie.join('.');\n}\n/**\n * Transforms the parsed cookie into a client session context entity.\n *\n * @param idCookie Parsed cookie\n * @param configStateStorageStrategy Cookie storage strategy\n * @param configAnonymousTracking If anonymous tracking is enabled\n * @returns Client session context entity\n */\nfunction clientSessionFromIdCookie(idCookie, configStateStorageStrategy, configAnonymousTracking) {\n var firstEventTsInMs = idCookie[firstEventTsInMsIndex];\n var clientSession = {\n userId: configAnonymousTracking\n ? '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' // TODO: use uuid.NIL when we upgrade to uuid v8.3\n : idCookie[domainUserIdIndex],\n sessionId: idCookie[sessionIdIndex],\n eventIndex: idCookie[eventIndexIndex],\n sessionIndex: idCookie[visitCountIndex],\n previousSessionId: configAnonymousTracking ? null : idCookie[previousSessionIdIndex] || null,\n storageMechanism: configStateStorageStrategy == 'localStorage' ? 'LOCAL_STORAGE' : 'COOKIE_1',\n firstEventId: idCookie[firstEventIdIndex] || null,\n firstEventTimestamp: firstEventTsInMs ? new Date(firstEventTsInMs).toISOString() : null,\n };\n return clientSession;\n}\nfunction sessionIdFromIdCookie(idCookie) {\n return idCookie[sessionIdIndex];\n}\nfunction domainUserIdFromIdCookie(idCookie) {\n return idCookie[domainUserIdIndex];\n}\nfunction visitCountFromIdCookie(idCookie) {\n return idCookie[visitCountIndex];\n}\nfunction cookiesEnabledInIdCookie(idCookie) {\n return idCookie[cookieDisabledIndex] === '0';\n}\nfunction eventIndexFromIdCookie(idCookie) {\n return idCookie[eventIndexIndex];\n}\n\nvar WEB_PAGE_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/web_page/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar BROWSER_CONTEXT_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/browser_context/jsonschema/2-0-0';\nvar CLIENT_SESSION_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/client_session/jsonschema/1-0-2';\nvar APPLICATION_CONTEXT_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/application/jsonschema/1-0-0';\n\nfunction useResizeObserver() {\n return 'ResizeObserver' in window;\n}\nvar resizeObserverInitialized = false;\nfunction initializeResizeObserver() {\n if (resizeObserverInitialized) {\n return;\n }\n if (!document || !document.body || !document.documentElement) {\n return;\n }\n resizeObserverInitialized = true;\n var resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {\n for (var _i = 0, entries_1 = entries; _i < entries_1.length; _i++) {\n var entry = entries_1[_i];\n if (entry.target === document.body || entry.target === document.documentElement) {\n cachedProperties = readBrowserProperties();\n }\n }\n });\n resizeObserver.observe(document.body);\n resizeObserver.observe(document.documentElement);\n}\nvar cachedProperties;\n/* Separator used for dimension values e.g. widthxheight */\nvar DIMENSION_SEPARATOR = 'x';\n/**\n * Gets various browser properties (that are expensive to read!)\n * - Will use a \"ResizeObserver\" approach in modern browsers to update cached properties only on change\n * - Will fallback to a direct read approach without cache in old browsers\n *\n * @returns BrowserProperties\n */\nfunction getBrowserProperties() {\n if (!useResizeObserver()) {\n return readBrowserProperties();\n }\n if (!cachedProperties) {\n cachedProperties = readBrowserProperties();\n }\n initializeResizeObserver();\n return cachedProperties;\n}\n/**\n * Reads the browser properties - expensive call!\n *\n * @returns BrowserProperties\n */\nfunction readBrowserProperties() {\n return {\n viewport: floorDimensionFields(detectViewport()),\n documentSize: floorDimensionFields(detectDocumentSize()),\n resolution: floorDimensionFields(detectScreenResolution()),\n colorDepth: screen.colorDepth,\n devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio,\n cookiesEnabled: window.navigator.cookieEnabled,\n online: window.navigator.onLine,\n browserLanguage: window.navigator.language || window.navigator.userLanguage,\n documentLanguage: document.documentElement.lang,\n webdriver: window.navigator.webdriver,\n deviceMemory: window.navigator.deviceMemory,\n hardwareConcurrency: window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency,\n };\n}\n/**\n * Gets the current viewport.\n *\n * Code based on:\n * - http://andylangton.co.uk/articles/javascript/get-viewport-size-javascript/\n * - http://responsejs.com/labs/dimensions/\n */\nfunction detectViewport() {\n var width, height;\n if ('innerWidth' in window) {\n width = window['innerWidth'];\n height = window['innerHeight'];\n }\n else {\n var e = document.documentElement || document.body;\n width = e['clientWidth'];\n height = e['clientHeight'];\n }\n return Math.max(0, width) + DIMENSION_SEPARATOR + Math.max(0, height);\n}\n/**\n * Gets the dimensions of the current\n * document.\n *\n * Code based on:\n * - http://andylangton.co.uk/articles/javascript/get-viewport-size-javascript/\n */\nfunction detectDocumentSize() {\n var de = document.documentElement, // Alias\n be = document.body, \n // document.body may not have rendered, so check whether be.offsetHeight is null\n bodyHeight = be ? Math.max(be.offsetHeight, be.scrollHeight) : 0;\n var w = Math.max(de.clientWidth, de.offsetWidth, de.scrollWidth);\n var h = Math.max(de.clientHeight, de.offsetHeight, de.scrollHeight, bodyHeight);\n return isNaN(w) || isNaN(h) ? '' : w + DIMENSION_SEPARATOR + h;\n}\nfunction detectScreenResolution() {\n return screen.width + DIMENSION_SEPARATOR + screen.height;\n}\nfunction floorDimensionFields(field) {\n return (field &&\n field\n .split(DIMENSION_SEPARATOR)\n .map(function (dimension) { return Math.floor(Number(dimension)); })\n .join(DIMENSION_SEPARATOR));\n}\n\nfunction newCookie(name) {\n var flushTimer;\n var lastSetValueArgs;\n var cacheExpireAt;\n var flushed = true;\n var flushTimeout = 10; // milliseconds\n var maxCacheTtl = 0.05; // seconds\n function getValue() {\n var _a;\n // Note: we can't cache the cookie value as we don't know the expiration date\n if (lastSetValueArgs && (!cacheExpireAt || cacheExpireAt > new Date())) {\n return (_a = lastSetValueArgs[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : cookie(name);\n }\n return cookie(name);\n }\n function setValue(value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure) {\n lastSetValueArgs = [value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure];\n flushed = false;\n // throttle setting the cookie\n if (flushTimer === undefined) {\n flushTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n flushTimer = undefined;\n flush();\n }, flushTimeout);\n }\n cacheExpireAt = new Date(Date.now() + Math.min(maxCacheTtl, ttl !== null && ttl !== void 0 ? ttl : maxCacheTtl) * 1000);\n return true;\n }\n function deleteValue(path, domainName, sameSite, secure) {\n lastSetValueArgs = undefined;\n flushed = true;\n // cancel setting the cookie\n if (flushTimer !== undefined) {\n clearTimeout(flushTimer);\n flushTimer = undefined;\n }\n deleteCookie(name, path, domainName, sameSite, secure);\n }\n function flush() {\n if (flushTimer !== undefined) {\n clearTimeout(flushTimer);\n flushTimer = undefined;\n }\n if (flushed) {\n return;\n }\n flushed = true;\n if (lastSetValueArgs !== undefined) {\n var value = lastSetValueArgs[0], ttl = lastSetValueArgs[1], path = lastSetValueArgs[2], domain = lastSetValueArgs[3], samesite = lastSetValueArgs[4], secure = lastSetValueArgs[5];\n cookie(name, value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure);\n }\n }\n return {\n getValue: getValue,\n setValue: setValue,\n deleteValue: deleteValue,\n flush: flush,\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create a new async cookie storage\n *\n * @returns A new cookie storage\n */\nfunction newCookieStorage() {\n var cache = {};\n function getOrInitCookie(name) {\n if (!cache[name]) {\n cache[name] = newCookie(name);\n }\n return cache[name];\n }\n function getCookie(name) {\n return getOrInitCookie(name).getValue();\n }\n function setCookie(name, value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure) {\n return getOrInitCookie(name).setValue(value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure);\n }\n function deleteCookie(name, path, domainName, sameSite, secure) {\n getOrInitCookie(name).deleteValue(path, domainName, sameSite, secure);\n }\n function clearCache() {\n cache = {};\n }\n function flush() {\n for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.values(cache); _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var cookie_1 = _a[_i];\n cookie_1.flush();\n }\n }\n return {\n getCookie: getCookie,\n setCookie: setCookie,\n deleteCookie: deleteCookie,\n clearCache: clearCache,\n flush: flush,\n };\n}\n/**\n * Cookie storage instance with asynchronous cookie writes\n */\nvar asyncCookieStorage = newCookieStorage();\n/**\n * Cookie storage instance with synchronous cookie writes\n */\nvar syncCookieStorage = {\n getCookie: cookie,\n setCookie: function (name, value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure) {\n cookie(name, value, ttl, path, domain, samesite, secure);\n return document.cookie.indexOf(\"\".concat(name, \"=\")) !== -1;\n },\n deleteCookie: deleteCookie,\n flush: function () { },\n};\n\n/**\n * The Snowplow Tracker\n *\n * @param trackerId - The unique identifier of the tracker\n * @param namespace - The namespace of the tracker object\n * @param version - The current version of the JavaScript Tracker\n * @param endpoint - The collector endpoint to send events to, with or without protocol\n * @param sharedState - An object containing state which is shared across tracker instances\n * @param trackerConfiguration - Dictionary of configuration options\n */\nfunction Tracker(trackerId, namespace, version, endpoint, sharedState, trackerConfiguration) {\n if (trackerConfiguration === void 0) { trackerConfiguration = {}; }\n var browserPlugins = [];\n var newTracker = function (trackerId, namespace, version, endpoint, state, trackerConfiguration) {\n /************************************************************\n * Private members\n ************************************************************/\n var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v;\n //use POST if eventMethod isn't present on the newTrackerConfiguration\n trackerConfiguration.eventMethod = (_a = trackerConfiguration.eventMethod) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'post';\n var getStateStorageStrategy = function (config) { var _a; return (_a = config.stateStorageStrategy) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'cookieAndLocalStorage'; }, getAnonymousSessionTracking = function (config) {\n var _a;\n if (typeof config.anonymousTracking === 'boolean') {\n return false;\n }\n return ((_a = config.anonymousTracking) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.withSessionTracking) === true;\n }, getAnonymousServerTracking = function (config) {\n var _a;\n if (typeof config.anonymousTracking === 'boolean') {\n return false;\n }\n return ((_a = config.anonymousTracking) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.withServerAnonymisation) === true;\n }, getAnonymousTracking = function (config) { return !!config.anonymousTracking; }, isBrowserContextAvailable = (_c = (_b = trackerConfiguration === null || trackerConfiguration === void 0 ? void 0 : trackerConfiguration.contexts) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.browser) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false, isWebPageContextAvailable = (_e = (_d = trackerConfiguration === null || trackerConfiguration === void 0 ? void 0 : trackerConfiguration.contexts) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.webPage) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : true, getExtendedCrossDomainTrackingConfiguration = function (crossDomainTrackingConfig) {\n if (typeof crossDomainTrackingConfig === 'boolean') {\n return { useExtendedCrossDomainLinker: crossDomainTrackingConfig };\n }\n return {\n useExtendedCrossDomainLinker: true,\n collectCrossDomainAttributes: crossDomainTrackingConfig,\n };\n };\n // Create a new cookie storage instance with synchronous cookie write if configured\n var cookieStorage = trackerConfiguration.synchronousCookieWrite ? syncCookieStorage : asyncCookieStorage;\n // Get all injected plugins\n browserPlugins.push(getBrowserDataPlugin());\n /* When including the Web Page context, we add the relevant internal plugins */\n if (isWebPageContextAvailable) {\n browserPlugins.push(getWebPagePlugin());\n }\n if (isBrowserContextAvailable) {\n browserPlugins.push(getBrowserContextPlugin());\n }\n browserPlugins.push.apply(browserPlugins, ((_f = trackerConfiguration.plugins) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : []));\n var // Tracker core\n core = trackerCore({\n base64: (_g = trackerConfiguration.encodeBase64) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : trackerConfiguration.eventMethod !== 'post',\n corePlugins: browserPlugins,\n callback: sendRequest,\n }), \n // Aliases\n documentCharset = document.characterSet || document.charset, \n // Current URL and Referrer URL\n locationArray = fixupUrl(window.location.hostname, window.location.href, getReferrer()), domainAlias = fixupDomain(locationArray[0]), locationHrefAlias = locationArray[1], configReferrerUrl = locationArray[2], customReferrer, \n // Platform defaults to web for this tracker\n configPlatform = (_h = trackerConfiguration.platform) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : 'web', \n // Site ID\n configTrackerSiteId = (_j = trackerConfiguration.appId) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : '', \n // Application version\n configAppVersion = trackerConfiguration.appVersion, \n // Document URL\n configCustomUrl, \n // Document title\n lastDocumentTitle = document.title, \n // Custom title\n lastConfigTitle, \n // Indicates that the lastConfigTitle was set from a trackPageView call\n // Custom title configured this way has a shorter lifespan than when set using setDocumentTitle.\n // It only lasts until the next trackPageView call.\n lastConfigTitleFromTrackPageView = false, \n // Controls whether activity tracking page ping event timers are reset on page view events\n resetActivityTrackingOnPageView = (_k = trackerConfiguration.resetActivityTrackingOnPageView) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : true, \n // Disallow hash tags in URL. TODO: Should this be set to true by default?\n configDiscardHashTag, \n // Disallow brace in URL.\n configDiscardBrace, \n // First-party cookie name prefix\n configCookieNamePrefix = (_l = trackerConfiguration.cookieName) !== null && _l !== void 0 ? _l : '_sp_', \n // First-party cookie domain\n // User agent defaults to origin hostname\n configCookieDomain = (_m = trackerConfiguration.cookieDomain) !== null && _m !== void 0 ? _m : undefined, discoverRootDomain = (_o = trackerConfiguration.discoverRootDomain) !== null && _o !== void 0 ? _o : configCookieDomain === undefined, \n // First-party cookie path\n // Default is user agent defined.\n configCookiePath = '/', \n // First-party cookie samesite attribute\n configCookieSameSite = (_p = trackerConfiguration.cookieSameSite) !== null && _p !== void 0 ? _p : 'Lax', \n // First-party cookie secure attribute\n configCookieSecure = (_q = trackerConfiguration.cookieSecure) !== null && _q !== void 0 ? _q : true, \n // Do Not Track browser feature\n dnt = window.navigator.doNotTrack || window.navigator.msDoNotTrack || window.doNotTrack, \n // Do Not Track\n configDoNotTrack = typeof trackerConfiguration.respectDoNotTrack !== 'undefined'\n ? trackerConfiguration.respectDoNotTrack && (dnt === 'yes' || dnt === '1')\n : false, \n // Opt out of cookie tracking\n configOptOutCookie, \n // Life of the visitor cookie (in seconds)\n configVisitorCookieTimeout = (_r = trackerConfiguration.cookieLifetime) !== null && _r !== void 0 ? _r : 63072000, // 2 years\n // Life of the session cookie (in seconds)\n configSessionCookieTimeout = (_s = trackerConfiguration.sessionCookieTimeout) !== null && _s !== void 0 ? _s : 1800, // 30 minutes\n // Allows tracking user session (using cookies or local storage), can only be used with anonymousTracking\n configAnonymousSessionTracking = getAnonymousSessionTracking(trackerConfiguration), \n // Will send a header to server to prevent returning cookie and capturing IP\n configAnonymousServerTracking = getAnonymousServerTracking(trackerConfiguration), \n // Sets tracker to work in anonymous mode without accessing client storage\n configAnonymousTracking = getAnonymousTracking(trackerConfiguration), \n // Strategy defining how to store the state: cookie, localStorage, cookieAndLocalStorage or none\n configStateStorageStrategy = getStateStorageStrategy(trackerConfiguration), \n // Last activity timestamp\n lastActivityTime, \n // The last time an event was fired on the page - used to invalidate session if cookies are disabled\n lastEventTime = new Date().getTime(), \n // How are we scrolling?\n minXOffset, maxXOffset, minYOffset, maxYOffset, \n // Domain hash value\n domainHash, \n // Domain unique user ID\n domainUserId, \n // ID for the current session\n memorizedSessionId, \n // Index for the current session - kept in memory in case cookies are disabled\n memorizedVisitCount = 1, \n // Business-defined unique user ID\n businessUserId, \n // Manager for local storage queue\n outQueue = newOutQueue(__assign({ trackerId: trackerId, endpoint: asCollectorUrl(endpoint), serverAnonymization: configAnonymousServerTracking, useLocalStorage: configStateStorageStrategy == 'localStorage' || configStateStorageStrategy == 'cookieAndLocalStorage' }, trackerConfiguration), state), \n // Whether pageViewId should be regenerated after each trackPageView. Affect web_page context\n preservePageViewId = false, \n // Whether pageViewId should be kept the same until the page URL changes. Affects web_page context\n preservePageViewIdForUrl = (_t = trackerConfiguration.preservePageViewIdForUrl) !== null && _t !== void 0 ? _t : false, \n // The pageViewId of the last page view event or undefined if no page view tracked yet. Used to determine if pageViewId should be regenerated for a new page view.\n lastSentPageViewId = undefined, \n // Activity tracking config for callback and page ping variants\n activityTrackingConfig = {\n enabled: false,\n installed: false,\n configurations: {},\n }, configSessionContext = (_v = (_u = trackerConfiguration.contexts) === null || _u === void 0 ? void 0 : _u.session) !== null && _v !== void 0 ? _v : false, toOptoutByCookie, onSessionUpdateCallback = trackerConfiguration.onSessionUpdateCallback, manualSessionUpdateCalled = false, _w = getExtendedCrossDomainTrackingConfiguration(trackerConfiguration.useExtendedCrossDomainLinker || false), useExtendedCrossDomainLinker = _w.useExtendedCrossDomainLinker, collectCrossDomainAttributes = _w.collectCrossDomainAttributes;\n if (discoverRootDomain && !configCookieDomain) {\n configCookieDomain = findRootDomain(configCookieSameSite, configCookieSecure);\n }\n var _x = getBrowserProperties(), browserLanguage = _x.browserLanguage, resolution = _x.resolution, colorDepth = _x.colorDepth, cookiesEnabled = _x.cookiesEnabled;\n var timeZone = getTimeZone();\n // Set up unchanging name-value pairs\n core.setTrackerVersion(version);\n core.setTrackerNamespace(namespace);\n core.setAppId(configTrackerSiteId);\n core.setPlatform(configPlatform);\n core.addPayloadPair('cookie', cookiesEnabled ? '1' : '0');\n core.addPayloadPair('cs', documentCharset);\n core.addPayloadPair('lang', browserLanguage);\n core.addPayloadPair('res', resolution);\n core.addPayloadPair('cd', colorDepth);\n if (timeZone)\n core.addPayloadPair('tz', timeZone);\n // Add the application version context entity\n if (configAppVersion) {\n core.addPlugin({\n plugin: {\n contexts: function () { return [\n {\n schema: APPLICATION_CONTEXT_SCHEMA,\n data: { version: configAppVersion },\n },\n ]; },\n },\n });\n }\n /*\n * Initialize tracker\n */\n updateDomainHash();\n initializeIdsAndCookies();\n if (trackerConfiguration.crossDomainLinker) {\n decorateLinks(trackerConfiguration.crossDomainLinker);\n }\n /**\n * Recalculate the domain, URL, and referrer\n */\n function refreshUrl() {\n locationArray = fixupUrl(window.location.hostname, window.location.href, getReferrer());\n // If this is a single-page app and the page URL has changed, then:\n // - if the new URL's querystring contains a \"refer(r)er\" parameter, use it as the referrer\n // - otherwise use the old URL as the referer\n if (locationArray[1] !== locationHrefAlias) {\n configReferrerUrl = getReferrer(locationHrefAlias);\n }\n domainAlias = fixupDomain(locationArray[0]);\n locationHrefAlias = locationArray[1];\n }\n /**\n * Create link handler to decorate the querystring of a link (onClick/onMouseDown)\n *\n * @param event - e The event targeting the link\n */\n function addLinkDecorationHandler(extended) {\n var CROSS_DOMAIN_PARAMETER_NAME = '_sp';\n return function (evt) {\n var elt = evt.currentTarget;\n var crossDomainParameterValue = createCrossDomainParameterValue(extended, collectCrossDomainAttributes, {\n domainUserId: domainUserId,\n userId: businessUserId || undefined,\n sessionId: memorizedSessionId,\n sourceId: configTrackerSiteId,\n sourcePlatform: configPlatform,\n event: evt,\n });\n if (elt === null || elt === void 0 ? void 0 : elt.href) {\n elt.href = decorateQuerystring(elt.href, CROSS_DOMAIN_PARAMETER_NAME, crossDomainParameterValue);\n }\n };\n }\n /**\n * Enable querystring decoration for links passing a filter\n * Whenever such a link is clicked on or navigated to via the keyboard,\n * add \"_sp={{duid}}.{{timestamp}}\" to its querystring\n *\n * @param crossDomainLinker - Function used to determine which links to decorate\n */\n function decorateLinks(crossDomainLinker) {\n var crossDomainLinkHandler = addLinkDecorationHandler(useExtendedCrossDomainLinker);\n for (var i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {\n var elt = document.links[i];\n if (!elt.spDecorationEnabled && crossDomainLinker(elt)) {\n elt.addEventListener('click', crossDomainLinkHandler, true);\n elt.addEventListener('mousedown', crossDomainLinkHandler, true);\n // Don't add event listeners more than once\n elt.spDecorationEnabled = true;\n }\n }\n }\n /*\n * Removes hash tag from the URL\n *\n * URLs are purified before being recorded in the cookie,\n * or before being sent as GET parameters\n */\n function purify(url) {\n var targetPattern;\n if (configDiscardHashTag) {\n targetPattern = new RegExp('#.*');\n url = url.replace(targetPattern, '');\n }\n if (configDiscardBrace) {\n targetPattern = new RegExp('[{}]', 'g');\n url = url.replace(targetPattern, '');\n }\n return url;\n }\n /*\n * Extract scheme/protocol from URL\n */\n function getProtocolScheme(url) {\n var e = new RegExp('^([a-z]+):'), matches = e.exec(url);\n return matches ? matches[1] : null;\n }\n /*\n * Resolve relative reference\n *\n * Note: not as described in rfc3986 section 5.2\n */\n function resolveRelativeReference(baseUrl, url) {\n var protocol = getProtocolScheme(url), i;\n if (protocol) {\n return url;\n }\n if (url.slice(0, 1) === '/') {\n return getProtocolScheme(baseUrl) + '://' + getHostName(baseUrl) + url;\n }\n baseUrl = purify(baseUrl);\n if ((i = baseUrl.indexOf('?')) >= 0) {\n baseUrl = baseUrl.slice(0, i);\n }\n if ((i = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/')) !== baseUrl.length - 1) {\n baseUrl = baseUrl.slice(0, i + 1);\n }\n return baseUrl + url;\n }\n /*\n * Send request\n */\n function sendRequest(request) {\n if (!(configDoNotTrack || toOptoutByCookie)) {\n outQueue.enqueueRequest(request.build());\n }\n }\n /*\n * Get cookie name with prefix and domain hash\n */\n function getSnowplowCookieName(baseName) {\n return configCookieNamePrefix + baseName + '.' + domainHash;\n }\n /*\n * Cookie getter.\n */\n function getSnowplowCookieValue(cookieName) {\n var fullName = getSnowplowCookieName(cookieName);\n if (configStateStorageStrategy == 'localStorage') {\n return attemptGetLocalStorage(fullName);\n }\n else if (configStateStorageStrategy == 'cookie' || configStateStorageStrategy == 'cookieAndLocalStorage') {\n return cookieStorage.getCookie(fullName);\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n /*\n * Update domain hash\n */\n function updateDomainHash() {\n refreshUrl();\n domainHash = hash((configCookieDomain || domainAlias) + (configCookiePath || '/')).slice(0, 4); // 4 hexits = 16 bits\n }\n /*\n * Process all \"activity\" events.\n * For performance, this function must have low overhead.\n */\n function activityHandler() {\n var now = new Date();\n lastActivityTime = now.getTime();\n }\n /*\n * Process all \"scroll\" events.\n */\n function scrollHandler() {\n updateMaxScrolls();\n activityHandler();\n }\n /*\n * Returns [pageXOffset, pageYOffset]\n */\n function getPageOffsets() {\n var documentElement = document.documentElement;\n if (documentElement) {\n return [documentElement.scrollLeft || window.pageXOffset, documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset];\n }\n return [0, 0];\n }\n /*\n * Quick initialization/reset of max scroll levels\n */\n function resetMaxScrolls() {\n var offsets = getPageOffsets();\n var x = offsets[0];\n minXOffset = x;\n maxXOffset = x;\n var y = offsets[1];\n minYOffset = y;\n maxYOffset = y;\n }\n /*\n * Check the max scroll levels, updating as necessary\n */\n function updateMaxScrolls() {\n var offsets = getPageOffsets();\n var x = offsets[0];\n if (x < minXOffset) {\n minXOffset = x;\n }\n else if (x > maxXOffset) {\n maxXOffset = x;\n }\n var y = offsets[1];\n if (y < minYOffset) {\n minYOffset = y;\n }\n else if (y > maxYOffset) {\n maxYOffset = y;\n }\n }\n /*\n * Prevents offsets from being decimal or NaN\n * See https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow-javascript-tracker/issues/324\n */\n function cleanOffset(offset) {\n return Math.round(offset);\n }\n /**\n * Sets or renews the session cookie.\n * Responsible for calling the `onSessionUpdateCallback` callback.\n * @returns {boolean} If the value persisted in cookies or LocalStorage\n */\n function setSessionCookie() {\n var cookieName = getSnowplowCookieName('ses');\n var cookieValue = '*';\n return persistValue(cookieName, cookieValue, configSessionCookieTimeout);\n }\n /**\n * @mutates idCookie\n * @param {ParsedIdCookie} idCookie\n * @returns {boolean} If the value persisted in cookies or LocalStorage\n */\n function setDomainUserIdCookie(idCookie) {\n var cookieName = getSnowplowCookieName('id');\n var cookieValue = serializeIdCookie(idCookie, configAnonymousTracking);\n return persistValue(cookieName, cookieValue, configVisitorCookieTimeout);\n }\n /**\n * no-op if anonymousTracking enabled, will still set cookies if anonymousSessionTracking is enabled\n * Sets a cookie based on the storage strategy:\n * - if 'localStorage': attempts to write to local storage\n * - if 'cookie' or 'cookieAndLocalStorage': writes to cookies\n * - otherwise: no-op\n * @param {string} name Name/key of the value to persist\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {number} timeout Used as the expiration date for cookies or as a TTL to be checked on LocalStorage\n * @returns {boolean} If the operation was successful or not\n */\n function persistValue(name, value, timeout) {\n if (configAnonymousTracking && !configAnonymousSessionTracking) {\n return false;\n }\n if (configStateStorageStrategy == 'localStorage') {\n return attemptWriteLocalStorage(name, value, timeout);\n }\n else if (configStateStorageStrategy == 'cookie' || configStateStorageStrategy == 'cookieAndLocalStorage') {\n return cookieStorage.setCookie(name, value, timeout, configCookiePath, configCookieDomain, configCookieSameSite, configCookieSecure);\n }\n return false;\n }\n /**\n * Clears all cookie and local storage for id and ses values\n */\n function clearUserDataAndCookies(configuration) {\n var idname = getSnowplowCookieName('id');\n var sesname = getSnowplowCookieName('ses');\n attemptDeleteLocalStorage(idname);\n attemptDeleteLocalStorage(sesname);\n cookieStorage.deleteCookie(idname, configCookiePath, configCookieDomain, configCookieSameSite, configCookieSecure);\n cookieStorage.deleteCookie(sesname, configCookiePath, configCookieDomain, configCookieSameSite, configCookieSecure);\n if (!(configuration === null || configuration === void 0 ? void 0 : configuration.preserveSession)) {\n memorizedSessionId = v4();\n memorizedVisitCount = 1;\n }\n if (!(configuration === null || configuration === void 0 ? void 0 : configuration.preserveUser)) {\n domainUserId = configAnonymousTracking ? '' : v4();\n businessUserId = null;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Toggle Anonymous Tracking\n */\n function toggleAnonymousTracking(configuration) {\n if (configuration && configuration.stateStorageStrategy) {\n trackerConfiguration.stateStorageStrategy = configuration.stateStorageStrategy;\n configStateStorageStrategy = getStateStorageStrategy(trackerConfiguration);\n }\n configAnonymousTracking = getAnonymousTracking(trackerConfiguration);\n configAnonymousSessionTracking = getAnonymousSessionTracking(trackerConfiguration);\n configAnonymousServerTracking = getAnonymousServerTracking(trackerConfiguration);\n outQueue.setUseLocalStorage(configStateStorageStrategy == 'localStorage' || configStateStorageStrategy == 'cookieAndLocalStorage');\n outQueue.setAnonymousTracking(configAnonymousServerTracking);\n }\n /*\n * Load the domain user ID and the session ID\n * Set the cookies (if cookies are enabled)\n */\n function initializeIdsAndCookies() {\n if (configAnonymousTracking && !configAnonymousSessionTracking) {\n return;\n }\n var sesCookieSet = configStateStorageStrategy != 'none' && !!getSnowplowCookieValue('ses');\n var idCookie = loadDomainUserIdCookie();\n domainUserId = initializeDomainUserId(idCookie, configAnonymousTracking);\n if (!sesCookieSet) {\n memorizedSessionId = startNewIdCookieSession(idCookie);\n }\n else {\n memorizedSessionId = sessionIdFromIdCookie(idCookie);\n }\n memorizedVisitCount = visitCountFromIdCookie(idCookie);\n if (configStateStorageStrategy != 'none') {\n setSessionCookie();\n // Update currentVisitTs\n updateNowTsInIdCookie(idCookie);\n setDomainUserIdCookie(idCookie);\n if (!eventIndexFromIdCookie(idCookie)) {\n // Synchronously update the cookies to persist the new session ASAP\n cookieStorage.flush();\n }\n }\n }\n /*\n * Load visitor ID cookie\n */\n function loadDomainUserIdCookie() {\n if (configStateStorageStrategy == 'none') {\n return emptyIdCookie();\n }\n var id = getSnowplowCookieValue('id') || undefined;\n return parseIdCookie(id, domainUserId, memorizedSessionId, memorizedVisitCount);\n }\n /**\n * Adds the protocol in front of our collector URL\n *\n * @param string - collectorUrl The collector URL with or without protocol\n * @returns string collectorUrl The tracker URL with protocol\n */\n function asCollectorUrl(collectorUrl) {\n if (collectorUrl.indexOf('http') === 0) {\n return collectorUrl;\n }\n return ('https:' === document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') + '://' + collectorUrl;\n }\n /**\n * Initialize new `pageViewId` if it shouldn't be preserved.\n * Should be called when `trackPageView` is invoked\n */\n function resetPageView() {\n if (!preservePageViewId || state.pageViewId == null) {\n state.pageViewId = v4();\n state.pageViewUrl = configCustomUrl || locationHrefAlias;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Safe function to get `pageViewId`.\n * Generates it if it wasn't initialized by other tracker\n */\n function getPageViewId() {\n if (shouldGenerateNewPageViewId()) {\n state.pageViewId = v4();\n state.pageViewUrl = configCustomUrl || locationHrefAlias;\n }\n return state.pageViewId;\n }\n function shouldGenerateNewPageViewId() {\n // If pageViewId is not initialized, generate it\n if (state.pageViewId == null) {\n return true;\n }\n // If pageViewId should be preserved regardless of the URL, don't generate a new one\n if (preservePageViewId || !preservePageViewIdForUrl) {\n return false;\n }\n // If doesn't have previous URL in state, generate a new pageViewId\n if (state.pageViewUrl === undefined) {\n return true;\n }\n var current = configCustomUrl || locationHrefAlias;\n // If full preserve is enabled, compare the full URL\n if (preservePageViewIdForUrl === true || preservePageViewIdForUrl == 'full' || !('URL' in window)) {\n return state.pageViewUrl != current;\n }\n var currentUrl = new URL(current);\n var previousUrl = new URL(state.pageViewUrl);\n // If pathname preserve is enabled, compare the pathname\n if (preservePageViewIdForUrl == 'pathname') {\n return currentUrl.pathname != previousUrl.pathname;\n }\n // If pathname and search preserve is enabled, compare the pathname and search\n if (preservePageViewIdForUrl == 'pathnameAndSearch') {\n return currentUrl.pathname != previousUrl.pathname || currentUrl.search != previousUrl.search;\n }\n return false;\n }\n /**\n * Safe function to get `tabId`.\n * Generates it if it is not yet initialized. Shared between trackers.\n */\n function getTabId() {\n if (configStateStorageStrategy === 'none' || configAnonymousTracking || !isWebPageContextAvailable) {\n return null;\n }\n var SESSION_STORAGE_TAB_ID = '_sp_tab_id';\n var tabId = attemptGetSessionStorage(SESSION_STORAGE_TAB_ID);\n if (!tabId) {\n attemptWriteSessionStorage(SESSION_STORAGE_TAB_ID, v4());\n tabId = attemptGetSessionStorage(SESSION_STORAGE_TAB_ID);\n }\n return tabId || null;\n }\n /**\n * Put together a web page context with a unique UUID for the page view\n *\n * @returns web_page context\n */\n function getWebPagePlugin() {\n return {\n contexts: function () {\n return [\n {\n schema: WEB_PAGE_SCHEMA,\n data: {\n id: getPageViewId(),\n },\n },\n ];\n },\n };\n }\n function getBrowserContextPlugin() {\n return {\n contexts: function () {\n return [\n {\n schema: BROWSER_CONTEXT_SCHEMA,\n data: __assign(__assign({}, getBrowserProperties()), { tabId: getTabId() }),\n },\n ];\n },\n };\n }\n /*\n * Attaches common web fields to every request (resolution, url, referrer, etc.)\n * Also sets the required cookies.\n */\n function getBrowserDataPlugin() {\n var anonymizeOr = function (value) { return (configAnonymousTracking ? null : value); };\n var anonymizeSessionOr = function (value) {\n return configAnonymousSessionTracking ? value : anonymizeOr(value);\n };\n return {\n beforeTrack: function (payloadBuilder) {\n var existingSession = getSnowplowCookieValue('ses'), idCookie = loadDomainUserIdCookie();\n var isFirstEventInSession = eventIndexFromIdCookie(idCookie) === 0;\n if (configOptOutCookie) {\n toOptoutByCookie = !!cookieStorage.getCookie(configOptOutCookie);\n }\n else {\n toOptoutByCookie = false;\n }\n if (configDoNotTrack || toOptoutByCookie) {\n clearUserDataAndCookies();\n return;\n }\n // If cookies are enabled, base visit count and session ID on the cookies\n if (cookiesEnabledInIdCookie(idCookie)) {\n // New session?\n if (!existingSession && configStateStorageStrategy != 'none') {\n memorizedSessionId = startNewIdCookieSession(idCookie);\n }\n else {\n memorizedSessionId = sessionIdFromIdCookie(idCookie);\n }\n memorizedVisitCount = visitCountFromIdCookie(idCookie);\n }\n else if (new Date().getTime() - lastEventTime > configSessionCookieTimeout * 1000) {\n memorizedVisitCount++;\n memorizedSessionId = startNewIdCookieSession(idCookie, {\n memorizedVisitCount: memorizedVisitCount,\n });\n }\n // Update cookie\n updateNowTsInIdCookie(idCookie);\n updateFirstEventInIdCookie(idCookie, payloadBuilder);\n incrementEventIndexInIdCookie(idCookie);\n var _a = getBrowserProperties(), viewport = _a.viewport, documentSize = _a.documentSize;\n payloadBuilder.add('vp', viewport);\n payloadBuilder.add('ds', documentSize);\n payloadBuilder.add('vid', anonymizeSessionOr(memorizedVisitCount));\n payloadBuilder.add('sid', anonymizeSessionOr(memorizedSessionId));\n payloadBuilder.add('duid', anonymizeOr(domainUserIdFromIdCookie(idCookie))); // Always load from cookie as this is better etiquette than in-memory values\n payloadBuilder.add('uid', anonymizeOr(businessUserId));\n refreshUrl();\n payloadBuilder.add('refr', purify(customReferrer || configReferrerUrl));\n // Add the page URL last as it may take us over the IE limit (and we don't always need it)\n payloadBuilder.add('url', purify(configCustomUrl || locationHrefAlias));\n var clientSession = clientSessionFromIdCookie(idCookie, configStateStorageStrategy, configAnonymousTracking);\n if (configSessionContext && (!configAnonymousTracking || configAnonymousSessionTracking)) {\n addSessionContextToPayload(payloadBuilder, clientSession);\n }\n // Update cookies\n if (configStateStorageStrategy != 'none') {\n setDomainUserIdCookie(idCookie);\n var sessionIdentifierPersisted = setSessionCookie();\n if ((!existingSession || isFirstEventInSession) &&\n sessionIdentifierPersisted &&\n onSessionUpdateCallback &&\n !manualSessionUpdateCalled) {\n // Synchronously update the cookies to persist the new session ASAP\n cookieStorage.flush();\n onSessionUpdateCallback(clientSession);\n manualSessionUpdateCalled = false;\n }\n }\n lastEventTime = new Date().getTime();\n },\n };\n }\n function addSessionContextToPayload(payloadBuilder, clientSession) {\n var sessionContext = {\n schema: CLIENT_SESSION_SCHEMA,\n data: clientSession,\n };\n payloadBuilder.addContextEntity(sessionContext);\n }\n /**\n * Expires current session and starts a new session.\n */\n function newSession() {\n // If cookies are enabled, base visit count and session ID on the cookies\n var idCookie = loadDomainUserIdCookie();\n // When cookies are enabled\n if (cookiesEnabledInIdCookie(idCookie)) {\n // When cookie/local storage is enabled - make a new session\n if (configStateStorageStrategy != 'none') {\n memorizedSessionId = startNewIdCookieSession(idCookie);\n }\n else {\n memorizedSessionId = sessionIdFromIdCookie(idCookie);\n }\n memorizedVisitCount = visitCountFromIdCookie(idCookie);\n }\n else {\n memorizedVisitCount++;\n memorizedSessionId = startNewIdCookieSession(idCookie, {\n memorizedVisitCount: memorizedVisitCount,\n });\n }\n updateNowTsInIdCookie(idCookie);\n // Update cookies\n if (configStateStorageStrategy != 'none') {\n var clientSession = clientSessionFromIdCookie(idCookie, configStateStorageStrategy, configAnonymousTracking);\n setDomainUserIdCookie(idCookie);\n var sessionIdentifierPersisted = setSessionCookie();\n // Synchronously update the cookies to persist the new session ASAP\n cookieStorage.flush();\n if (sessionIdentifierPersisted && onSessionUpdateCallback) {\n manualSessionUpdateCalled = true;\n onSessionUpdateCallback(clientSession);\n }\n }\n lastEventTime = new Date().getTime();\n }\n /**\n * Combine an array of unchanging contexts with the result of a context-creating function\n *\n * @param staticContexts - Array of custom contexts\n * @param contextCallback - Function returning an array of contexts\n */\n function finalizeContexts(staticContexts, contextCallback) {\n return (staticContexts || []).concat(contextCallback ? contextCallback() : []);\n }\n function logPageView(_a) {\n var title = _a.title, context = _a.context, timestamp = _a.timestamp, contextCallback = _a.contextCallback;\n refreshUrl();\n if (lastSentPageViewId && lastSentPageViewId == getPageViewId()) {\n // Do not reset pageViewId if a page view was not tracked yet or a different page view ID was used (in order to support multiple trackers with shared state)\n resetPageView();\n }\n lastSentPageViewId = getPageViewId();\n // So we know what document.title was at the time of trackPageView\n lastDocumentTitle = document.title;\n if (title) {\n lastConfigTitle = title;\n lastConfigTitleFromTrackPageView = true;\n }\n else if (lastConfigTitleFromTrackPageView) {\n lastConfigTitle = null;\n }\n // Fixup page title\n var pageTitle = fixupTitle(lastConfigTitle || lastDocumentTitle);\n // Log page view\n core.track(buildPageView({\n pageUrl: purify(configCustomUrl || locationHrefAlias),\n pageTitle: pageTitle,\n referrer: purify(customReferrer || configReferrerUrl),\n }), finalizeContexts(context, contextCallback), timestamp);\n // Send ping (to log that user has stayed on page)\n var now = new Date();\n var installingActivityTracking = false;\n if (activityTrackingConfig.enabled && !activityTrackingConfig.installed) {\n activityTrackingConfig.installed = true;\n installingActivityTracking = true;\n // Add mousewheel event handler, detect passive event listeners for performance\n var detectPassiveEvents_1 = {\n update: function update() {\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.addEventListener === 'function') {\n var passive_1 = false;\n var options = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {\n get: function get() {\n passive_1 = true;\n },\n set: function set() { },\n });\n // note: have to set and remove a no-op listener instead of null\n // (which was used previously), because Edge v15 throws an error\n // when providing a null callback.\n // https://github.com/rafrex/detect-passive-events/pull/3\n var noop = function noop() { };\n window.addEventListener('testPassiveEventSupport', noop, options);\n window.removeEventListener('testPassiveEventSupport', noop, options);\n detectPassiveEvents_1.hasSupport = passive_1;\n }\n },\n };\n detectPassiveEvents_1.update();\n // Detect available wheel event\n var wheelEvent = 'onwheel' in document.createElement('div')\n ? 'wheel' // Modern browsers support \"wheel\"\n : document.onmousewheel !== undefined\n ? 'mousewheel' // Webkit and IE support at least \"mousewheel\"\n : 'DOMMouseScroll'; // let's assume that remaining browsers are older Firefox\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(detectPassiveEvents_1, 'hasSupport')) {\n addEventListener(document, wheelEvent, activityHandler, { passive: true });\n }\n else {\n addEventListener(document, wheelEvent, activityHandler);\n }\n // Capture our initial scroll points\n resetMaxScrolls();\n // Add event handlers; cross-browser compatibility here varies significantly\n // @see http://quirksmode.org/dom/events\n var documentHandlers = [\n 'click',\n 'mouseup',\n 'mousedown',\n 'mousemove',\n 'keypress',\n 'keydown',\n 'keyup',\n 'touchend',\n 'touchstart',\n ];\n var windowHandlers = ['resize', 'focus', 'blur'];\n var listener = function (_, handler) {\n if (handler === void 0) { handler = activityHandler; }\n return function (ev) {\n return addEventListener(document, ev, handler);\n };\n };\n documentHandlers.forEach(listener(document));\n windowHandlers.forEach(listener(window));\n listener(window, scrollHandler)('scroll');\n }\n if (activityTrackingConfig.enabled && (resetActivityTrackingOnPageView || installingActivityTracking)) {\n // Periodic check for activity.\n lastActivityTime = now.getTime();\n var key = void 0;\n for (key in activityTrackingConfig.configurations) {\n var config = activityTrackingConfig.configurations[key];\n if (config) {\n //Clear page ping heartbeat on new page view\n window.clearInterval(config.activityInterval);\n scheduleActivityInterval(config, context, contextCallback);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n function scheduleActivityInterval(config, context, contextCallback) {\n var executePagePing = function (cb, context) {\n refreshUrl();\n cb({ context: context, pageViewId: getPageViewId(), minXOffset: minXOffset, minYOffset: minYOffset, maxXOffset: maxXOffset, maxYOffset: maxYOffset });\n resetMaxScrolls();\n };\n var timeout = function () {\n var now = new Date();\n // There was activity during the heart beat period;\n // on average, this is going to overstate the visitDuration by configHeartBeatTimer/2\n if (lastActivityTime + config.configMinimumVisitLength > now.getTime()) {\n executePagePing(config.callback, finalizeContexts(context, contextCallback));\n }\n config.activityInterval = window.setInterval(heartbeat, config.configHeartBeatTimer);\n };\n var heartbeat = function () {\n var now = new Date();\n // There was activity during the heart beat period;\n // on average, this is going to overstate the visitDuration by configHeartBeatTimer/2\n if (lastActivityTime + config.configHeartBeatTimer > now.getTime()) {\n executePagePing(config.callback, finalizeContexts(context, contextCallback));\n }\n };\n if (config.configMinimumVisitLength === 0) {\n config.activityInterval = window.setInterval(heartbeat, config.configHeartBeatTimer);\n }\n else {\n config.activityInterval = window.setTimeout(timeout, config.configMinimumVisitLength);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Configure the activity tracking and ensures integer values for min visit and heartbeat\n */\n function configureActivityTracking(configuration) {\n var minimumVisitLength = configuration.minimumVisitLength, heartbeatDelay = configuration.heartbeatDelay, callback = configuration.callback;\n if (isInteger(minimumVisitLength) && isInteger(heartbeatDelay)) {\n return {\n configMinimumVisitLength: minimumVisitLength * 1000,\n configHeartBeatTimer: heartbeatDelay * 1000,\n callback: callback,\n };\n }\n LOG.error('Activity tracking minimumVisitLength & heartbeatDelay must be integers');\n return undefined;\n }\n /**\n * Log that a user is still viewing a given page by sending a page ping.\n * Not part of the public API - only called from logPageView() above.\n */\n function logPagePing(_a) {\n var context = _a.context, minXOffset = _a.minXOffset, minYOffset = _a.minYOffset, maxXOffset = _a.maxXOffset, maxYOffset = _a.maxYOffset;\n var newDocumentTitle = document.title;\n if (newDocumentTitle !== lastDocumentTitle) {\n lastDocumentTitle = newDocumentTitle;\n lastConfigTitle = undefined;\n }\n core.track(buildPagePing({\n pageUrl: purify(configCustomUrl || locationHrefAlias),\n pageTitle: fixupTitle(lastConfigTitle || lastDocumentTitle),\n referrer: purify(customReferrer || configReferrerUrl),\n minXOffset: cleanOffset(minXOffset),\n maxXOffset: cleanOffset(maxXOffset),\n minYOffset: cleanOffset(minYOffset),\n maxYOffset: cleanOffset(maxYOffset),\n }), context);\n }\n function disableActivityTrackingAction(actionKey) {\n var callbackConfiguration = activityTrackingConfig.configurations[actionKey];\n if ((callbackConfiguration === null || callbackConfiguration === void 0 ? void 0 : callbackConfiguration.configMinimumVisitLength) === 0) {\n window.clearTimeout(callbackConfiguration === null || callbackConfiguration === void 0 ? void 0 : callbackConfiguration.activityInterval);\n }\n else {\n window.clearInterval(callbackConfiguration === null || callbackConfiguration === void 0 ? void 0 : callbackConfiguration.activityInterval);\n }\n activityTrackingConfig.configurations[actionKey] = undefined;\n }\n var apiMethods = {\n getDomainSessionIndex: function () {\n return memorizedVisitCount;\n },\n getPageViewId: getPageViewId,\n getTabId: getTabId,\n newSession: newSession,\n getCookieName: function (basename) {\n return getSnowplowCookieName(basename);\n },\n getUserId: function () {\n return businessUserId;\n },\n getDomainUserId: function () {\n return loadDomainUserIdCookie()[1];\n },\n getDomainUserInfo: function () {\n return loadDomainUserIdCookie();\n },\n setReferrerUrl: function (url) {\n customReferrer = url;\n },\n setCustomUrl: function (url) {\n refreshUrl();\n configCustomUrl = resolveRelativeReference(locationHrefAlias, url);\n },\n setDocumentTitle: function (title) {\n // So we know what document.title was at the time of trackPageView\n lastDocumentTitle = document.title;\n lastConfigTitle = title;\n lastConfigTitleFromTrackPageView = false;\n },\n discardHashTag: function (enableFilter) {\n configDiscardHashTag = enableFilter;\n },\n discardBrace: function (enableFilter) {\n configDiscardBrace = enableFilter;\n },\n setCookiePath: function (path) {\n configCookiePath = path;\n updateDomainHash();\n },\n setVisitorCookieTimeout: function (timeout) {\n configVisitorCookieTimeout = timeout;\n },\n crossDomainLinker: function (crossDomainLinkerCriterion) {\n decorateLinks(crossDomainLinkerCriterion);\n },\n enableActivityTracking: function (configuration) {\n if (!activityTrackingConfig.configurations.pagePing) {\n activityTrackingConfig.enabled = true;\n activityTrackingConfig.configurations.pagePing = configureActivityTracking(__assign(__assign({}, configuration), { callback: logPagePing }));\n }\n },\n enableActivityTrackingCallback: function (configuration) {\n if (!activityTrackingConfig.configurations.callback) {\n activityTrackingConfig.enabled = true;\n activityTrackingConfig.configurations.callback = configureActivityTracking(configuration);\n }\n },\n disableActivityTracking: function () {\n disableActivityTrackingAction('pagePing');\n },\n disableActivityTrackingCallback: function () {\n disableActivityTrackingAction('callback');\n },\n updatePageActivity: function () {\n activityHandler();\n },\n setOptOutCookie: function (name) {\n configOptOutCookie = name;\n },\n setUserId: function (userId) {\n businessUserId = userId;\n },\n setUserIdFromLocation: function (querystringField) {\n refreshUrl();\n businessUserId = fromQuerystring(querystringField, locationHrefAlias);\n },\n setUserIdFromReferrer: function (querystringField) {\n refreshUrl();\n businessUserId = fromQuerystring(querystringField, configReferrerUrl);\n },\n setUserIdFromCookie: function (cookieName) {\n businessUserId = cookieStorage.getCookie(cookieName);\n },\n setCollectorUrl: function (collectorUrl) {\n outQueue.setCollectorUrl(asCollectorUrl(collectorUrl));\n },\n setBufferSize: function (newBufferSize) {\n outQueue.setBufferSize(newBufferSize);\n },\n flushBuffer: function (configuration) {\n if (configuration === void 0) { configuration = {}; }\n outQueue.executeQueue();\n if (configuration.newBufferSize) {\n outQueue.setBufferSize(configuration.newBufferSize);\n }\n },\n trackPageView: function (event) {\n if (event === void 0) { event = {}; }\n logPageView(event);\n },\n preservePageViewId: function () {\n preservePageViewId = true;\n },\n preservePageViewIdForUrl: function (preserve) {\n preservePageViewIdForUrl = preserve;\n },\n disableAnonymousTracking: function (configuration) {\n trackerConfiguration.anonymousTracking = false;\n toggleAnonymousTracking(configuration);\n initializeIdsAndCookies();\n outQueue.executeQueue(); // There might be some events in the queue we've been unable to send in anonymous mode\n },\n enableAnonymousTracking: function (configuration) {\n var _a;\n trackerConfiguration.anonymousTracking = (_a = (configuration && (configuration === null || configuration === void 0 ? void 0 : configuration.options))) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true;\n toggleAnonymousTracking(configuration);\n // Reset the page view, if not tracking the session, so can't stitch user into new events on the page view id\n if (!configAnonymousSessionTracking) {\n resetPageView();\n }\n },\n clearUserData: clearUserDataAndCookies,\n };\n return __assign(__assign({}, apiMethods), { id: trackerId, namespace: namespace, core: core, sharedState: state });\n };\n // Initialise the tracker\n var partialTracker = newTracker(trackerId, namespace, version, endpoint, sharedState, trackerConfiguration), tracker = __assign(__assign({}, partialTracker), { addPlugin: function (configuration) {\n var _a, _b;\n tracker.core.addPlugin(configuration);\n (_b = (_a = configuration.plugin).activateBrowserPlugin) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, tracker);\n } });\n // Initialise each plugin with the tracker\n browserPlugins.forEach(function (p) {\n var _a;\n (_a = p.activateBrowserPlugin) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(p, tracker);\n });\n return tracker;\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nvar namedTrackers = {};\n/**\n * Dispatch function to all specified trackers\n *\n * @param trackers - An optional list of trackers to send the event to, or will send to all trackers\n * @param fn - The function which will run against each tracker\n */\nfunction dispatchToTrackers(trackers, fn) {\n try {\n getTrackers(trackers !== null && trackers !== void 0 ? trackers : allTrackerNames()).forEach(fn);\n }\n catch (ex) {\n LOG.error('Function failed', ex);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Dispatch function to all specified trackers from the supplied collection\n *\n * @param trackers - An optional list of trackers to send the event to, or will send to all trackers\n * @param trackerCollection - The collection which the trackers will be selected from\n * @param fn - The function which will run against each tracker\n */\nfunction dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, trackerCollection, fn) {\n try {\n getTrackersFromCollection(trackers !== null && trackers !== void 0 ? trackers : Object.keys(trackerCollection), trackerCollection).forEach(fn);\n }\n catch (ex) {\n LOG.error('Function failed', ex);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Checks if a tracker has been created for a particular identifier\n * @param trackerId - The unique identifier of the tracker\n */\nfunction trackerExists(trackerId) {\n return namedTrackers.hasOwnProperty(trackerId);\n}\n/**\n * Creates a Tracker and adds it to the internal collection\n * @param trackerId - The unique identifier of the tracker\n * @param namespace - The namespace of the tracker, tracked with each event as `tna`\n * @param version - The current version of the tracker library\n * @param endpoint - The endpoint to send events to\n * @param sharedState - The instance of shared state to use for this tracker\n * @param configuration - The configuration to use for this tracker instance\n */\nfunction addTracker(trackerId, namespace, version, endpoint, sharedState, configuration) {\n if (!namedTrackers.hasOwnProperty(trackerId)) {\n namedTrackers[trackerId] = Tracker(trackerId, namespace, version, endpoint, sharedState, configuration);\n return namedTrackers[trackerId];\n }\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Gets a single instance of the internal tracker object\n * @param trackerId - The unique identifier of the tracker\n * @returns The tracker instance, or null if not found\n */\nfunction getTracker(trackerId) {\n if (namedTrackers.hasOwnProperty(trackerId)) {\n return namedTrackers[trackerId];\n }\n LOG.warn(trackerId + ' not configured');\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Gets an array of tracker instances based on the list of identifiers\n * @param trackerIds - An array of unique identifiers of the trackers\n * @returns The tracker instances, or empty list if none found\n */\nfunction getTrackers(trackerIds) {\n return getTrackersFromCollection(trackerIds, namedTrackers);\n}\n/**\n * Gets all the trackers as a object, keyed by their unique identifiers\n */\nfunction allTrackers() {\n return namedTrackers;\n}\n/**\n * Returns all the unique tracker identifiers\n */\nfunction allTrackerNames() {\n return Object.keys(namedTrackers);\n}\nfunction getTrackersFromCollection(trackerIds, trackerCollection) {\n var trackers = [];\n for (var _i = 0, trackerIds_1 = trackerIds; _i < trackerIds_1.length; _i++) {\n var id = trackerIds_1[_i];\n if (trackerCollection.hasOwnProperty(id)) {\n trackers.push(trackerCollection[id]);\n }\n else {\n LOG.warn(id + ' not configured');\n }\n }\n return trackers;\n}\n/**\n * Write all pending cookies to the browser.\n * Useful if you track events just before the page is unloaded.\n * This call is not necessary if `synchronousCookieWrite` is set to `true`.\n */\nfunction flushPendingCookies() {\n asyncCookieStorage.flush();\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/*\n * Checks whether sessionStorage is available, in a way that\n * does not throw a SecurityError in Firefox if \"always ask\"\n * is enabled for cookies (https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow/issues/163).\n */\nfunction hasSessionStorage() {\n try {\n return !!window.sessionStorage;\n }\n catch (e) {\n return true; // SecurityError when referencing it means it exists\n }\n}\n/*\n * Checks whether localStorage is available, in a way that\n * does not throw a SecurityError in Firefox if \"always ask\"\n * is enabled for cookies (https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow/issues/163).\n */\nfunction hasLocalStorage() {\n try {\n return !!window.localStorage;\n }\n catch (e) {\n return true; // SecurityError when referencing it means it exists\n }\n}\n/*\n * Checks whether localStorage is accessible\n * sets and removes an item to handle private IOS5 browsing\n * (http://git.io/jFB2Xw)\n */\nfunction localStorageAccessible() {\n var mod = 'modernizr';\n if (!hasLocalStorage()) {\n return false;\n }\n try {\n var ls = window.localStorage;\n ls.setItem(mod, mod);\n ls.removeItem(mod);\n return true;\n }\n catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n/**\n * A set of variables which are shared among all initialised trackers\n */\nvar SharedState = /** @class */ (function () {\n function SharedState() {\n this.bufferFlushers = [];\n /* DOM Ready */\n this.hasLoaded = false;\n this.registeredOnLoadHandlers = [];\n }\n return SharedState;\n}());\nfunction createSharedState() {\n var sharedState = new SharedState(), documentAlias = document, windowAlias = window;\n /*\n * Handle page visibility event\n * Works everywhere except IE9\n */\n function visibilityChangeHandler() {\n if (documentAlias.visibilityState == 'hidden') {\n // Flush all POST queues\n sharedState.bufferFlushers.forEach(function (flusher) {\n flusher(false);\n });\n }\n }\n function flushBuffers() {\n // Flush all POST queues\n sharedState.bufferFlushers.forEach(function (flusher) {\n flusher(false);\n });\n }\n /*\n * Handler for onload event\n */\n function loadHandler() {\n var i;\n if (!sharedState.hasLoaded) {\n sharedState.hasLoaded = true;\n for (i = 0; i < sharedState.registeredOnLoadHandlers.length; i++) {\n sharedState.registeredOnLoadHandlers[i]();\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n /*\n * Add onload or DOM ready handler\n */\n function addReadyListener() {\n if (documentAlias.addEventListener) {\n documentAlias.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function ready() {\n documentAlias.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ready, false);\n loadHandler();\n });\n }\n else if (documentAlias.attachEvent) {\n documentAlias.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function ready() {\n if (documentAlias.readyState === 'complete') {\n documentAlias.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', ready);\n loadHandler();\n }\n });\n }\n // fallback\n addEventListener(windowAlias, 'load', loadHandler, false);\n }\n /************************************************************\n * Constructor\n ************************************************************/\n // initialize the Snowplow singleton\n if (documentAlias.visibilityState) {\n // Flush for mobile and modern browsers\n addEventListener(documentAlias, 'visibilitychange', visibilityChangeHandler, false);\n }\n // Last attempt at flushing in beforeunload\n addEventListener(windowAlias, 'beforeunload', flushBuffers, false);\n if (document.readyState === 'loading') {\n addReadyListener();\n }\n else {\n loadHandler();\n }\n return sharedState;\n}\n\nexport { SharedState, addEventListener, addTracker, allTrackerNames, allTrackers, attemptDeleteLocalStorage, attemptGetLocalStorage, attemptGetSessionStorage, attemptWriteLocalStorage, attemptWriteSessionStorage, cookie, createCrossDomainParameterValue, createSharedState, decorateQuerystring, deleteCookie, dispatchToTrackers, dispatchToTrackersInCollection, findRootDomain, fixupDomain, fixupTitle, fixupUrl, flushPendingCookies, fromQuerystring, getCookiesWithPrefix, getCssClasses, getFilterByClass, getFilterByName, getHostName, getReferrer, getTimeZone, getTracker, getTrackers, hasLocalStorage, hasSessionStorage, isFunction, isInteger, isString, isValueInArray, localStorageAccessible, parseAndValidateFloat, parseAndValidateInt, trackerExists, urlSafeBase64Encode };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Attaches GA cookie data to Snowplow events v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { __assign, __spreadArray } from 'tslib';\nimport { cookie } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\n\nvar UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS_COOKIES_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.google.analytics/cookies/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_4_COOKIES_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.google.ga4/cookies/jsonschema/1-0-0';\n\nvar defaultPluginOptions = {\n ua: false,\n ga4: true,\n ga4MeasurementId: '',\n cookiePrefix: [],\n};\n/**\n * Captures the GA cookies on a page and sends as context on each event\n * @param pluginOptions.ua - Send Universal Analytics specific cookie values.\n * @param pluginOptions.ga4 - Send Google Analytics 4 specific cookie values.\n * @param pluginOptions.ga4MeasurementId - Measurement id/ids to search the Google Analytics 4 session cookie. Can be a single measurement id as a string or an array of measurement id strings. The cookie has the form of _ga_ where is the data stream container id.\n * @param pluginOptions.cookiePrefix - Cookie prefix set on the Google Analytics 4 cookies using the cookie_prefix option of the gtag.js tracker.\n */\nfunction GaCookiesPlugin(pluginOptions) {\n if (pluginOptions === void 0) { pluginOptions = defaultPluginOptions; }\n return {\n contexts: function () {\n var contexts = [];\n var _a = __assign(__assign({}, defaultPluginOptions), pluginOptions), ga4 = _a.ga4, ga4MeasurementId = _a.ga4MeasurementId, ua = _a.ua, cookiePrefix = _a.cookiePrefix;\n var GA_USER_COOKIE = '_ga';\n var GA4_MEASUREMENT_ID_PREFIX = 'G-';\n var GA4_COOKIE_PREFIX = '_ga_';\n if (ua) {\n var uaCookiesContext_1 = {\n schema: UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS_COOKIES_SCHEMA,\n data: {},\n };\n ['__utma', '__utmb', '__utmc', '__utmv', '__utmz', GA_USER_COOKIE].forEach(function (cookieType) {\n var value = cookie(cookieType);\n if (value) {\n uaCookiesContext_1.data[cookieType] = value;\n }\n });\n contexts.push(uaCookiesContext_1);\n }\n if (ga4) {\n var cookiePrefixes = Array.isArray(cookiePrefix) ? __spreadArray([], cookiePrefix, true) : [cookiePrefix];\n /* We also will search for the default (no prefix) in every case. */\n cookiePrefixes.unshift('');\n cookiePrefixes.forEach(function (prefix) {\n var userCookie = cookie(prefix + GA_USER_COOKIE);\n var sessionCookies = [];\n if (ga4MeasurementId) {\n var measurementIdentifiers = Array.isArray(ga4MeasurementId) ? __spreadArray([], ga4MeasurementId, true) : [ga4MeasurementId];\n measurementIdentifiers.forEach(function (cookieIdentifier) {\n var sessionCookieValue = cookie(prefix + cookieIdentifier.replace(GA4_MEASUREMENT_ID_PREFIX, GA4_COOKIE_PREFIX));\n if (sessionCookieValue) {\n sessionCookies.push({\n measurement_id: cookieIdentifier,\n session_cookie: sessionCookieValue,\n });\n }\n });\n }\n if (!userCookie && !sessionCookies.length) {\n return;\n }\n var ga4CookiesContext = {\n schema: GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_4_COOKIES_SCHEMA,\n data: {\n _ga: userCookie,\n session_cookies: sessionCookies.length ? sessionCookies : undefined,\n cookie_prefix: prefix || undefined,\n },\n };\n contexts.push(ga4CookiesContext);\n });\n }\n return contexts;\n },\n };\n}\n\nexport { GaCookiesPlugin };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Link Click tracking for Snowplow v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { dispatchToTrackersInCollection, flushPendingCookies, getHostName, getCssClasses, getFilterByClass, addEventListener } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildLinkClick, resolveDynamicContext } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nvar TRACKABLE_ELEMENTS = ['a', 'area']; // should be kept in sync with TrackableElement type\nvar TRACKABLE_ELEMENTS_SELECTOR = TRACKABLE_ELEMENTS.join(', ');\nvar ELEMENT_PROTOCOL_FILTER = /^(javascript|vbscript|jscript|mocha|livescript|ecmascript):/i;\nvar _trackers = {};\nvar _listeners = {};\nvar _configuration = {};\nvar _logger = undefined;\n/**\n * Link click tracking.\n *\n * Will automatically track link clicks once enabled with `enableLinkClickTracking`\n * or you can manually track link clicks with `trackLinkClick`.\n *\n * @returns Plugin instance\n */\nfunction LinkClickTrackingPlugin() {\n return {\n activateBrowserPlugin: function (tracker) {\n _trackers[tracker.id] = tracker;\n },\n logger: function (logger) {\n _logger = logger;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Enable link click tracking.\n *\n * @remarks\n * The default behaviour is to use actual click events. However, some browsers\n * (e.g., Firefox, Opera, and Konqueror) don't generate click events for the middle mouse button.\n *\n * To capture more \"clicks\", the pseudo click-handler uses mousedown + mouseup events.\n * This is not industry standard and is vulnerable to false positives (e.g., drag events).\n *\n * @param configuration The link tracking configuration to use for the new click handlers\n * @param trackers List of tracker IDs that should track the click events\n */\nfunction enableLinkClickTracking(configuration, trackers) {\n if (configuration === void 0) { configuration = {}; }\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n // remove listeners in case pseudoclick support has been toggled, which may duplicate handlers\n disableLinkClickTracking(trackers);\n trackers.forEach(function (id) {\n if (_trackers[id]) {\n configureLinkClickTracking(configuration, id);\n addClickListeners(id);\n }\n });\n}\n/**\n * Disable link click tracking.\n *\n * Removes all document-level click event handlers installed by the plugin for\n * provided tracker instances.\n *\n * @param trackers The tracker identifiers that will have their listeners removed\n */\nfunction disableLinkClickTracking(trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackers.forEach(function (id) {\n if (_trackers[id] && _listeners[id]) {\n // remove all possible cases where the handler may have been attached\n window.removeEventListener('click', _listeners[id], true);\n window.removeEventListener('mouseup', _listeners[id], true);\n window.removeEventListener('mousedown', _listeners[id], true);\n }\n });\n}\n/**\n * Add click event listeners to links which have been added to the page since the\n * last time `enableLinkClickTracking` or `refreshLinkClickTracking` was called.\n *\n * @deprecated v4.0 moved to event delegation and this is no longer required\n * @param trackers The tracker identifiers which the have their link click state refreshed\n */\nfunction refreshLinkClickTracking(_trackers) {\n _logger === null || _logger === void 0 ? void 0 : _logger.warn('refreshLinkClickTracking is deprecated in v4 and has no effect');\n}\n/**\n * Manually log a click.\n *\n * @param event The event or element information\n * @param trackers The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackLinkClick(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n var payload;\n if ('element' in event) {\n var includeContent = (_c = (_a = event.trackContent) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (_b = _configuration[t.id]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.linkTrackingContent) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false;\n payload = processClick(event.element, includeContent);\n }\n else {\n payload = buildLinkClick(event);\n }\n if (payload)\n t.core.track(payload, event.context, event.timestamp);\n });\n flushPendingCookies();\n}\n/**\n * Process a clicked element into a link_click event payload.\n *\n * In case the href of the element is empty, \"about:invalid\" is used as the target URL.\n *\n * @param sourceElement The trackable element to be used to build the payload\n * @param includeContent Whether to include the element's contents in the payload\n * @returns A link_click SDE payload for the given element, or nothing if the element shouldn't be tracked\n */\nfunction processClick(sourceElement, includeContent) {\n if (includeContent === void 0) { includeContent = false; }\n var elementId, elementClasses, elementTarget, elementContent;\n var anchorElement = sourceElement;\n // browsers, such as Safari, don't downcase hostname and href\n var originalSourceHostName = anchorElement.hostname || getHostName(anchorElement.href);\n var targetUrl = anchorElement.href.replace(originalSourceHostName, function (s) { return s.toLowerCase(); });\n // Ignore script pseudo-protocol links\n if (!ELEMENT_PROTOCOL_FILTER.test(targetUrl)) {\n elementId = anchorElement.id;\n elementClasses = getCssClasses(anchorElement);\n elementTarget = anchorElement.target;\n elementContent = includeContent ? anchorElement.innerHTML : undefined;\n if (!targetUrl) {\n _logger === null || _logger === void 0 ? void 0 : _logger.warn('Link click target URL empty', anchorElement);\n }\n // decodeUrl %xx\n return buildLinkClick({\n targetUrl: targetUrl || 'about:invalid',\n elementId: elementId,\n elementClasses: elementClasses,\n elementTarget: elementTarget,\n elementContent: elementContent,\n });\n }\n return;\n}\n/**\n * Find the nearest trackable element to the given element; this is Element.closest()\n * with a polyfill if required.\n *\n * @param target\n * @returns An element that may be used to track a link click event, or null if `target` has no eligible parent\n */\nfunction findNearestEligibleElement(target) {\n if (target instanceof Element) {\n if (typeof target['closest'] === 'function')\n return target.closest(TRACKABLE_ELEMENTS_SELECTOR);\n var sourceElement = target;\n while (sourceElement) {\n var tagName = sourceElement.tagName.toLowerCase();\n if (TRACKABLE_ELEMENTS.indexOf(tagName) !== -1)\n return sourceElement;\n sourceElement = sourceElement.parentElement;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Handle a (pseudo)click event; decide if the click is for a valid, unfiltered,\n * element and track the click.\n *\n * @param tracker Tracker ID to generate the event for\n * @param evt The DOM click event itself\n */\nfunction clickHandler(tracker, evt) {\n var context = _configuration[tracker].linkTrackingContext;\n var filter = _configuration[tracker].linkTrackingFilter;\n var event = evt || window.event;\n var button = event.which || event.button;\n var clicked = event.composed ? event.composedPath()[0] : event.target || event.srcElement;\n var target = findNearestEligibleElement(clicked);\n if (!target || target.href == null)\n return;\n if (filter && !filter(target))\n return;\n // Using evt.type (added in IE4), we avoid defining separate handlers for mouseup and mousedown.\n if (event.type === 'click') {\n trackLinkClick({\n element: target,\n context: resolveDynamicContext(context, target),\n }, [tracker]);\n }\n else if (event.type === 'mousedown') {\n if (button === 1 || button === 2) {\n _configuration[tracker].lastButton = button;\n _configuration[tracker].lastTarget = target;\n }\n else {\n delete _configuration[tracker].lastButton;\n }\n }\n else if (event.type === 'mouseup') {\n if (button === _configuration[tracker].lastButton && target === _configuration[tracker].lastTarget) {\n trackLinkClick({\n element: target,\n context: resolveDynamicContext(context, target),\n }, [tracker]);\n }\n delete _configuration[tracker].lastButton;\n delete _configuration[tracker].lastTarget;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Update the link-tracking configuration for the given tracker ID.\n *\n * @param param0 The new link-tracking configuration\n * @param tracker The tracker ID to update configuration for\n */\nfunction configureLinkClickTracking(_a, tracker) {\n var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, options = _b.options, pseudoClicks = _b.pseudoClicks, trackContent = _b.trackContent, context = _b.context;\n _configuration[tracker] = {\n linkTrackingContent: trackContent,\n linkTrackingContext: context,\n linkTrackingPseudoClicks: pseudoClicks,\n linkTrackingFilter: getFilterByClass(options),\n };\n}\n/**\n * Add (psuedo)click handlers to the window for the given tracker ID.\n *\n * @param trackerId Tracker ID to install a listener for\n */\nfunction addClickListeners(trackerId) {\n // by re-using exact function references the browser will prevent dupes and allow removal\n _listeners[trackerId] = _listeners[trackerId] || clickHandler.bind(null, trackerId);\n if (_configuration[trackerId].linkTrackingPseudoClicks) {\n // for simplicity and performance, we ignore drag events\n addEventListener(window, 'mouseup', _listeners[trackerId], true);\n addEventListener(window, 'mousedown', _listeners[trackerId], true);\n }\n else {\n addEventListener(window, 'click', _listeners[trackerId], true);\n }\n}\n\nexport { LinkClickTrackingPlugin, disableLinkClickTracking, enableLinkClickTracking, refreshLinkClickTracking, trackLinkClick };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Form tracking for Snowplow v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { addEventListener, getCssClasses, flushPendingCookies, getFilterByClass, getFilterByName } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildFormFocusOrChange, resolveDynamicContext, buildFormSubmission } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\n/** Events to capture in form tracking */\nvar FormTrackingEvent;\n(function (FormTrackingEvent) {\n /** Form field changed event */\n FormTrackingEvent[\"CHANGE_FORM\"] = \"change_form\";\n /** Form field focused event */\n FormTrackingEvent[\"FOCUS_FORM\"] = \"focus_form\";\n /** Form submitted event */\n FormTrackingEvent[\"SUBMIT_FORM\"] = \"submit_form\";\n})(FormTrackingEvent || (FormTrackingEvent = {}));\nvar defaultFormTrackingEvents = [\n FormTrackingEvent.CHANGE_FORM,\n FormTrackingEvent.FOCUS_FORM,\n FormTrackingEvent.SUBMIT_FORM,\n];\nvar defaultTransformFn = function (x) { return x; };\nvar _focusListeners = {};\nvar _changeListeners = {};\nvar _submitListeners = {};\nvar _targets = {};\n/**\n * Add submission/focus/change event listeners to page for forms and elements according to `configuration`\n *\n * @param tracker The tracker instance the listener belongs to that will be used to track events\n * @param configuration Plugin configuration controlling the events to track and forms/fields to target or transform\n */\nfunction addFormListeners(tracker, configuration) {\n var _a;\n var options = configuration.options, context = configuration.context, config = getConfigurationForOptions(options);\n var events = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.events) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultFormTrackingEvents;\n var targets = (_targets[tracker.id] = getTargetList(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.targets, config.forms));\n if (events.indexOf(FormTrackingEvent.FOCUS_FORM) !== -1) {\n _focusListeners[tracker.id] = getFormChangeListener(tracker, config, FormTrackingEvent.FOCUS_FORM, context);\n targets.forEach(function (target) { return addEventListener(target, 'focus', _focusListeners[tracker.id], true); });\n }\n if (events.indexOf(FormTrackingEvent.CHANGE_FORM) !== -1) {\n _changeListeners[tracker.id] = getFormChangeListener(tracker, config, FormTrackingEvent.CHANGE_FORM, context);\n targets.forEach(function (target) { return addEventListener(target, 'change', _changeListeners[tracker.id], true); });\n }\n if (events.indexOf(FormTrackingEvent.SUBMIT_FORM) !== -1) {\n _submitListeners[tracker.id] = getFormSubmissionListener(tracker, config, context);\n targets.forEach(function (target) { return addEventListener(target, 'submit', _submitListeners[tracker.id], true); });\n }\n}\n/**\n * Builds a list of targets for the plugin event listeners\n *\n * The list can include any specifically provided targets, and will be extended to include the root nodes of any explicit HTMLFormElements provided\n * With neither provided, defaults to the current page's `document` element\n *\n * @param configTargets Explicitly configured list of event target listeners, if any\n * @param forms Explicitly configured list of form elements to track, if any\n * @returns List of EventTargets to add the listener to\n */\nfunction getTargetList(configTargets, forms) {\n // we attach to document rather than window because the window focus event occurs more often than we require\n var targets = configTargets !== null && configTargets !== void 0 ? configTargets : [document];\n if (forms) {\n Array.prototype.forEach.call(forms, function (form) {\n targets.push(form.ownerDocument.documentElement);\n });\n }\n return targets;\n}\n/**\n * Remove all submission/focus/change event listeners from page that have been added via a call to `addFormListeners`\n *\n * @param tracker The tracker instance the listener belongs to that will be used to track events\n */\nfunction removeFormListeners(tracker) {\n var _a;\n var targets = (_a = _targets[tracker.id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [document];\n targets.forEach(function (target) {\n if (_focusListeners[tracker.id])\n target.removeEventListener('focus', _focusListeners[tracker.id], true);\n if (_changeListeners[tracker.id])\n target.removeEventListener('change', _changeListeners[tracker.id], true);\n if (_submitListeners[tracker.id])\n target.removeEventListener('submit', _submitListeners[tracker.id], true);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Check if forms array is a collection of HTML form elements or a filter or undefined\n */\nfunction isCollectionOfHTMLFormElements(forms) {\n return forms != null && Array.prototype.slice.call(forms).length > 0;\n}\n/**\n * Typeguard for `element` to see if it appears to be the HTMLElement with tagName `type`\n *\n * instanceof checks don't work for cross-document nodes, which this plugin supports\n *\n * @param elem Object to check element type\n * @param type Element type we're checking for\n * @returns If `element` is an element with tagName `type`\n */\nfunction isElement(elem, type) {\n if (typeof elem === 'object' && elem) {\n if ('tagName' in elem && typeof elem['tagName'] === 'string') {\n return elem.tagName.toUpperCase() === type;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Determine if given object is a `TrackedHTMLElement` or not\n *\n * @param element Value to determine\n * @returns If `element` is `TrackedHTMLElement`\n */\nfunction isTrackableElement(element) {\n return isElement(element, 'INPUT') || isElement(element, 'SELECT') || isElement(element, 'TEXTAREA');\n}\n/**\n * Configures form tracking: which forms and fields will be tracked, and the context to attach\n *\n * @param options User-supplied configuration\n * @returns Final configuration incorporating defaults\n */\nfunction getConfigurationForOptions(options) {\n if (options) {\n var formFilter = function (_) { return true; };\n var forms = null;\n if (isCollectionOfHTMLFormElements(options.forms)) {\n // options.forms is an explicity allowlist of HTML form elements\n forms = options.forms;\n }\n else {\n // options.forms is null or a filter\n formFilter = getFilterByClass(options.forms);\n }\n return {\n forms: forms,\n formFilter: formFilter,\n fieldFilter: getFilterByName(options.fields),\n fieldTransform: getTransform(options.fields),\n };\n }\n else {\n return {\n forms: null,\n formFilter: function () { return true; },\n fieldFilter: function () { return true; },\n fieldTransform: defaultTransformFn,\n };\n }\n}\n/**\n * Check if the found target element is included in the explicit form allowlist, if provided.\n *\n * @param target A `form` element to check if we're allowed to track.\n * @param allowed An optional list of form elements we want to track against.\n * @returns True if there is no allowlist or the `target` is in the allowlist, false otherwise.\n */\nfunction explicitlyAllowedForm(target, allowed) {\n if (!allowed)\n return true;\n for (var i = 0; i < allowed.length; i++) {\n if (allowed[i].isSameNode(target))\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n/**\n * Convert a criterion object to a transform function\n *\n * @param criterion\n * @returns Transformation function if provided in `criterion`, or a default identity function\n */\nfunction getTransform(criterion) {\n if (criterion && typeof criterion.transform === 'function') {\n return criterion.transform;\n }\n return defaultTransformFn;\n}\n/**\n * Get an identifier for a form or `TrackedHTMLElement`\n *\n * @param elt Element to identify\n * @returns Identifier for `elt`\n */\nfunction getElementIdentifier(elt) {\n var properties = ['name', 'id', 'type', 'nodeName'];\n for (var _i = 0, properties_1 = properties; _i < properties_1.length; _i++) {\n var propName = properties_1[_i];\n if (elt[propName] && typeof elt[propName] === 'string') {\n return elt[propName];\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Discovers the parent form in which an element is contained\n *\n * @param elt Child control to identify the owning form for\n * @returns The form element this control belongs to or null if not found\n */\nfunction getParentForm(elt) {\n if (elt && elt.form)\n return elt.form;\n var parent = elt;\n while (parent) {\n if (isElement(parent, 'FORM')) {\n return parent;\n }\n parent = parent.parentNode;\n }\n return parent;\n}\n/**\n * Returns a list of the `TrackedHTMLElement`s inside a form along with their values\n *\n * @param elt Form element to get the control elements for\n * @returns Array of wrapped control elements belonging to the form\n */\nfunction getInnerFormElements(elt) {\n var innerElements = [];\n Array.prototype.forEach.call(elt.elements, function (child) {\n if (!isTrackableElement(child))\n return;\n var inputType = (child.type || 'text').toLowerCase();\n // submit and image are roughly equivalent\n if (inputType === 'submit' || inputType === 'image') {\n return;\n }\n var elementJson = {\n elementData: {\n name: getElementIdentifier(child),\n value: child.value,\n nodeName: child.nodeName,\n },\n originalElement: child,\n };\n if (isElement(child, 'INPUT')) {\n elementJson.elementData.type = inputType;\n if (inputType === 'password' || ((inputType === 'checkbox' || inputType === 'radio') && !child.checked)) {\n elementJson.elementData.value = null;\n }\n }\n innerElements.push(elementJson);\n });\n return innerElements;\n}\n/**\n * Create closure function to handle form field change/focus event\n *\n * @param tracker The tracker instance to generate the event with\n * @param config Plugin configuration\n * @param event_type Type of event to generate\n * @param context List of entities or context generators to evaluate with the event\n * @returns A form change/focus handler\n */\nfunction getFormChangeListener(tracker, config, event_type, context) {\n return function (e) {\n var _a, _b;\n var target = e.composed ? e.composedPath()[0] : e.target;\n // `change` and `submit` are not composed and are thus invisible to us\n // bind late to the forms/field directly on field focus in this case\n if (target !== e.target && e.composed && isTrackableElement(target)) {\n if (target.form) {\n if (_changeListeners[tracker.id])\n addEventListener(target.form, 'change', _changeListeners[tracker.id], true);\n if (_submitListeners[tracker.id])\n addEventListener(target.form, 'submit', _submitListeners[tracker.id], true);\n }\n else {\n if (_changeListeners[tracker.id])\n addEventListener(target, 'change', _changeListeners[tracker.id], true);\n }\n }\n if (isTrackableElement(target) && config.fieldFilter(target)) {\n var value = null;\n var type = null;\n if (isElement(target, 'INPUT')) {\n type = (target.type || 'text').toLowerCase();\n value =\n (type === 'checkbox' && !target.checked) || type === 'password'\n ? null\n : config.fieldTransform(target.value, target, target);\n }\n else {\n value = config.fieldTransform(target.value, target, target);\n }\n var form = getParentForm(target);\n if (!(form && config.formFilter(form) && explicitlyAllowedForm(form, config.forms)))\n return;\n if (event_type === 'change_form' || (type !== 'checkbox' && type !== 'radio')) {\n tracker.core.track(buildFormFocusOrChange({\n schema: event_type,\n formId: (_a = getElementIdentifier(form !== null && form !== void 0 ? form : {})) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '',\n elementId: (_b = getElementIdentifier(target)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '',\n nodeName: target.nodeName,\n type: type,\n elementClasses: getCssClasses(target),\n value: value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : null,\n }), resolveDynamicContext(context, target, type, value));\n }\n }\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create closure function to handle form submission event\n *\n * @param tracker The tracker instance to generate the event with\n * @param config Plugin configuration\n * @param context List of entities or context generators to evaluate with the event\n * @returns A form submit handler\n */\nfunction getFormSubmissionListener(tracker, config, context) {\n return function (_a) {\n var _b;\n var target = _a.target;\n if (isElement(target, 'FORM') && config.formFilter(target) && explicitlyAllowedForm(target, config.forms)) {\n var elementsData_1 = [];\n getInnerFormElements(target).forEach(function (_a) {\n var elementData = _a.elementData, originalElement = _a.originalElement;\n if (config.fieldFilter(originalElement) && originalElement.type.toLowerCase() !== 'password') {\n elementData.value = config.fieldTransform(elementData.value, elementData, originalElement);\n elementsData_1.push(elementData);\n }\n });\n tracker.core.track(buildFormSubmission({\n formId: (_b = getElementIdentifier(target)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '',\n formClasses: getCssClasses(target),\n elements: elementsData_1,\n }), resolveDynamicContext(context, target, elementsData_1));\n flushPendingCookies();\n }\n };\n}\n\nvar _trackers = {};\n/**\n * A plugin which enables automatic form focus, change, and submit tracking\n */\nfunction FormTrackingPlugin() {\n return {\n activateBrowserPlugin: function (tracker) {\n _trackers[tracker.id] = tracker;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Enables automatic form tracking.\n *\n * An event will be fired when a form field is changed or a form submitted.\n * This can be called multiple times: previous listeners will be removed and replaced with any updated configuration.\n *\n * @param configuration - The form tracking configuration\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the events will be sent to\n */\nfunction enableFormTracking(configuration, trackers) {\n if (configuration === void 0) { configuration = {}; }\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackers.forEach(function (t) {\n if (_trackers[t]) {\n removeFormListeners(_trackers[t]);\n addFormListeners(_trackers[t], configuration);\n }\n });\n}\n/**\n * Disables automatic form tracking.\n *\n * All page-level listeners for the given trackers will be removed.\n *\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the events will be sent to\n */\nfunction disableFormTracking(trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackers.forEach(function (t) {\n if (_trackers[t]) {\n removeFormListeners(_trackers[t]);\n }\n });\n}\n\nexport { FormTrackingPlugin, disableFormTracking, enableFormTracking };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Error tracking for Snowplow v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { dispatchToTrackersInCollection, addEventListener, isFunction } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildSelfDescribingEvent } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\n/**\n * Truncate string if it's longer than 8192 chars\n *\n * @param string - The stack trace to truncate\n * @param maxLength - The maximum length of the truncated string. Default = 8192\n * @returns The truncated string\n */\nfunction truncateString(string, maxLength) {\n if (maxLength === void 0) { maxLength = 8192; }\n if (string && string.length > maxLength) {\n var truncatedString = string.substring(0, maxLength);\n return truncatedString;\n }\n return string;\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nvar _trackers = {};\nfunction ErrorTrackingPlugin() {\n return {\n activateBrowserPlugin: function (tracker) {\n _trackers[tracker.id] = tracker;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Send error as self-describing event\n *\n * @param event - The event information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackError(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var message = event.message, filename = event.filename, lineno = event.lineno, colno = event.colno, error = event.error, context = event.context, timestamp = event.timestamp, stack = error && truncateString(error.stack, 8192), truncatedMessage = message && truncateString(message, 2048);\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/application_error/jsonschema/1-0-1',\n data: {\n programmingLanguage: 'JAVASCRIPT',\n message: truncatedMessage !== null && truncatedMessage !== void 0 ? truncatedMessage : 'trackError called without required message',\n stackTrace: stack,\n lineNumber: lineno,\n lineColumn: colno,\n fileName: filename,\n },\n },\n }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Enable automatic error tracking, added event handler for 'error' event on window\n * @param configuration - The error tracking configuration\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction enableErrorTracking(configuration, trackers) {\n if (configuration === void 0) { configuration = {}; }\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var filter = configuration.filter, contextAdder = configuration.contextAdder, context = configuration.context, captureError = function (errorEvent) {\n if ((filter && isFunction(filter) && filter(errorEvent)) || filter == null) {\n sendError({ errorEvent: errorEvent, commonContext: context, contextAdder: contextAdder }, trackers);\n }\n };\n addEventListener(window, 'error', captureError, true);\n}\nfunction sendError(_a, trackers) {\n var errorEvent = _a.errorEvent, commonContext = _a.commonContext, contextAdder = _a.contextAdder;\n var context = commonContext || [];\n if (contextAdder && isFunction(contextAdder)) {\n context = context.concat(contextAdder(errorEvent));\n }\n if ('message' in errorEvent) {\n trackError({\n message: errorEvent.message,\n filename: errorEvent.filename,\n lineno: errorEvent.lineno,\n colno: errorEvent.colno,\n error: errorEvent.error,\n context: context,\n }, trackers);\n }\n else if (errorEvent.target && 'tagName' in errorEvent.target) {\n var element = errorEvent.target;\n trackError({\n message: \"Non-script error on \".concat(element.tagName, \" element\"),\n filename: element.src || undefined,\n context: context,\n }, trackers);\n }\n else {\n trackError({\n message: \"JS Exception. Browser doesn't support ErrorEvent API\",\n context: context,\n }, trackers);\n }\n}\n\nexport { ErrorTrackingPlugin, enableErrorTracking, trackError };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Ad tracking for Snowplow v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { dispatchToTrackersInCollection } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildAdImpression, buildAdClick, buildAdConversion } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nvar _trackers = {};\n/**\n * Adds advertisement tracking functions\n */\nfunction AdTrackingPlugin() {\n return {\n activateBrowserPlugin: function (tracker) {\n _trackers[tracker.id] = tracker;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Track an ad being served\n *\n * @param event - The event information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackAdImpression(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildAdImpression(event), event.context, event.timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track an ad being clicked\n *\n * @param event - The event information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackAdClick(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildAdClick(event), event.context, event.timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track an ad conversion event\n *\n * @param event - The event information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackAdConversion(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildAdConversion(event), event.context, event.timestamp);\n });\n}\n\nexport { AdTrackingPlugin, trackAdClick, trackAdConversion, trackAdImpression };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Site tracking for Snowplow v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { dispatchToTrackersInCollection } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildSocialInteraction, buildSiteSearch, buildSelfDescribingEvent } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\nvar _trackers = {};\nfunction SiteTrackingPlugin() {\n return {\n activateBrowserPlugin: function (tracker) {\n _trackers[tracker.id] = tracker;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Track a social interaction event\n *\n * @param event - The event information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackSocialInteraction(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildSocialInteraction(event), event.context, event.timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track an internal search event\n *\n * @param event - The event information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackSiteSearch(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildSiteSearch(event), event.context, event.timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a timing event (such as the time taken for a resource to load)\n *\n * @param event - The event information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackTiming(event, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var category = event.category, variable = event.variable, timing = event.timing, label = event.label, context = event.context, timestamp = event.timestamp;\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/timing/jsonschema/1-0-0',\n data: {\n category: category,\n variable: variable,\n timing: timing,\n label: label,\n },\n },\n }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n\nexport { SiteTrackingPlugin, trackSiteSearch, trackSocialInteraction, trackTiming };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Snowplow ecommerce tracking v4.3.1 (http://bit.ly/sp-js)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { __assign, __rest } from 'tslib';\nimport { dispatchToTrackersInCollection } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildSelfDescribingEvent } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\nvar CART_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/cart/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar ECOMMERCE_ACTION_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/snowplow_ecommerce_action/jsonschema/1-0-2';\nvar CHECKOUT_STEP_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/checkout_step/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar PRODUCT_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/product/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar PAGE_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/page/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar USER_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/user/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar TRANSACTION_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/transaction/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar PROMO_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/promotion/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar REFUND_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/refund/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar TRANSACTION_ERROR_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.ecommerce/transaction_error/jsonschema/1-0-0';\n\n/**\n * Build an Ecommerce Action Event\n * For tracking ecommerce actions\n *\n * @param event - Contains the properties for Cart related events\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildEcommerceActionEvent(event) {\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: ECOMMERCE_ACTION_SCHEMA,\n data: removeEmptyProperties(__assign({}, event)),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Returns a copy of a JSON with undefined and null properties removed\n *\n * @param event - Object to clean\n * @param exemptFields - Set of fields which should not be removed even if empty\n * @returns A cleaned copy of eventJson\n */\nfunction removeEmptyProperties(event) {\n var ret = {};\n for (var k in event) {\n if (event[k] !== null && typeof event[k] !== 'undefined') {\n ret[k] = event[k];\n }\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nvar _trackers = {};\n/* Scheduled to include Page and User */\nvar _context = {};\n/**\n * Adds ecommerce tracking\n */\nfunction SnowplowEcommercePlugin() {\n var trackerId;\n return {\n activateBrowserPlugin: function (tracker) {\n trackerId = tracker.id;\n _trackers[trackerId] = tracker;\n _context[trackerId] = [];\n },\n contexts: function () {\n return _context[trackerId] || [];\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Track a checkout step\n *\n * @param checkoutStep - The checkout step index and the attributes the user filled in.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackCheckoutStep(checkoutStep, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = checkoutStep.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = checkoutStep.timestamp, checkoutStepAttributes = __rest(checkoutStep, [\"context\", \"timestamp\"]);\n context.push({ schema: CHECKOUT_STEP_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, checkoutStepAttributes) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'checkout_step' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a product list view\n *\n * @param listView - The list name along with the products which were viewed by the visitor.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackProductListView(listView, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = listView.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = listView.timestamp, _b = listView.products, products = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, name = listView.name;\n products.forEach(function (product) { return context.push({ schema: PRODUCT_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, product) }); });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'list_view', name: name }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a product list click event\n *\n * @param listClick - The list name together with the information of the product which was clicked.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackProductListClick(listClick, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = listClick.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = listClick.timestamp, name = listClick.name, product = listClick.product;\n context.push({ schema: PRODUCT_SCHEMA, data: product });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'list_click', name: name }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a promotion view\n *\n * @param promotionView - The promotion viewed by the visitor.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackPromotionView(promotionView, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = promotionView.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = promotionView.timestamp, promotion = __rest(promotionView, [\"context\", \"timestamp\"]);\n context.push({ schema: PROMO_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, promotion) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'promo_view' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a promotion click\n *\n * @param promotionClick - The promotion selected by the visitor.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackPromotionClick(promotionClick, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = promotionClick.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = promotionClick.timestamp, promotion = __rest(promotionClick, [\"context\", \"timestamp\"]);\n context.push({ schema: PROMO_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, promotion) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'promo_click' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a product view/detail\n *\n * @param productView - The product which was viewed in a product detail page.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackProductView(productView, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = productView.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = productView.timestamp, product = __rest(productView, [\"context\", \"timestamp\"]);\n context.push({ schema: PRODUCT_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, product) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'product_view' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a product addition to cart\n *\n * @param cart - The product/s which was/were added to the cart and the total value of the cart after the product was added.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackAddToCart(cart, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = cart.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = cart.timestamp, _b = cart.products, products = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, cartAttributes = __rest(cart, [\"context\", \"timestamp\", \"products\"]);\n products.forEach(function (product) { return context.push({ schema: PRODUCT_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, product) }); });\n context.push({ schema: CART_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, cartAttributes) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'add_to_cart' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track removal of products from cart\n *\n * @param cart - The product/s which were removed from the cart and the total value of the cart after the product was removed.\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackRemoveFromCart(cart, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = cart.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = cart.timestamp, _b = cart.products, products = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, cartAttributes = __rest(cart, [\"context\", \"timestamp\", \"products\"]);\n products.forEach(function (product) { return context.push({ schema: PRODUCT_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, product) }); });\n context.push({ schema: CART_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, cartAttributes) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'remove_from_cart' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a transaction event\n *\n * @param transaction - The transaction information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackTransaction(transaction, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var totalQuantity = 0;\n var _a = transaction.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = transaction.timestamp, _b = transaction.products, products = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, transactionAttributes = __rest(transaction, [\"context\", \"timestamp\", \"products\"]);\n products.forEach(function (product) {\n /* If `total_quantity` is not provided, we calculate it from individual product quantities. */\n if (product.quantity) {\n totalQuantity += product.quantity;\n }\n context.push({ schema: PRODUCT_SCHEMA, data: product });\n });\n context.push({\n schema: TRANSACTION_SCHEMA,\n data: __assign({ total_quantity: totalQuantity || undefined }, transactionAttributes),\n });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'transaction' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a refund event\n *\n * @param refund - The refund information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackRefund(refund, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = refund.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = refund.timestamp, _b = refund.products, products = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, refundAttributes = __rest(refund, [\"context\", \"timestamp\", \"products\"]);\n products.forEach(function (product) { return context.push({ schema: PRODUCT_SCHEMA, data: product }); });\n context.push({ schema: REFUND_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, refundAttributes) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'refund' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track a transaction error event\n *\n * @param transactionError - The transaction error information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackTransactionError(transactionError, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var _a = transactionError.context, context = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a, timestamp = transactionError.timestamp, transaction = transactionError.transaction, transactionErrorAttributes = __rest(transactionError, [\"context\", \"timestamp\", \"transaction\"]);\n context.push({\n schema: TRANSACTION_SCHEMA,\n data: __assign({}, transaction),\n });\n context.push({ schema: TRANSACTION_ERROR_SCHEMA, data: __assign({}, transactionErrorAttributes) });\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildEcommerceActionEvent({ type: 'trns_error' }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Set Ecommerce Page context\n *\n * @param context - The ecommerce page context to be stored\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the context will be stored\n */\nfunction setPageType(context, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var type = context.type, language = context.language, locale = context.locale;\n trackers.forEach(function (trackerId) {\n if (_context[trackerId]) {\n _context[trackerId] = removeContext(_context[trackerId], PAGE_SCHEMA);\n _context[trackerId].push({\n schema: PAGE_SCHEMA,\n data: {\n type: type,\n language: language,\n locale: locale,\n },\n });\n }\n });\n}\n/**\n * Set Ecommerce User context\n *\n * @param context - The ecommerce user context to be stored\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the context will be stored\n */\nfunction setEcommerceUser(context, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var id = context.id, is_guest = context.is_guest, email = context.email;\n trackers.forEach(function (trackerId) {\n if (_context[trackerId]) {\n _context[trackerId] = removeContext(_context[trackerId], USER_SCHEMA);\n _context[trackerId].push({\n schema: USER_SCHEMA,\n data: {\n id: id,\n is_guest: is_guest,\n email: email,\n },\n });\n }\n });\n}\n/**\n * Return a new array with the context matching the `schemaToRemove` removed from the array.\n * Used in cases where we want only one type of the said context on the context array for a tracker.\n */\nfunction removeContext(trackerContext, schemaToRemove) {\n return trackerContext.filter(function (context) { return context.schema !== schemaToRemove; });\n}\n\nfunction transformUAProductsToSPProducts(products, currency) {\n return products.map(function (product) {\n return {\n currency: currency,\n /* Id or name is required, but we in SP-plugin we require id to be present */\n id: product.id || product.name,\n price: Number(product.price),\n name: product.name,\n position: product.position,\n brand: product.brand,\n category: product.category,\n variant: product.variant,\n quantity: product.quantity,\n };\n });\n}\nfunction transformUAPromotionsToSPPromotions(promotions) {\n return promotions.map(function (promotion) { return ({\n name: promotion.name,\n slot: promotion.position,\n /* Id or name is required, but we in SP-plugin we require id to be present */\n id: promotion.id || promotion.name,\n creative_id: promotion.creative,\n }); });\n}\n\nvar DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD$1 = 'unknown';\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommercePromoView(ecommerce) {\n var promotions = transformUAPromotionsToSPPromotions(ecommerce.promoView.promotions);\n /* Enhanced Ecommerce allows multiple promotions to be sent on a single event. */\n for (var i = 0; i < promotions.length; i++) {\n trackPromotionView(promotions[i]);\n }\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommercePromoClick(ecommerce) {\n var promotion = transformUAPromotionsToSPPromotions(ecommerce.promoClick.promotions)[0];\n trackPromotionClick(promotion);\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommerceAddToCart(ecommerce, opts) {\n var currency = (ecommerce.currencyCode || opts.currency);\n var products = transformUAProductsToSPProducts(ecommerce.add.products, currency);\n trackAddToCart({ products: products, total_value: opts.finalCartValue, currency: currency });\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommerceRemoveFromCart(ecommerce, opts) {\n var currency = (ecommerce.currencyCode || opts.currency);\n var products = transformUAProductsToSPProducts(ecommerce.remove.products, currency);\n trackRemoveFromCart({ products: products, total_value: opts.finalCartValue, currency: currency });\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommerceProductDetail(ecommerce, opts) {\n if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }\n var currency = (ecommerce.currencyCode || opts.currency);\n var products = transformUAProductsToSPProducts(ecommerce.detail.products, currency);\n trackProductView(__assign({}, products[0]));\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommerceProductListView(ecommerce, opts) {\n if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }\n var currency = (ecommerce.currencyCode || opts.currency);\n var products = transformUAProductsToSPProducts(ecommerce.impressions, currency);\n trackProductListView({ name: ecommerce.impressions[0].list, products: products });\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommerceProductListClick(ecommerce, opts) {\n if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }\n var currency = (ecommerce.currencyCode || opts.currency);\n var product = transformUAProductsToSPProducts(ecommerce.click.products, currency)[0];\n trackProductListClick({ name: ecommerce.click.actionField.list, product: product });\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommerceCheckoutStep(ecommerce, checkoutOption) {\n trackCheckoutStep(__assign({ step: ecommerce.checkout.actionField.step }, checkoutOption));\n}\nfunction trackEnhancedEcommercePurchase(ecommerce, opts) {\n var currency = (ecommerce.currencyCode || opts.currency);\n var products = transformUAProductsToSPProducts(ecommerce.purchase.products, currency);\n trackTransaction({\n products: products,\n transaction_id: ecommerce.purchase.actionField.id,\n currency: currency,\n revenue: Number(ecommerce.purchase.actionField.revenue),\n payment_method: opts.paymentMethod || DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD$1,\n tax: Number(ecommerce.purchase.actionField.tax) || undefined,\n shipping: Number(ecommerce.purchase.actionField.shipping) || undefined,\n });\n}\n\nfunction transformG4ItemsToSPProducts(_a, currency) {\n var items = _a.items, _b = _a.categorySeparator, categorySeparator = _b === void 0 ? '/' : _b;\n return items.map(function (ga4Item) {\n var item_category = ga4Item.item_category, item_category2 = ga4Item.item_category2, item_category3 = ga4Item.item_category3, item_category4 = ga4Item.item_category4, item_category5 = ga4Item.item_category5;\n var category = [item_category, item_category2, item_category3, item_category4, item_category5]\n .filter(Boolean)\n .join(categorySeparator);\n return {\n currency: currency,\n id: ga4Item.item_id,\n name: ga4Item.item_name,\n list_price: ga4Item.price,\n price: roundToTwo(ga4Item.price - (ga4Item.discount || 0)),\n position: ga4Item.index,\n brand: ga4Item.item_brand,\n category: category,\n variant: ga4Item.item_variant,\n quantity: ga4Item.quantity,\n };\n });\n}\nfunction transformGA4PromotionToSPPromotion(promotion) {\n var productIds = promotion.items.map(function (item) { return item.item_id; });\n return {\n id: promotion.promotion_id,\n name: promotion.promotion_name,\n creative_id: promotion.creative_name,\n slot: promotion.creative_slot,\n product_ids: productIds,\n };\n}\nfunction roundToTwo(num) {\n // @ts-ignore\n return +(Math.round(num + 'e+2') + 'e-2');\n}\n\nvar DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD = 'unknown';\nfunction trackGA4ViewCart() {\n console.log('This function could be similarly tracked with the `setPageType` or `trackCheckoutStep` API.');\n}\nfunction trackGA4ViewPromotion(ecommerce) {\n var promotion = transformGA4PromotionToSPPromotion(ecommerce);\n trackPromotionView(promotion);\n}\nfunction trackGA4SelectPromotion(ecommerce) {\n var promotion = transformGA4PromotionToSPPromotion(ecommerce);\n trackPromotionClick(promotion);\n}\nfunction trackGA4AddToCart(ecommerce, opts) {\n var currency = (ecommerce.currency || opts.currency);\n var products = transformG4ItemsToSPProducts(ecommerce, currency);\n trackAddToCart({ products: products, total_value: opts.finalCartValue, currency: currency });\n}\nfunction trackGA4RemoveFromCart(ecommerce, opts) {\n var currency = (ecommerce.currency || opts.currency);\n var products = transformG4ItemsToSPProducts(ecommerce, currency);\n trackRemoveFromCart({ products: products, total_value: opts.finalCartValue, currency: currency });\n}\nfunction trackGA4ViewItem(ecommerce, opts) {\n if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }\n var currency = (ecommerce.currency || opts.currency);\n var products = transformG4ItemsToSPProducts(ecommerce, currency);\n trackProductView(__assign({}, products[0]));\n}\nfunction trackGA4ViewItemList(ecommerce, opts) {\n if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }\n var currency = (ecommerce.currency || opts.currency);\n var products = transformG4ItemsToSPProducts(ecommerce, currency);\n trackProductListView({ name: ecommerce.item_list_id || ecommerce.item_list_name, products: products });\n}\nfunction trackGA4SelectItem(ecommerce, opts) {\n if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }\n var currency = (ecommerce.currency || opts.currency);\n var product = transformG4ItemsToSPProducts(ecommerce, currency)[0];\n trackProductListClick({ name: ecommerce.item_list_id || ecommerce.item_list_name, product: product });\n}\nfunction trackGA4BeginCheckout(opts) {\n if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }\n trackCheckoutStep({ step: opts.step || 1 });\n}\nfunction trackGA4AddShippingInfo(ecommerce, opts) {\n trackCheckoutStep({ step: opts.step, delivery_method: ecommerce.shipping_tier });\n}\nfunction trackGA4AddPaymentOptions(ecommerce, opts) {\n trackCheckoutStep({ step: opts.step, payment_method: ecommerce.payment_type });\n}\nfunction trackGA4Transaction(ecommerce, opts) {\n var currency = (ecommerce.currency || opts.currency);\n var products = transformG4ItemsToSPProducts(ecommerce, currency);\n trackTransaction({\n products: products,\n transaction_id: ecommerce.transaction_id,\n currency: currency,\n revenue: ecommerce.value,\n payment_method: opts.paymentMethod || DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD,\n tax: ecommerce.tax,\n shipping: ecommerce.shipping,\n });\n}\n\nexport { SnowplowEcommercePlugin, setEcommerceUser, setPageType, trackAddToCart, trackCheckoutStep, trackEnhancedEcommerceAddToCart, trackEnhancedEcommerceCheckoutStep, trackEnhancedEcommerceProductDetail, trackEnhancedEcommerceProductListClick, trackEnhancedEcommerceProductListView, trackEnhancedEcommercePromoClick, trackEnhancedEcommercePromoView, trackEnhancedEcommercePurchase, trackEnhancedEcommerceRemoveFromCart, trackGA4AddPaymentOptions, trackGA4AddShippingInfo, trackGA4AddToCart, trackGA4BeginCheckout, trackGA4RemoveFromCart, trackGA4SelectItem, trackGA4SelectPromotion, trackGA4Transaction, trackGA4ViewCart, trackGA4ViewItem, trackGA4ViewItemList, trackGA4ViewPromotion, trackProductListClick, trackProductListView, trackProductView, trackPromotionClick, trackPromotionView, trackRefund, trackRemoveFromCart, trackTransaction, trackTransactionError };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Consent tracking for Snowplow v4.3.1 ()\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { __assign, __rest } from 'tslib';\nimport { dispatchToTrackersInCollection } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildSelfDescribingEvent } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\nvar CONSENT_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/consent_preferences/jsonschema/1-0-0';\nvar CMP_VISIBLE_SCHEMA = 'iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/cmp_visible/jsonschema/1-0-0';\n\n/**\n * Build a Consent Action Event\n * for tracking consent actions\n *\n * @param event - Contains properties of Consent action events\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildConsentEvent(event) {\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: CONSENT_SCHEMA,\n data: removeEmptyProperties(__assign({}, event)),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Build a CMP Visible Event\n * for tracking loadtime of CMP banner\n *\n * @param event - Contains properties of CMP Visible events\n * @returns PayloadBuilder to be sent to {@link @snowplow/tracker-core#TrackerCore.track}\n */\nfunction buildCmpVisibleEvent(event) {\n return buildSelfDescribingEvent({\n event: {\n schema: CMP_VISIBLE_SCHEMA,\n data: removeEmptyProperties(__assign({}, event)),\n },\n });\n}\n/**\n * Returns a copy of a JSON with undefined and null properties removed\n *\n * @param event - Object to clean\n * @returns A cleaned copy of eventJson\n */\nfunction removeEmptyProperties(event) {\n var ret = {};\n for (var k in event) {\n if (event[k] !== null && typeof event[k] !== 'undefined') {\n ret[k] = event[k];\n }\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nvar _trackers = {};\n/**\n * Adds consent tracking\n */\nfunction EnhancedConsentPlugin() {\n var trackerId;\n return {\n activateBrowserPlugin: function (tracker) {\n trackerId = tracker.id;\n _trackers[trackerId] = tracker;\n },\n };\n}\n/**\n * Track the loadtime of a CMP banner\n */\nfunction trackCmpVisible(cmpVisible, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var context = cmpVisible.context, timestamp = cmpVisible.timestamp, elapsedTime = cmpVisible.elapsedTime;\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildCmpVisibleEvent({\n elapsedTime: elapsedTime,\n }), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n// Generic consent action\nfunction trackConsentAction(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n var context = consent.context, timestamp = consent.timestamp, consentAttributes = __rest(consent, [\"context\", \"timestamp\"]);\n dispatchToTrackersInCollection(trackers, _trackers, function (t) {\n t.core.track(buildConsentEvent(consentAttributes), context, timestamp);\n });\n}\n/**\n * Track an allow consent event\n *\n * @param consent - The consent information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackConsentAllow(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackConsentAction(__assign(__assign({}, consent), { eventType: 'allow_all' }), trackers);\n}\n/**\n * Track an allow selected consent event\n *\n * @param consent - The consent information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackConsentSelected(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackConsentAction(__assign(__assign({}, consent), { eventType: 'allow_selected' }), trackers);\n}\n/**\n * Track a consent pending event\n *\n * @param consent - The consent information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackConsentPending(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackConsentAction(__assign(__assign({}, consent), { eventType: 'pending' }), trackers);\n}\n/**\n * Track an implicit consent event\n *\n * @param consent - The consent information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackConsentImplicit(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackConsentAction(__assign(__assign({}, consent), { eventType: 'implicit_consent' }), trackers);\n}\n/**\n * Track a deny consent event\n *\n * @param consent - The consent information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackConsentDeny(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackConsentAction(__assign(__assign({}, consent), { eventType: 'deny_all' }), trackers);\n}\n/**\n * Track a consent expired event\n *\n * @param consent - The consent information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackConsentExpired(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackConsentAction(__assign(__assign({}, consent), { eventType: 'expired' }), trackers);\n}\n/**\n * Track a consent withdrawn event\n *\n * @param consent - The consent information\n * @param trackers - The tracker identifiers which the event will be sent to\n */\nfunction trackConsentWithdrawn(consent, trackers) {\n if (trackers === void 0) { trackers = Object.keys(_trackers); }\n trackConsentAction(__assign(__assign({}, consent), { eventType: 'withdrawn' }), trackers);\n}\n\nexport { EnhancedConsentPlugin, trackCmpVisible, trackConsentAllow, trackConsentDeny, trackConsentExpired, trackConsentImplicit, trackConsentPending, trackConsentSelected, trackConsentWithdrawn };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.module.js.map\n","/*!\n * Button Click tracking for Snowplow v4.3.1 (https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow-javascript-tracker)\n * Copyright 2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang\n * Licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport { dispatchToTrackersInCollection } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker-core';\nimport { buildSelfDescribingEvent, removeEmptyProperties, resolveDynamicContext } from '@snowplow/tracker-core';\n\n/**\n * Convert any {@link Filter} or undefined into a {@link FilterFunction}\n *\n * @param filter - The filter to convert\n * @returns The filter function\n */\nfunction filterFunctionFromFilter(filter) {\n // If a function is provided, return it as-is\n if (typeof filter === 'function') {\n return filter;\n }\n if (typeof filter === 'object') {\n // If an allowlist is provided, return a function which matches the allowlist\n if ('allowlist' in filter) {\n return function (element) {\n var classes = Array.from((element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : element.classList) || []);\n return classes.some(function (className) { return filter.allowlist.includes(className); });\n };\n }\n // If a denylist is provided, return a function which matches the denylist\n if ('denylist' in filter) {\n return function (element) {\n var classes = Array.from((element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : element.classList) || []);\n return !classes.some(function (className) { return filter.denylist.includes(className); });\n };\n }\n }\n // Return a function that will match all buttons if no filter is provided\n return function () { return true; };\n}\n/**\n * Creates a {@link ButtonClickEvent} from a button element\n *\n * @param button - The button element to create the event from\n * @returns The button click event\n */\nfunction createEventFromButton(button) {\n var ret = {};\n if (button.tagName === 'INPUT') {\n ret.label = button.dataset.spButtonLabel || button.value;\n }\n else {\n ret.label = button.dataset.spButtonLabel || button.innerText;\n }\n button.id && (ret.id = button.id);\n button.name && (ret.name = button.name);\n button.classList.length && (ret.classes = Array.from(button.classList));\n return ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a Button Click Event\n * Used when a user clicks on a